Last  on October 18, 1998 {9:58 PM}


   Although the Chinese Cultural Revolution ended many years ago, its impacts still affected on China today. It has been 49 years the Chinese Communist Party took power under the leadership of Mao Zedung. During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, a series of political programs began. The most popular and effective one was the "Red Guard". The Red Guard, Mao's main instrument in launching the Chinese Cultural Revolution was influenced by peer pressure and led to negative impacts on the school, family, and society. Numerous students joined the Red Guard during this period. They were very proud of being a Red Guard for two reasons: First, students felt there was an obligation to help out the country which was led by Mao Zedung which was considered as a "God". Second, the strong sense of peer preesure made people who were not joining Red Guard suspicious. Landlords, rich peasants, counterrevoluntionaries, evildoers, capitalists were often their main targets. It was really easy for students to believe Chairman Mao's beliefs becasue information was so tightly controlled and there were no other sources of information to look under. All they had was Mao's beliefs, and only Mao's could exist. As a result, family ties were incomparable to the relationship to the individual of Mao. The terror of the Chinese Cultural Revolution was mainly caused becasue of peer pressure, the peer pressure that one passed on another caused devastating problems in the society.


Visit Red Guards and People's communes -The true story of Maoist Revolution
in Tibet

Visit The Great Proletarian Culture Revolution A brief summary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

Visit The Flashback of the Cultural Revolution by Luo Ning who accounted the
     peer pressure of being a red guard himself during the Chinese Cultural

Visit the "Little Red Book"--a collection of Mao's quotation which every red guard carry with them. In addition there would be some pictures of Mao Zedong, Mao buttons, and Mao's cultural warriors etc...



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