I study the courts, armies and uniforms of the New World monarchies and have written an article on the army in Mexico during the period of Iturbide for El Dorado, the journal of the South and Central American Military Historians Society.

I am looking for any information related to this topic. Some things in particular that I am looking for are:

Pictures that give a contemporary view of the Mexican army in the time of Iturbide.

Copies of the Gazeta Imperial de Mexico.

Reproductions of "El Proclamado Yturbide primer emperador de Mexico la manana del 19 de Mayo 1822" and "Solemne e pacifica entrada del ejercito de las tres garantias en la capital de Mexico el dia 27de Setiembre del memorable ano de 1821" -- two paintings now in Mexico City.

Any suggestions or information will be very welcome. Nick Dore nix@ndore.freeserve.co.uk

The Iturbide Circle