Ephessians 6:18

Colossians 4:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:17

> How often are we to pray?

> Prayer is mentioned 175 times in the New Testament.

Luke 18:1

> Even Jesus commanded us to pray always.

> Jesus never taught the disciples to Preach, but to Pray.

Matthew 6:1-8

> Proper attitude and manners. List Priorities,

vs. 9 - Glory to God - Praise - Adoration.

10- His will not ours - in every thing.

11- Needs - not wants

12- Forgiveness, must forgive to be forgiven.

13- Deliverance from evil - being captive to it.

14-15 - Again stresses forgiveness - toward each other - self - "hand to

the plow", if you don't forgive yourself, you will not be effective.

> Posture not always important

> In John 17:1 Jesus was standing - and did many times..

Psalms 5:1-3

Luke 18:2-5

> Perseverance - How much do we? Lost loved ones?


> No pious attitudes - must be humble - realize who we are - whom it is that we are praying to.

2 Chronicles 6: 12-13

down in front of anyone. Kneeling is a sign of humility - servant hood

> Raised hands - shouldn't worry about what others will think.

> Have you spent enough time with God? Make a commitment to!

Bible Studies