The Bridgeless Gulf

Luke 16: 19-31

> God sent His servants to thunder messages of warning against His people to warn them of Sloth and Pride. Sometimes it is needful to remind even God's own people of the rewards of sin.

> Jesus illustrates the reality of a place of torment - it's finality - and the separation once there.

> You have family and friends that you can reach better than me - in your circle of life. God gives us all unique opportunities to people.

Hebrews 9:27

> The example Jesus gave in the story (not parable) was to witness now to people, plead for their souls now - after death , there is no hope.

> The great gulf shows that there is no way to pass from one place to the other - could Jesus have foreseen the doctrine of Purgatory?

John 9: 4-5

> None of us do half enough - If God makes us lights in this world, then we should spend ourselves as a candle - consume itself by shining.

James 4: 14

> If we could only see the shortness of time and realize the fate of the lost - No purgatory - No second chance - No passing over the gulf.

Colossians 1: 20-23

> Jesus is the only bridge over the gulf between us and God - We were all on the side of sin - Only by accepting Christ can we pass over the gulf.

John 3:3

> Being Born again is that bridge - Acts 4:12 - there is no other way.

> One way to distinguish in today's society who truly belongs to God, is to see who has complete belief and acceptance of the Word.

John 5: 39-47

> Men and women sell their souls to deception and believe lies, because of their lack of love for the word - 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

Luke 12: 15-21

> Are we covetous toward God? Are we rich toward God?

Bible Studies