What does God Say About Abortion?

How does God refer to the Unborn?

Matthew 1:18

"…she was found with CHILD

(not fetus) of the Holy Ghost."

Luke 1: 41

"…the BABE (not a CHOICE) leaped in her womb."

Jeremiah 1: 5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before your were born I set you apart as a prophet to the nations."

Exodus 20: 13

"Thou shalt not MURDER."

God does care about every unborn child and as the verse in Jeremiah indicates God also knows every child before it is born. Regardless of the circumstances of the pregnancy, God does know each one. God also has a plan for each of those babies. Unfortunately over 1 million of them a day will never get to fulfill God's plan for their life, because they will be MURDERED.

God loves each of these mothers just the same and wants them to be restored also. God will never condone murder though and that sin will have to be repented of. There is a Spiritual Birth that has to take place before anyone on this earth can see God.

John 3: 3&5

"…No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again. …No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit."

Just as we are born in the Physical (water), we also must be born in the Spiritual.

Ask Jesus to come into your heart today and give Him complete control.

Having an abortion will not keep you out of heaven, but refusing to repent of it and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior will.


Please contact me if I can help you with this decision
