Saturday, January 24,1998 Installation & Potentate's Official Visitation, a resounding Success. Tickets were sold out, the place was packed with people, the food was lavish and excellent. Although we ran out of food, able to manage to make some quick on the spot replenishment.

Illustrious Ned Driggers, Potentate commended the Rizal Shrine Club for the best Invocation he ever witnessed, that included the Shriners Creed which most Shriners are not familiar with. The Chaplain of the night was Noble Ernie C. Balba, Jr. who delivered the invocation, was highly elated.

Members of the Divan, the Patrols, Potentate & their ladies repeatedly congratulated our President Ben Fernando for such a successful & enjoyable evening. They really appreciated such a warm comradeship that everyone displayed.

Over two hundred people savored the excellent varieties of food just to mention a few: Tri-tip Roast, Mashed potato & gravy, succulent Roasted Pig "Lechon", Roasted BBQ whole Veal, Meat Balls w/sweet & sour sauce, hot & spicy buffallo chicken wings, empanada, Pancit, Puto, Kutchinta, Calamay, Sapin-Sapin, ukoy, and lots more.

"The Howlers"(Band) did an excellent job with their performance that filled the dance floor throughout the evening. Expert dancers or fans of the Howlers came to enjoy dancing at the Rizal Shrine Club event. Magnificently, a successful evening of enjoyment with camaraderie and fun.

The President, Ben Fernando was holding on to himself not to take part with the Camel's Milk and promised to himself not to till he gets home but when he was made aware that he can partake and start enjoying for it was really his evening to especially enjoy. Then he participated and had an all out fun.

The morning after, our President, Noble Ben started calling his officers and friends to thank them all but he was surprised also when he got phone calls from all directions congratulating him for the success of his event. "A Job Well Done Noble President"

We're looking forward for equal or better events to come under Noble Ben's administration. CONGRATULATIONS,  MABUHAY!