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Bide ye wiccan laws you must,
in perfect love and perfect trust

Live ye must and let to live,
fairly take and fairly give

For the circle thrice about
to keep unwelcome spirits out

To bind ye spell well every time,
let the spell be spake in rhyme

Soft of eye and light of touch,
speak ye little, listen much

Deosil go by the waxing moon,
Chanting out ye baleful tune

When ye Lady's moon is new,
kiss ye hand to her times two

When ye moon rides at her peak,
Then ye heart's desire seek

Heed the north winds mighty gale,
lock the door and trim the sail

When the wind comes from the south,
love will kiss thee on the mouth

When the wind blows from the east,
expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go,
burn them fast and burn them slow

Elder be ye Lady's tree,
burn it not or cursed ye'll be

When the wheel begins to turn,
soon ye beltane fires will burn

When the wheel hath turned a Yule
light the log, the Horned One rules

Heed ye flower, bush and tree,
by the Lady blessed be

Where the rippling waters go,
cast a stone, the thruth ye'll know

When ye have and hold a need,
harken not to others greed

With a fool no reason spend,
or be counted as his friend

Merry meet and merry part,
bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind ye threefold law ye should,
three times bad and three times good

When misfortune is enow,
wear the star upon thy brow

True in love must ye ever be,
lest thy love be false to thee

These eight words the wiccan rede fulfill;
An harm ye none, do what ye will.

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Links with red backgrounds, are links that lead to nowhere
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Other PathsAwards this site has won
The Moon Glade, and me, Avidly support, Blessed Be and Meet me In DC!!!
Please, if you follow no other link you find here, follow this one...
We need to have as many Pagans/Wiccans in attendance as is possible!!!
((If you wish to use this image, feel free. So long as my copyright remains intact))
The Moon Glade supports the following organizations and causes.
The Grey Ribbon is for Youth Pagan Awareness
The Green Ribbon is for Pagan Awareness in general
This is in memory of the 1000's of Wiccans, and other Pagans,
who lost their lives, because of oppresion from other religions.
(I'm being nice by phrasing it this way...)
The World Pagan Alliance

I am a member of the
The Pagan Webcrafters Association

I am a member of the
The HTML Writers Guild

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