Fellowship Activities at Bethania 

Senior Friends:  At Bethania we have a very active group of Senior Friends who enjoy regular meetings for a potluck lunch every second Tuesday at Noon.  The senior friends also enjoy activities together such as Candlemaking and trimming, Bus tours, volunteer work and general fellowship.

Women's Fellowship:  The women's fellowship consists of several circles who meet at the homes of its members.  The women participate in activities with their individual circles and with the total group.  The women spend several Saturdays making Chicken Pies for their annual Chicken Pie Supper and sale.

Several of our Senior Friends enjoy a chance to relax.

Men's Fellowship:  The Men's fellowship meets for Breakfast once a month before church.  They also meet at various times to participate in their Valet Parking.  The men participate in various other activities and have a Beef/Pork Bar-B-Que dinner biennially for the community as a fundraiser.

Youth Felowship:  The Youth fellowship meets every Sunday night at 5:30 for a snack supper and meeting.  The youth participate in mission trips, service projects, youth Sundays, the Children's Home Lovefeast, church meals, fundraisers and fun activities such as our annual retreat, Beach Trip and Skiing trip.  Other activities are available for individual Moravian youth such as camp, Youth Convocations, Reigonal Youth Council and many others.

Sunday Night Fellowship:  Sunday Night fellowship is an opportunity for the entire church community to meet and participate in age specific activities after a potluck supper.  Theese evenings occur abnout once a month and usually feature a guest speaker.
                                                                                                                                               Six youth and one leader prepare to leave for our mission trip in St. Crox, U.S.V.I.

At Bethania we also have an Adult Choir which meets at 7:30 on Wednesday evenings, a Youth Choir(1-5 grades) which meets at 6:30 on Wednesdays, and an Adult Handbell Choir which meets at 6:45 on Monday evenings.  We also have a Band of wind instruments who play for one half hour before Communion and Lovefeasts and who play for the Easter Sunrise service. 

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