Merry Meet and Blessed Be

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This page is a reflection of the beliefs that I hold dear to me. My faith has stayed constant throughout my life and has managed to get me through some tough situations, in quite good shape. I am an Eclectic Solitary Wiccan , following the Greek Pantheon. The path I have chosen, or better yet, the path chosen for me, is not right for everyone, but it is right for me. There are times when I feel a need to call upon the Gods as they are named in other pantheons, and do not feel that I am resented for that. I tend to stick to four pantheons (Greek, Celtic, Norse and Welsh) and the Native America traditions. Those five make for an interesting path, to say the least.

The Greek path is not as common as the Celtic or many others, but I seemed to have stumbled acrossed it as a small child. I viewed it with a childs' open mind and imagination, and I still retain that same mind state and imagination in alot that I do to this very day. At the age of four, without any exposure the mythology, I could recite the 12 Olympians, much to my parents amazement. They actually didn't know who I was talking about, and they had to do a little research to figure out what in the world their little girl was speaking of. They of course, knew the names Apollo, Athena and Zeus, but the other nine were quite foreign to them.

I started talking to Artemis as early as I can recall my having the ability to formulate words. I spoke to Her when I was happy, sad, lonely or afraid, and curious, but most of all I spoke to Her with unconditional love. Even as a child, She represented to me, all that ever was and all that ever will be. She is the beginning and the end, from which I came and to which I will return.

As you wander through these pages, please feel free to e-mail me. I would like for you to share your thoughts and comments with me, any changes you think would be good are also welcome. There will be many things added in the future, so please drop back in from time to time.

May Her light always shine upon your path

My page is under heavy construction. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

This page is dedicated to the Goddess and God in all of Their forms.

Please e-mail me, Rowan, with any suggestions or comments.
They will always be welcomed and appreciated.

You are Visitor Number

to the Den of Rowan SilverWolf
since 22 October 1997

Please take a moment to sign my guestbook so that I may thank you for stopping by the Den. Walk in Peace.

Guestbook by GuestWorld


Previously, there was a banner in this exact place about a little boy named Adam, who had been abducted by his non-custodial father. I am very happy to have removed it. Adam was found in Texas, partially due to the huge internet support that his family had. He is now back home in New Jersey with his mother and brother.



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