Up Island

Molly Redwine's family in Atlanta has rapidly crumbled around her. Her husband of more than twenty years leaves her for a younger woman, her domineering mother dies unexpectedly-soon after an argument with Molly. Her children have left the city and are not there to comfort her. Her father is surrounded by his own grief. So Molly leaves Atlanta for Martha's Vineyard. She stays past the summer season, not having any family in Atlanta to return home to. She ends up as the caretaker to her bitter aging landlady and friend, a pair of swans that refuse to go south for the winter, and the landlady's estranged son, who is dying of cancer. Finding out that her father is not doing well in Atlanta with his grief, she invites him to join her on the Island at her cottage. Molly must finally give up her old views of what consists of a family unit, as she finds herself amidst a different kind of family.

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