Let us call forth the winds that I like the air may touch you, enveloping, embracing, holding all that is you knowing all that is you.

 Let us call forth the fires that we may warm one another, and coming together shall we then burn, with and for one another, the winds touch bringing forth a conflagration, consuming the you and I, burning with the clear intensity of we.

 So that we shall not die let us call forth the waters, and my waters shall mix with yours, and that which survives the fires and the winds shall be as hot steel thrust into the quenching fluid, keen, strong, alive with a new life.

 Then for a time let us call forth the Earth and bury the we in the embrace of its healing loam, there to rest, to grow, that the waters may recede, the fires might cool, and the wind to lie still. And when she is done with us the Earth shall cleave. And the winds shall touch us like hands.

On this twenty-seventh day of March 1991.

Colleen's Song,

 I fell into your soft Gray Eyes
Landed gently on the other side
 I put my hand upon your face
And merged your flesh with mine
 Entwining in the tight embrace
Of body, soul, and mind.

Jasmine, lavender, rose and thyme,
With mortar and pedestal together I grind.
 A lock of your hair, a lock of mine,
A soft red cloth, wrap of love
 Bound with rhyme, bound with blue twine
Bound with a spell that softly binds.

 You shall fall into my questing eyes,
Land gently on the other side,
 Put your hand upon my face,
merge your flesh with mine,
 Entwine into a tight embrace,
Of body, soul and mind.


written sometime in the Spring of 1991

Low wall of dark gray rock
Do you serve to keep the stones within
Old magnolia, why do your roots,
Do what God has yet to do?
White dogwood wind bears your lust,
Each blossom caring only for the breeze.
The weathered and broken stones,
Speak not at all The new and smooth say little

But the dogwood, the magnolia and I
Cry the question.
Did you live? did you love?
Did you cry? Did you hate?
Did you touch? Did you embrace?
I hope you did. I hope you did.
Stones answered with the roar of silence.

She found me on the other side.
I had left the stones within
Retained inside the low gray wall
That keeps the dead inside
Her lips met mine with silent cry,
We live.


two poems interwoven

 A wave must strike the rocky shore
So must I come to you
 To burst in spray and seem no more
Though I become a mist
 Leaving naught but the moments rainbow
From nothing shall I gather
 The water rises, it forms again
To crash once more
 Pounding rock, to gentle sand.

Sun and Moon shape this space.
So it is with you and I,
Gather water for its mad race
The will to live makes us so
Force the stone to hold in place.
We will make each others form
Time wields water like a mace.
Gentle swell, gentle beach
Wave falls now on yielding sand.


I shall die
Within her arms

I shall rise
Within her arms

Wheel in time
Within her arms

Cuts a spiral
Within her arms

Brings me back
Within her arms

I am the penetrator
Within her arms

I am the enveloped
Within her arms

I live and die
Within her


   October 15, 1991

I'll be happy
 damn you
Lay in your filth
  damn you
Salt your wounds
  damn you
Summon daemons past
  damn you
Let your womb dry and wither
I'll be happy
  damn you

I'll rise from my filth
Wash it to the Sea
Tend my wounds till healed
Scares do not hurt
  damn you

I'll bury my daemons
Neath a great stone
  damn you
Share my bed  plow a womb
I'll be happy
  damn you


by John . Sebastian

A single bud

Followed by cascades

Over which she beamed

Fused, watered, tended

I would hear each detail

buds expanded

colors faded

petals fell

She loved them so

Maybe it was colors

Ones I could not see

Perhaps a fragrance

I'm to coarse to smell

Maybe it showed, how much

I thought of her

Just flowers I brought,

Them for her smile

Time came when my roses

Were no longer welcome

Now I need to give roses

Who will take my roses?

Who will take the single rose?



I cut the blue string

Unbound and spread

the red wrap of love

took her hair and mine

rosemary lavender an thyme

dropped them in a stream

which carried them away


Ten swords lay upon the Fool
Rusted with Percival's cold blood
Crossed with the bright blade
Which calls the Percival from slumber
Grasping the gilded hilt
Forgetting the three sorrows
Points lodged still in your heart
For surely that was another fool

She naked holds the reins
Rides the beast of lust
One hand offers the sky
A holy yet barren Grail
Calls for Excaliburs thrust

King of stones stands mute
Beneath the hermit's lamp
She brings a blinding light
He rest his sword upon the ground

Seek then the two full cups
That lie beyond the Prince of Water
Cleave the Holy Grail
Split her precious vessel
With Excalibur's point
Wound that bleeds new life

So let the Fool drink deep
For only he may find the cup
Let the Stone King strike
For he holds the sword.

To Make A Grail Holy

It is the Quest that makes the Grail

Majic is in the wanting

Majic is in the loosing

Majic is in the hiding

Majic is in the finding

Majic is in the having

Majic is in the holding

Majic is in the cleaving

Majic is in the flowing wound

Majic is the cups child


November 1991

Grabbed deep within

To see her, to come close

Someone something grabs

Reaches through the hole

None too gently, shakes my soul

Tasting bile, I smile

Shaking with want, only within.

Schwarzchild Radius








Flash                                   Space

Colloidal                               Time

Aura                                    Simple

Us                                      Flower

Her                                     Petals

Countenance                             About

Throat                                  a

Woven                                   Universe

Cerenkov                              Soft

Blue                                    Bright

Green                                   swirls

Acid                                    Points

Crimson                                 Black

Fibers                                  Gasping




by Pan

invoked by John E. Sebastian

Pan Pan? I sit here with my three horns and you ask of Pan?

I can butt with my head, or kick with my cloven hooves.

But 'tis that third horn the head an hooves truly serve.

Once I held it in my hand, I held the first tool.

With the tool, I mastered the wood, the hunt.

My hand is not complete less it holds a tool

I am an Animal and I am a God

I am the lust of man

I hunt an there is meat

I catch a nymph cities are born

I am tool user

I am Pan, Hern to some, Satan to the haters of life.

From my lust, with my horns man was made and is,

I am all things to all people.



Spherical progression
With a pension
For surface tension
Pi's* aggression
Atmosphere suspension
Adult derision
Childhood regression
Soapy waters passion
written by John Sebastian

*3.14 ect you know

Permission to copy for noncommercial use granted so long as each poem is copied complete and appropriate credit is given..