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What Is the Qumran-West Community?

Why is is SIGNIFICANT for Me?

The Qumran - West Community is a modern "spiritual" extension of the ancient community of the Essenes, called "Qumran."

The Qumran Community consisted of a group of devout, and serious-minded Jews who had secluded themselves around the Dead Sea, far away from the corruption of Jerusalem. These dedicated "monks" who lived in the monastery were celebate and were strict in their observances. Yet, beyond the walls of the monastery were some 10,000 white pup-tents housed by folks like you and I who were interested in what the monks were all about, but were not wanting to join in with them. These "members" at large of the qumran-community made up the group of followers that the Essenes were able to influence.

The Essenes were Separatists. Their devotion was to the strict observances of the holy scriptures. They practiced ritual bathing, they prayed several times during the day. They were gnostic in most of their theology. Their community grew from selecting and purchasing young boys who would be trained as priests. They wrote [copied] the Dead Sea Scrolls and their famed leader, "The Teacher of Righteousness" had died in a bloody battle a century or so ago. Their similarities to both John the Baptizer's and even to Jesus' teachings are noticeable. They were the truly spiritual denomination of 1st century Judaism.

The modern members of the Community are kindred spirits who are on a serious journey to develop their own "INNER CATHEDRAL." It is here that most similarities end. This community is totally spiritual and is made up only of serious minded folk who desire a better world through their own personal spiritual development.

The Inner Cathedral is that chamber in the Right-Brain that responds to spiritual concepts. It dwells within the Spirit of humans. That spirit consists of the indominable will, and the spiritual residence called the Soul. This soul is the true cathedral of the living God. It can be built by persons within the walls of an outer catherdral, but the outer cathedral alone cannot gurantee those persons the development of their inner cathedral. A wise old preacher once said, "goin' to church don't make a man a Christian anymore than goin' to a McDonald's makes a man a hamburger."

The Interior Cathedral, therefore, is your own personal quest to become all that you were created to be. It is the building, and not necessarily the completion, of this cathedral that brings peace to the heart and soul of humanity.


from the "Community"

* those of us who appreciate what the Qumran West Community is all about would appreciate hearing from you. Please share with us your views at the e-mail address below.

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