Miracles and the Bible



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Here are some of the questions about miracles that are addressed and answered in this book. What is a miracle? Is it reasonable to believe that true miracles have occurred? Can the miracles of the Bible be explained naturally? Is the miraculous work of God the same as the providential work of God? Are miraculous events the same as supernatural events? Can Satan work miracles? What's the best way to prove the genuineness of biblical miracles: by referring to biblical history or modern demonstration? Did Moses really divide the Red Sea (or Sea of Reeds)? Did Jesus really walk on water? How many people actually saw the miracles recorded in the Bible? Is their testimony trustworthy? Were miracles worked constantly during the 1500-1600 years the Bible was written? Why were miracles worked? Are so-called modern "miracles" really miracles? Is there any real harm believing in them if they are not? And many more.

This book on Miracles is clearly outlined for you in five distinct sections. Section One deals with "The Power behind Miracles." Section Two deals with "The Proof of Miracles." Section Three deals with "The Purposes of Miracles." Section Four deals with "The Periods of Miracles." Section Five deals with "The Problems of Modern Miracles." An appendix containing a list of all the miracles and curses occurring in the Bible is included at the end of the book.

For a free catalogue containing information about this book, as well as Gerald Wright's other books, call toll free: 1-800-433-7507



EMAIL: gnwright@hiinfo.net