The JW Bible


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"THE JW BIBLE" is a book that compares key Jehovah's Witness doctrinal texts as translated by the Watchtower Society in their New World Translation (NWT) with the texts in Standard Bible Translations (like the American Standard Version) and the Greek Text. Thus the reader of this book can easily see how the Watchtower Society's "translators" engaged in a pattern of mistranslation in order to manufacture a "Bible" that supports their peculiar cultic doctrines. Such is why the full title of this book is "The JW Bible: Perversions and Prejudices of the New World Translation."

Some of the questions pertaining to their doctrinal/textural mistranslations answered in this book are: Is Jesus God or "a god" as per the NWT? Is Jesus equal in person to the Father or a lesser being as per the NWT? Does the name "Jehovah" apply to Christ in the Bible or only to the Father as per the NWT? (The book includes an excellent supplement at the end, entitled "Jesus is Jehovah.") Was Jesus the Creator of all things or created himself as per the NWT? Does Jesus' being called the "firstborn" mean he was the preeminent one in creation (being the Creator) or the first one created as per the NWT? Is the Holy Spirit a person in the Godhead or just an active force as per the NWT? Is the biblical Godhead ("Trinity") a pagan idea as per the NWT? Does man have a soul or just a life force as per the NWT?

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