Vital Stats, etc...

Name: Heather L. Smith
DOB: July 14
Current Residence: Northern British Columbia
Astrological sign: Cancer

Well, I suppose I should probably include a little more about myself than is included in the bare bones of vital stats, eh? I suppose I'll start off with some personal intrests, vices, etc and see where the page evolves from there..


I love to read. This is probably understating the point, but I don't think I can express it more strongly without sounding fanciful. While I have rather ecclectic tastes in book, my reading habits do tend to fall into certain categories... My book collection is fairly large as I don't like to give them away after I've read them and I've amassed a fair collection by visiting Value Village, garage sales, etc. I finally had to put an extra set of shelves up around the top of my room and am contemplating the addition of more.


I love school. If I could afford to, I'd be a permenant student, but alas, this is not the case. Instead I've contented myself with diversifying my knowledge base as much as possible. In addition to getting a BA in Anthropology and a minor in biochem, I have also done a fair number of poli sci courses and English courses. I teach first aid as well as holding a ticket to do first aid. I also love languages. My English is fluent, my French is conversational (or better if I'm forced to use it), the same with my Spanish. I can get by in sign language if the people I'm talking to have the patience of saints and I'm currently learning Russian (a whole new alphabet, Ah!). Any suggestions of new languages to learn are welcome. I'm considering Italian, but it won't be that much of a challenge, being one of the romance languages (of which I already know two). I'd consider learning Latin if I felt it had any practical usage beyond making me seem pretentious at cocktail parties..


Music is definitely my biggest vice, after books. In fact, it may just be on par with books. Once again, my taste in music varies. My music collection starts with AC/DC and ends with Vivaldi. About the only things my collection doesn't contain are: rap, dance/techno, and R&B. Beyond that, I have seem to have something from most of the genres of music. It would take me forever to list everything I have in my collection (although at some point, when I update my catalogue, I may post it) so I'll just list the current favourites in my collection.


An evil vice that is slowly sucking my money out of the bank and causing me to spend long hours with a paint brush in hand is "paint-your-own" pottery. Basically the pieces are already made. You choose a bisque piece and paint it anyway you like. I shudder to think at the amount of money I've spent at Jody's store, but it is a very relaxing passtime and I've made a lot of cool gifts and pieces for myself.


This next section will hopefully offer some insight into the person that I am. I don't claim to always be logical. All viewpoints offered here are mine and mine alone. If you don't agree with them, I'm not going to be particularly distraught. If you wish to discuss my points of view, feel free to email me. I love to debate and am quite happy to verbally support anything I've textually stated an opinion on. I'll hit the "big ones" first and then work my way down :)

Alright, I think that about covers the big issues :) On a less militant note, here are some of the things that make me who I am.

Things that make me twitch!!!

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