Henry IV Part 2

[You] blunt monster with uncounted heads!!
----Henry IV, Part 2, 1. 0. 18

You are as a candle, the better part burnt out.
----Henry IV Part 2, 1. 2. 155-156

A pox of this gout! or a gout of this pox!
----Henry IV, Part 2, 1. 2. 244-45

I have borne, and borne, and borne, and have been fubbed off, and fubbed off, and fubbed off, from this day to that day, that is a shame to be thought on.
----Henry IV Part 2, 2. 1. 32-35

Hang yourself, you muddy conger [eel], hang yourself!
----Henry IV Part 2, 2. 4. 53

Fear not if it's not enough, there is always more to come!

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