Much of the confusion of our scientists comes from the five- sensory reluction to see beyond a three dimensional point of view. Recently i read a book entitled DesCartes Error by Antoio Damasio.This book is probably considered 'liberal' by much of the scientific community, but it still is missing a vital view of wholeness; therefore even its limeted assertions for a 'humanistic' view become difficult to comprehend.

Because this is a book about neuroscience, i will begin by attempting to explain this vital view from its vatage: the question of mind vs. synaspses. In other words, which came first, the emotion or the chemical? Although at times DeMasio seems to come close to it, the book never truly grasps the one major leap out of five- sensory Cartesiean views...

These two seemingly contradictory viewpoints are merely aspects of a whole which can not be comprehended from a merely five-sensory objectivity. This is easiest, i suppose, to explain from the new physics paradigm. Closely analagous to the mind vs. synaspses conflict is the light waves vs. particles debate that marked the beginning of the shift away from Newton and Descarte. To the confusion of some of the early expirimentors, light showed to be both, depending on what they were looking for...

In bubble chambers accross the globe, findings were being made to challenge our prevailing view of the world.
"In space- time" wrote de Broglie, "everything which for each of us constitutes the past, the present, and the future is given in block ... Each observer, as his time passes, discovers, so to speak, new slices of space- time which appear to him as successive aspects of the material world, though in reality the ensamble of events constituting space- time exist prior to his knowledge of them."
In other words, the five- sensory view sees time as a slot, slowly revealing parts of a painting. Only by expanding to a extra- sensory view, removing the 'slot', can we see the whole picture.
Explained by Gary Zukav, "...there is some speculation, and some evidence, that consciousness, at the most fundamental levels, is a quantum procces...If this is so then it is concievable that by expanding our awareness to include functions which normally lie beyond its parameters (the way Yogas control their body temerature and pulse rate) we can become aware of (experience) these processes themselves... it is also concievable that we can experience timelessness. Such an experience would be hard to describe rationally ("infinity in a grain of salt/and eternity in an hour) but would be very real indeed. For this reason, reports of time distortion from gurus in the east and LSD trippers in the west ought not, prhaps ,to be discarded preemptorily."
From this extra- sensory viewpoint, we can see connections where before only contradictions existed, turn the tables on cause and effect...

I return to the question: which came first the chemical or the emotion? My answer is neither. They are simply aspects of the same whole. Would it actually make sense for me to be happy but have depressed chemicals lounging around my brain? The percieved duality exists many places in science, but always with the same cause. We only look for what came first because our five-sense viewpoint doesn't understand anthing else. I do not say discard the five senses but add the next; expand your consciousness beyond them.

I wrote this in order to explain many of my other writings. In them i preach (is that too harsh?) of the harm caused by fractured forms of government, rule, and monetary control. What must be remembered, however, is that money did not create itself, rule did not advance on us through nature. We created it; through our five- sensory view we only saw a fractured reality, and as we were splintered we became full of fear. These harmful systems were created as such just for the semblance of holding us together. Maybe at one time they were necessary for we were not ready to evolve, but we must now opern are eyes...
Likewise i do not attempt to influence legislation or politics but to help teach people, once each one of us realizes what needs to happen it will already be done.
Starting today, i place my life in the hands of people, and not in the systems of control. I am not being naive; in my life i have been mugged, beaten, harrassed; the ignorance derived from fractured views has imprisoned me in jail and in situations seemingly more helpless; but people can learn, and legislation can not. What has been done well once has been done well forever; We shall overcome.

-d.coate thax 2 eli fr remiding me to articulate
