a(d) : to (movement towards)
abad.o : abbot, abbess (-ul/in)
abandon.ar : to abandon
abas.ar : to lower, debase (morally)
abat.ar : to knock, strike down, fell
abel.o : bee
abism.o : abyss; -ala (fig.) abysmal
abolis.ar : to abolish
abon.ar : to subscribe (to a periodical, etc.)
abord.ar : to land (on a shore etc.), to board (a ship etc.)
abort.ar : to abort
aboy.ar : to bark, bay (of animals)
abrevi.ar : to abbreviate
abrikot.o : apricot
absent.a : absent
absolut.a : absolute
absolv.ar : to absolve
absorb.ar : to absorb
absten.ar : to abstain
abstrakt.a : abstract
absurd.a : absurd
abund.ar : to abound, be abundant, plentiful
aceler.ar : (tr.) to accelerate
acend.ar : (tr.) to light (a lamp), kindle (a fire), turn on (electric light)
acens.ar : to ascend, go up
acent.o : accent: stress of voice
acept.ar : to accept
acerb.a : acerbic, harsh, bitter (also fig.)
aces.ar : to access, have access to
acid.o : acid
acident.ar : to cause an accident; -o accident
acion.o : share (financial)
adapt.ar : (tr.) to adapt, a. su adapt oneself
ad : see a(d)
aden : into
adept.o : adept
adequat.a : adequate
adher.ar : (ad) to adhere (to)
adi.ar : to say goodbye, bid farewell
adicion.ar : to add (arithmetic)
adjac.ar : to be adjacent to
adjektiv.o : adjective
adjudikar : to adjudicate, adjudge
adjunt.ar : to adjoin, add (to)
admaxime : at most
adminime : at least
administr.ar : to administrate
admir.ar : to admire
admis.ar : to admit (someone into a society etc.)
adopt.ar : to adopt
ador.ar : to worship (God etc.), adore, idolize
ad.port.ar : to bring
adres.o : address
adult.a : adult
adverb.o : adverb
advere : indeed, it is true, to be sure
advok.ar : to call (to), hail
advokat.o : advocate, barrister (who pleads in court)
aer.o : air
afabl.a : kind, amiable, affable
afecion.ar : to have affection for, be affectionate
afekt.ar : to affect, move, touch (emotionally)
afektac.ar : to pose, make an artificial show, act in an affected manner
afer.o : affair, business, matter, concern
afgan.o : Afghan
Afganistan : Afghanistan
afin.a : having an affinity (with)
afirm.ar : to affirm
afish.o : poster, bill
afix.o : affix
afrank.ar : to frank, prepay postage on letters etc.
Afrik.a : Africa; -an.a African
afront.ar : to face, affront
ag.ar : to act, do
agend.o : agenda
agit.ar : to agitate, shake
agl.o : eagle
aglutin.ar : (tr.) to stick (as with glue), agglutinate
agnosk.ar : to acknowledge, recognize
agost.o : August
agr.o : field: piece of ground
agraf.o : hook, clasp (for fastening things together)
agreabl.a : pleasant, agreeable
agul.o : needle, point (on a railway line)
ajil.a : agile, nimble
ajorn.ar : to put off, adjourn
ajust.ar : to adjust, regulate, set
akademi.o : academy
aklam.ar : to acclaim
aklimat.ar : (tr.) to acclimatize
akompan.ar : to accompany
akord.ar : to be in tune, in accordance
akr.a : acrid, harsh
akroch.ar : to hang (on a hook etc.)
aktiv.a : active
aktor.o : actor, actress (-ul/in)
aktual.a : of the present time (NB. not "actual")
akumul.ar : to accumulate
akurat.a : punctual (NB. not "accurate")
akut.a : sharp, acute
akuz.ar : to accuse
akuzativ.o : accusative
al : = a(d) la
al.o : wing
alarm.ar : to sound the alarm, give signal of danger
Albani.a : Albania
alberg.o : inn
album.o : album
ale.o : lane, walk, path
aleg.ar : to allege
alej.ar : to relieve, alleviate, lighten
alergi.o : allergy
alert.a : alert
alfabet.o : alfabet
algebr.o : algebra
ali.o : garlic
alias : (adv.) alias
aliment.ar : to supply with necessary provisions
alini.ar : to align
Aljeri.a : Algeria
alkohol.o : alcohol
alonge : along
Alpi : Alps
alt.a : high, tall
alter.ar : to alter, modify (generally for the worse)
altern.ar : (intr.) to alternate
alternativ.o : alternative
altitud.o : altitude: height above sea level
altr.a : other
alumet.o : match (for lighting cigarettes etc.)
alumini.o : aluminium
am.ar : like, love (a person)
amans.ar : to tame, make docile, sociable (animals and persons)
amas.o : heap, pile, mass
amator.o : amateur
amb.a : both
ambasad.o : embassy; -ist.o ambassador
ambici.ar : to be ambitious
ambigu.a : ambiguous
ambulanc.o : ambulance
amend.o : fine, penalty
Amerik.a : America; -an.a American
amfibi.a : amphibious
amik.o : friend
amil.o : starch
amor.ar : to love
ampl.a : ample, full
amuz.ar : to amuse
an : at, on (contiguity)
anad.o : duck
anagram.o : anagram
analiz.ar : to analyze
analog.a : analogous
ananas.o : pineapple
anarki.o : anarchy
anatomi.o : anatomy
ancestr.o : ancestor
ancien.a : ancient, old
angl.a : English, Anglia England
angor.ar : to be in anguish
angul.o : angle, corner
anim.ar : to animate
animal.o : animal
aniversari.o : anniversary
anjel.o : angel
anke : also
ankore : still, yet
anm.o : soul
anonim.a : anonymous
ans.o : handle
antarktik.a : antarctic
ante : before (in time)
antibiotik.o : antibiotic
anticip.ar : to anticipate
antidot.o : antidote
antipati.ar : to have antipathy for
antiqu.a : antique, of a former epoch
antisepsi.ar : to antisepticize; -iv.a antiseptic
antologi.o : anthology
anul.ar : to annul
anunc.ar : to announce
apar.ar : to appear
aparat.o : apparatus, appliance
apart.a : apart, separate, aside, particular
apartament.o : apartment, flat
aparten.ar : to belong to
apendic.o : appendix
apene : hardly, scarcely
apert.ar : (tr.) to open
apetit.ar : to have an appetite (for)
aplast.ar : to crush, squeeze, squash
aplaud.ar : to applaud
aplik.ar : to apply
apog.ar : to prop up, support
apotek.o : chemist's shop, drugstore (U.S.), pharmacy
apreci.ar : to appreciate
aprentis.o : apprentice
april.o : April
aprob.ar : to approve (of)
aproxim.ar : to estimate
apt.a : apt, suitable, fit, appropriate
apud : next to, beside
apunt.ar : to point, take aim at
aqu.o : water
aquir.ar : to acquire
arab.a : Arabian, Arabia Arabia
arach.ar : to pull or drag out, tear out
arane.o : spider
aranj.ar : to arrange
arbitri.o : free will; -al.a arbitrary
arbor.o : tree
arbust.o : bush, shrub
are.o : area: extent of surface
aren.o : arena, ring
arest.ar : to arrest
argument.ar : to argue
aritmetik.o : arithmetic
ariv.ar : to arrive
arjent.a : silver
Arjentini.a : Argentina
ark.o : arch, arc
arkeolog.o : archeologist, arkeologi.o archeology
arkitekt.o : architect
arkitektur.o : architecture
arkiv.o : archive
arktik.a : arctic
arm.o : arm: weapon
arme.o : army
Armeni.a : Armenia
armor.o : cupboard
arog.ar : to arrogate (something to oneself); -ant.a arrogant, overbearing
aroz.ar : to moisten, wet (with any liquid)
art.o : art
artific.o : artifice; -al.a artificial
artikl.o : article
asalt.ar : to assault
asasin.ar : to assassinate
asekur.ar : to insure, underwrite (against loss)
asembl.ar : (tr.) to assemble
asert.ar : to assert
asist.ar : to attend, be present at
askolt.ar : to listen (to)
asn.o : donkey, ass
asoci.ar : (tr.) to associate
aspekt.ar : to appear, look like, seem (to be)
asper.a : rough, uneven
aspir.ar : to inhale, draw in; to aspire
aspirin.o : aspirin
asterisk.o : asterisk
asteroid.o : asteroid
astm.o : asthma
aston.ar : to astonish
astr.o : star: any heavenly body
astrolog.o : astrologer, astrologi.o astrology
astronom.o : astronomer, astronomi.o astronomy
asum.ar : to assume (a task), take upon oneself
atach.ar : to attach
atak.ar : to attack
ateism.o : atheism; -ist.o atheist
atelier.o : workshop, studio
atenc.ar : to pay attention to
atent.ar : to make a criminal attempt
atest.ar : to attest: certify, bear witness to
ating.ar : to attain, reach
atitud.o : attitude
Atlantik.o : Atlantic (ocean)
atlas.o : atlas
atlet.o : athlete
atmosfer.o : atmosphere
atom.o : atom
atrakt.ar : to attract
atrap.ar : to entrap, take in, trick, hoax, dupe
atribu.ar : to assign, give, bestow, allocate
aturd.ar : to stun
aud.ar : to hear
audac.ar : to dare, venture
audienc.o : audience
augment.ar : to augment, increase, enlarge
auster.a : austere
Australi.a : Australia
Austri.a : Austria
autentik.a : authentic, genuine
autobiograf.io : autobiography
autobus.o : bus
automobil.o : car, automobile
autonom.a : autonomous
autor.o : author
autoritat.o : authority
autun.o : Autumn, Fall (US)
auxiliar.a : auxiliary
av.o : grandparent (-ul/in)
avan : in front of
avanc.ar : to advance, go forward
avantaj.o : advantage
avar.a : avaricious, miserly, mean, greedy
avelan.o : hazelnut
aven.o : oats
aventur.ar : to adventure
avenu.o : avenue
avert.ar : to give notice, apprise, caution, warn, advertize
aviac.ar : to aviate
avid.a : avid, greedy, craving, eager
avion.o : aeroplane
aviz.ar : to apprise, advise, give notice of
axiom.o : axiom
azian.a : Asian, Azi.a Asia


bagaj.o : baggage, luggage
bagatel.o : trifle, trash, bagatelle
bak.ar : to bake
bakteri.o : bacterium
balanc.o : scales, balance
balay.ar : to sweep; -il.o broom
balde : soon
balen.o : whale
balet.o : ballet
baln.ar : to bathe
balon.o : any ball or sphere filled with air, balloon
banan.o : banana
band.o : band, group, company, crew
bandaj.o : bandage; (of wheel) tyre
baner.o : banner
bank.o : bank
bar.ar : to bar, block
barb.o : beard
barbar.a : barbarian, barbarous
barel.o : barrel
bas.a : low
baston.o : stick, staff, cane
bat.ar : to beat, strike repeatedly
batali.ar : to battle
batel.o : boat, barge, launch
bateri.o : battery
bay.o : bay
baz.o : base
bed.o : bed (for flowers etc.)
bej.a : beige
bel.a : beautiful; -et.a pretty, fine
belg.a : Belgian, Belgia Belgium
bend.o : band, long narrow piece of cloth, paper, metal etc.
benk.o : bench
ber.o : berry
besti.o : beast
bezon.ar : to need
bibl.o : Bible
bibliografi.o : bibliography
bibliotek.o : library
bicikl.o : bicycle
bidon.o : can (for oil etc.), canteen (military)
bigot.a : bigoted
bilanc.o : balance(-sheet) (financial)
biliet.o : ticket, banko- banknote
bilion.o : billion (NB: a million millions)
bind.ar : to bind
binokl.o : (pair of) binoculars
biografi.o : biography
biologi.o : biology
bir.o : beer
bisquit.o : biscuit, US cookie
bitr.a : bitter
blam.ar : to blame
blank.a : white
blind.a : blind
blok.o : block
blond.a : blond
blu.a : blue
bok.o : mouth
bol.o : bowl
boli.ar : (intr.) to boil
Bolivi.a : Bolivia; -an.a Bolivian
bomb.o : bomb
bon.a : good
bord.o : border, edge, brim
bors.o : bourse, stock exchange
bosk.o : small wood
bot.o : boot
botel.o : bottle
bov.o : cow, bull (-ul/in)
braki.o : arm
bram.ar : to bray, bleat, neigh etc. (of animals)
branch.o : branch
brav.a : brave
Brazili.a : Brazil; -an.a Brazilian
brech.o : breach, gap
brik.o : brick
bril.ar : to shine
Britani.a : Great Britain; -an.a British
briz.o : breeze
brokant.ar : to deal in second-hand goods; -e second-hand
bronz.o : bronze
bros.ar : to brush; -il.o brush
brov.o : brow
bruis.ar : to make a noise
brul.ar : (tr., intr.) to burn
brun.a : brown
budjet.o : budget
bufet.o : buffet
buji.o : candle
bukl.o : buckle
bukmaker.o : bookmaker
bul.o : ball (solid)
buletin.o : bulletin
Bulgari.a : Bulgaria; -an.a Bulgarian
burokrat.o : bureaucrat
burs.o : purse, wallet
butik.o : shop, store, boutique
buton.o : button
butr.o : butter
bux.o : box


ca : this; see ica
ced.ar : to cede, yield
cel.ar : to hide, conceal
celebr.ar : to celebrate
celul.o : cell
cement.o : cement
cen.o : scene
cent.o : one hundred
centigrad.o : centigrade
centimetr.o : centimetre
centr.o : centre
cereal.o : cereal
cerebr.o : brain
ceremoni.o : ceremony
ceriz.o : cherry
cert.a : certain, sure
certen.a : certain (one(s) that we do not care to mention)
certifik.ar : to certify
cerv.o : deer, stag (-ul/in)
ces.ar : to cease
ceter.o : the rest, remaining, e(d) cetere et cetera
chagren.ar : to grieve, have sorrow
chambr.o : room, chamber
champani.o : champagne
champinion.o : mushroom
champion.o : champion
chanc.o : chance
chanj.ar : change
chapel.o : hat
chapitr.o : chapter
chariot.o : goods van, truck
charj.ar : to load, burden
charm.ar : to charm
chas.ar : to chase, hunt
che : at (the house of, etc.)
chef.o : chief
chek.o : cheque
Chek.o : Czech, Cheko-Slovaki.a Czechoslovakia, Cheki.a Czech Republic
cher.a : expensive
cherp.ar : to draw liquids, take, borrow
chifr.ar : to write in secret cipher
chik.a : chic
Chili : Chile, chilian.a Chilian
chimpanze.o : chimpanzee
chinian.a : Chinese, Chini.a China
chip.a : cheap, inexpensive
Chipr.o : Cyprus; -an.a Cypriot
chokolad.o : chocolate
chom.ar : to be out of work
chose.o : roadway, causeway
cidr.o : cider
ciel.o : sky, heaven
cienc.o : science; -ist.o scientist
cifr.o : digit
cigan.o : gipsy
cign.o : swan, -yun.o cygnet
cikl.o : cycle
cilindr.o : cylinder
cindr.o : ashes, cinders
cinem.o : cinema
cinematograf.ar : to show films
cinik.o : cynic
cirkl.o : circle
cirkond.ar : to surround
cirkonflex.a : circumflex
cirkonstanc.o : circumstance
cirkuler.o : circular (letter, notice)
cirkum(e) : around, about
cis : on this side of
cit.ar : to cite, quote
citron.o : lime
civil.a : civil
civiliz.ar : to civilize
ciz.o : (pair of) scissors
co : this (thing)


da : by (agent)
dal : = da la
dam.o : lady, married or widowed woman
damn.ar : to damn
damzel.o : young lady, damsel, unmarried woman, spinster
dan.a : Danish, Dani.a Denmark
danjer.o : danger
dank.ar : to thank
dans.ar : to dance
darf.ar : can, may, to be allowed to, have permission or right to
dat.o : date
dativ.o : dative
de : from, of (partitive)
de.o : god
deb.ar : to owe, be in debt to
debat.ar : to debate
dec.ar : to be decent, correct, proper
decembr.o : December
decens.ar : to descend, go down
decept.ar : to disappoint (NB. not "deceive")
dechifr.ar : to decipher
decid.ar : to decide
decimal.a : decimal
dedukt.ar : to deduce, infer
defekt.o : defect
defens.ar : to defend
defin.ar : to define
definitiv.a : definitive
deform.ar : to deform
degn.ar : to deign, condescend
dejun.ar : to have breakfast
dek : ten
dekad.ar : to decay, be in a state of decline
deklar.ar : to declare
dekor.ar : to decorate
dekret.ar : to decree
del : = de la
deleg.ar : to delegate
delegacion.o : delegation
delekt.ar : (tr.) to delight
delfin.o : dolphin
deliber.ar : deliberate
delici.o : delight; -oz.a delicious, delightful
delikat.a : delicate
delikt.ar : to commit a criminal offence
demand.ar : to ask for (NB. not "demand")
dementi.ar : to give the lie to, to deny flatly
demision.ar : to resign
demokrat.a : democratic
demokrati.o : democracy
demolis.ar : to demolish
demonstr.ar : to demonstrate
dens.a : dense, compact
dent.o : tooth
depart.ar : to depart, leave
depend.ar : (ye) to depend (on)
depoz.ar : to deposit
depres.ar : to depress
deput.ar : to deputize
deriv.ar : to derive
desegn.ar : to draw, design
deskovr.ar : to uncover, discover
deskript.ar : to describe
destin.ar : to destine
destrukt.ar : to destroy
detal.o : detail
detektiv.o : detective
determin.ar : to determine
detriment.ar : to be detrimental to
dev.ar : should, have a duty or obligation to
devanc.ar : to overtake
devast.ar : to devastate
develop.ar : (tr.) to develop
deviz.o : device, emblem
devot.a : devoted
dextr.a : right(-hand)
dezert.a : deserted; -o desert
dezinenc.o : desinence: suffix or word ending
dezir.ar : to desire, want, wish for
di : of
di.o : day
diabl.o : devil
diafan.a : transparent, see-through
diagnoz.ar : to diagnoze
diagonal.a : diagonal
diagram.o : diagram
diakritik.a : diacritic
dialekt.o : dialect
dialog.ar : to have a dialogue, engage in dialogue
diamant.o : diamond
diametr.o : diameter
dic.ar : to say, tell
dicern.ar : to discern, discriminate, tell apart
dicionari.o : dictionary
diciplin.ar : discipline
dicipul.o : disciple
diet.o : diet
difer.ar : to differ
diftong.o : diphthong
difuz.ar : (tr.) to diffuse, spread
digest.ar : to digest
dign.a : worthy, meriting, deserving
digram.o : digraph
dik.a : thick
diktator.o : dictator
dil : = di la
dilem.o : dilemma
dilet.ar : to be an amateur at
diligent.a : diligent
dilut.ar : to dilute
diluvi.o : deluge, flood
dimension.o : dimension
din.a : thin
dinamit.o : dynamite
dinasti.o : dynasty
dind.o : turkey
dine.ar : to dine, have dinner
dinosauri.o : dinosaur
diplomac.o : diplomacy
direcion.o : direction
direkt.ar : to direct
diret.a : direct
disert.ar : to dissertate; -ur.o dissertation
dish.o : dish (of food)
disident.a : dissident
disip.ar : to dissipate
disk.o : disc
diskret.a : discrete
diskurs.ar : to make a speech, deliver a discourse
diskut.ar : to discuss
dispens.ar : to exempt, excuse from, spare (someone a task etc.)
dispers.ar : (tr.) to disperse
dispon.ar : to have at one's disposal
disput.ar : to dispute
dissolv.ar : to dissolve
dist.ar : to be distant from; -o distance
distil.ar : to distill
disting.ar : to distinguish, set apart
distint.a : distinct
distraktar : to distract
distribut.ar : to distribute
distrikt.o : district
ditres.o : distress
diven.ar : to become
diverg.ar : to diverge
divers.a : diverse, various, varied
divid.ar : (tr.) to divide
divin.ar : to guess, divine
divorc.o : divorce
divulg.ar : to divulge
dizastr.o : disaster
do : so, therefore
doc.ar : to teach
dogan.o : customs (at a port etc.)
dogmat.o : dogma
dok.o : dock
doktor.o : doctor
doktrin.o : doctrine
dokument.o : document
dolc.a : sweet, pleasing to the taste
dolor.ar : to feel pain
dom.o : house
domaj.ar : to damage
domen.o : domain, estate
domestik.a : domestic
dominac.ar : to dominate
domt.ar : to tame, subdue, subjugate
don.ar : to give
donac.ar : to donate
dop : behind
dorm.ar : sleep
dorn.o : thorn
dors.o : back
dot.ar : to endow, furnish a dowry
doz.o : dose
drak.o : dragon
dramat.o : drama
drap.o : (woolen) cloth
drastik.a : drastic
dren.ar : to drain
drift.ar : to drift
dril.o : drill handle, holder
drink.ar : to drink
drog.o : drug
drol.a : funny, humorous, droll
dron.ar : (tr.) to drown
du : two
dubit.ar : to doubt
duk.o : duke, duchess (-ul/in)
dukt.ar : to lead
dum : during
dun.o : dune
dung.o : dung
duplikat.o : duplicate
dur.ar : to last, endure, continue
durst.ar : to thirst
dush.ar : to shower


e(d) : and; e(d) ... e(d) both ... and
ebri.a : drunk(en), intoxicated
e. c. : = e(d) cetere et cetera (etc.)
ecel.ar : to excel; -ant.a excellent
ecept.ar : to except
eces.ar : to exceed
ecit.ar : to excite
ed : see e(d)
edific.o : edifice, large building
edit.ar : to publish
edr.o : face, outer surface
eduk.ar : to educate
efac.ar : to delete, erase, efface
efekt.o : effect; -ig.ar to effect, bring about, cause
efervec.ar : to effervesce
eficient.a : efficient
efik.ar : to be effective
egal.a : equal
egar.ar : to mislay, lose (temporarily)
egard.ar : to regard, pay heed to, take into account
Egipti.a : Egypt; -an.a Egyptian
eglefin.o : haddock
egotist.o : egotist
ejekt.ar : to eject
ek : out of
ek.o : echo
eklezi.o : church (organization, not building)
ekmigr.ar : to emigrate
ekologi.o : ecology
ekonomi.o : economy
ekonomik.o : economics
ekpuls.ar : to expel
eksekrec.ar : to excrete
el(u) : she, her
elabor.ar : to elaborate
elastik.a : elastic
elefant.o : elephant
elegant.a : elegant
elekt.ar : to elect
elektr.o : electricity
elektron.o : electron
elektronik.o : electronics
elektroteknik.o : electrical engineering
element.o : element
elev.ar : to elevate, lift
elevator.o : lift, elevator
elimin.ar : to eliminate
elizion.ar : to elide
elud.ar : to elude
em.o : aim, goal, purpose
eman.ar : to emanate
embaras.ar : to embarrass
embarg.ar : to place an embargo on
embark.ar : to embark
embrac.ar : to embrace
emend.ar : to emend, rectify
emerit.a : emeritus; retired
emers.ar : to emerge
emfaz.ar : to emphasize
eminent.a : eminent
emis.ar : to emit
emoc.ar : (intr.) to feel emotion, be moved (emotionally)
empirik.o : empiricism
employ.ar : to employ
emund.ar : to lop, prune, trim
en : in
enciklopedi.o : encyclopedia
enemik.o : enemy
energi.o : energy
enigmat.o : enigma, mystery, puzzle
enir.ar : to enter, go into
enmenaj.ar : to move (into) (a house etc.)
enmigr.ar : to immigrate
enorm.a : enormous
enoy.ar : (intr.) to be bored, weary
ensembl.o : set, ensemble, aggregate
ent.o : being, entity
entam.ar : to cut the first piece of, make the first cut in, (fig.)
begin : upon, start upon
entraprez.ar : to undertake; -o enterprise
entrav.ar : to shackle, fetter, trammel (a horse), (fig.) to impede
entuziasm.ar : to be enthusiastic (for)
enunc.ar : to enunciate
envelop.ar : to envelop, cover up
envidi.ar : to envy, be envious
envolv.ar : to wrap, fold up in
enzim.o : enzyme
eon.o : eon
epidemi.a : epidemic
epik.a : epic
epilepsi.o : epilepsy
episkop.o : bishop (also in chess)
epitet.o : epithet
epizod.o : episode
epok.o : epoch
equacion.o : equation
Equador : Ecuador
equator.o : equator
equilibr.ar : to be in equilibrium, in balance
equip.ar : to equip
equival.ar : to be equivalent (to)
er.o : era
erekt.ar : erect
erik.o : heather; -ey.o heath
erod.ar : to erode
eror.ar : to err, be in error
erotik.a : erotic
erste : not before, not earlier than
erud.ar : to make erudite
erupt.ar : to erupt
es : abbr. of es.as
es.ar : to be
esay.o : essay
esenc.o : essence
esforc.ar : to try, make efforts
eskaler.o : staircase
eskap.ar : to escape
eskart.ar : to put aside, go aside, apart
eskombr.o : rubbish, refuse, trash, garbage
eskort.o : escort
esoter.a : esoteric
espad.o : sword
espel.ar : to spell
esper.ar : to hope
esprit.o : wit, cleverness
espruv.a : proof, e.g. aquespruv.a waterproof
est.o : east
establis.ar : to establish
estim.ar : to esteem, hold in high regard
Estoni.a : Estonia; -an.a Estonian
estuari.o : estuary
esvan.ar : to faint, swoon
etaj.o : floor, storey (of a building)
etat.o : statement (of account etc.)
etern.a : eternal
etik.o : ethics
etiket.o : label
etimologi.o : etymology
Etiopi.a : Ethiopia; -an.a Ethiopian
etuy.o : case, flat box
eufoni.o : euphony
Europ.a : Europe; -an.a European
ev.ar : to be so and so old; -o age
evaku.ar : to evacuate (NB. not a container of gas etc.)
evalu.ar : to evaluate
event.ar : to happen, take place
eventual.a : eventual, dependent upon events, contingent
evident.a : evident
evier.o : sink (in kitchen)
evikt.ar : to evict
evit.ar : to avoid
evolucion.ar : to evolve
exajer.ar : to exaggerate
exakt.a : exact
examen.ar : to examine
exasper.ar : to exasperate
exekut.ar : to execute
exempl.o : example
exempler.o : sample, copy (of book, paper etc.)
exerc.o : exercise
exhaust.ar : to exhaust
exil.ar : to exile
exist.ar : to exist
exkluz.ar : to exclude
exkurs.ar : to make an excursion
exkuz.ar : to excuse, pardon
exotik.a : exotic
expans.ar : (tr., intr.) to expand
expedi.ar : to dispatch, send off
expedicion.o : expedition
expekt.ar : expect
experienc.ar : to experience
experiment.ar : to experiment
expert.a : expert
expir.ar : to expire
explik.ar : to explain
explor.ar : to explore, research
explot.ar : to exploit
exploz.ar : to explode
exportac.ar : to export
expoz.ar : to expose, set in public view
expres.ar : to express
extens.ar : to extend
exter : outside
extermin.ar : to exterminate
exting.ar : to extinguish, put out, quench
extra : (adv.) extra
extrakt.ar : to extract
extraordinar.a : extraordinary
extravag.ar : to be extravagant
extrem.a : extreme


fab.o : bean
fabrik.ar : to manufacture
fac.ar : to do, make
faci.o : front part or view of anything
facil.a : easy
facin.ar : to fascinate
fair.o : fire
fak.o : division, compartment, department
fakt.o : fact
faktur.o : bill, invoice
fakultat.o : faculty, power of doing anything, (in university) faculty
fal.ar : to fall
falch.ar : to mow down, cut down
fald.ar : to fold
falen.o : moth
fali.ar : to fail
falkon.o : falcon
fals.a : false
fam.o : fame
famili.o : family
familiar.a : familiar
famin.o : famine
fanatik.a : fanatic
fanfaron.ar : to boast, bluster
fang.o : mud
fantastik.a : fantastic
fantom.o : phantom, ghost, spectre, apparition
far.o : lighthouse
farb.o : paint
fard.o : face or body paint, make-up
farin.o : flour
farm.ar : to farm (land taken on lease)
fasad.o : facade
fask.o : bundle
fason.ar : to fashion, shape
fat.o : fate
fatig.ar : to tire; -it.a tired
favor.ar : to favour
faz.o : phase
fe.o : fairy
febl.a : feeble, weak
febr.ar : to have a fever
februar.o : February
feder.ar : to federate
fek.o : feces, excrement
fekund.a : prolific
feld.o : field (electric, magnetic, optical, scientific)
felic.a : happy
fen.o : hay
fenc.o : fence
fend.ar : to split, slit, cleave
fenestr.o : window
fenomen.o : phenomenon
fer.o : iron
feri.o : fair (market)
ferm.a : firm
fermentac.ar : to ferment
feroc.a : ferocious, fierce
fertil.a : fertile
fervor.ar : to be fervent (for)
fervoy.o : railway
fest.ar : to observe a holiday
festin.ar : to feast
fianc.ar : to betroth, pledge in marriage
fiask.o : fiasco
fibr.o : fibre
fid.ar : to trust, put one's trust in
fidel.a : faithful, true, trusty
fier.a : proud
figur.o : figure
fiktiv.a : fictional, fictitious
fil.o : thread
filateli.o : philately, stamp collecting
fili.o : son, daughter (-ul/in)
Filipin.i : The Philippines
film.o : film
filolog.o : philologist, filologi.o philology
filozof.o : philosopher, filozofi.ar to philosophize
filtr.ar : to filter
fin.ar : to finish, end
financ.o : finance
fingr.o : finger
finit.a : finite
Finland.o : Finland; -an.a Finnish
firm.o : firm, company
fish.o : fish
fit.ar : to fit, suit
fix.a : fixed
fizik.o : physics
flag.o : flag
flakon.o : flask
flam.o : flame
Flandri.a : Flanders; -an.a Flemish
flank.o : side (of body), flank
flar.ar : to smell
flat.ar : to flatter
flav.a : yellow
flech.o : arrow
fleg.ar : to nurse, care for
flex.ar : to flex, bend
flexion.o : flexion (grammar)
flirt.ar : to flirt
flok.o : flake
flor.o : flower
florkaul.o : cauliflower
flot.o : fleet
flotac.ar : to float
flu.ar : to flow; -ant.a fluent, flowing
flug.ar : to fly
fluid.a : fluid
fluktu.ar : to fluctuate
fluorec.ar : to fluoresce
flur.o : staircase landing
flut.o : flute
fluvi.o : (large) river
flux.o : high tide, flood tide
fok.o : focus
fol.a : mad, foolish
foli.o : leaf, sheet
folklor.o : folklore
fond.ar : to found
fonetik.o : phonetics
fonograf.ar : to record on a phonograph
font.o : source
fonten.o : fountain
for : far from, away from
forc.o : force
forest.o : forest
forjet.ar : to throw away
fork.o : fork; -et.o fork (for eating)
form.o : form
formac.ar : to form
format.o : format
formul.o : formula
formulari.o : form (to fill in)
forn.o : oven
fors.ar : to force
forsan : perhaps, maybe
fort.a : strong
fortun.o : (good) fortune, luck
forum.o : forum
fos.o : hole, pit, cavity
fosil.o : fossil
fost.o : ditch, trench
fotel.o : armchair
fotograf.ar : to photograph
fox.o : fox
foy.o : time, occasion, kelkafoye sometimes
fracion.o : fraction
frag.o : strawberry
fragment.o : fragment
frajil.a : fragile
frakas.ar : to break to pieces, shatter, smash
framb.o : raspberry
franc.a : French, Francia France
frap.ar : to knock, strike, hit
frat.o : brother, sister (-ul/in)
fraud.ar : to defraud, cheat
fraz.o : sentence, phrase
fren.o : brake
frenezi.o : frenzy
frequ.a : frequent
frequent.ar : to frequent
fresh.a : fresh
fricion.ar : to rub, causing friction
fripon.a : roguish, rascally
frit.ar : to fry
frivol.a : frivolous
fromaj.o : cheese
front.o : front, forehead
frontier.o : frontier, border
frost.ar : to freeze
frot.ar : to rub, scrub, shine up
fru.a : early
frukt.o : fruit
frument.o : wheat
frustr.ar : frustrate
fug.ar : to flee, run away
fulmin.ar : to lighten; -o lightning
fum.ar : to smoke
funcion.ar : to function, work
fund.o : bottom, lowest part, base
fundament.o : foundation
funer.o : funeral
funest.a : disastrous, distressing, pernicious
fung.o : fungus
fur.o : fur
furi.ar : to be furious, very angry
furnel.o : stove
furnis.ar : to furnish
furt.ar : to steal
fush.ar : to bungle, botch
fusil.o : gun, rifle
futbal.o : football
futur.a : future
fuz.ar : to fuse


gaj.o : pledge, pawn, deposit
gala : gala
galeri.o : gallery
galop.ar : to gallop
gamb.o : leg
gambit.ar : to trip up
gan.ar : to gain, win, earn
gans.o : goose
gant.o : glove
gap.ar : to gape (with wonder etc.)
garanti.ar : to guarantee
gard.ar : to guard
garden.o : garden
garnis.ar : to garnish
garson.o : waiter
gas.o : gas
gast.o : guest
gay.a : gay, lively, merry, cheerful
gazolin.o : gasoline
gelt.o : commission, percentage on sales, bonus
gem.o : gem
genealogi.o : genealogy
gener.o : genus; -al.a general, generic
generacion.o : generation
general.o : general (military)
geni.o : genius
genit.ar : to breed, generate, procreate
genitiv.a : genitive
genitor.i : parents
genr.o : gender (grammatical)
genu.o : knee
geograf.o : geographer, geografi.o geography
geolog.o : geologer, geologi.o geology
geometri.o : geometry
german.a : German, Germania Germany
gest.ar : to gesticulate, gesture
gib.o : bump, hump, knob
gigant.a : giant, gigantic
gimnastik.ar : to do gymnastics
gimnazi.o : gymnasium: classical preparatory school
gitar.o : guitar
glaci.o : ice
glacier.o : glacier
glas.o : glass (for drinks etc.)
glat.a : smooth
glav.o : sword
glit.ar : to glide, slide
glob.o : globe
glori.o : glory
glosari.o : glossary
glu.o : glue
glut.ar : to swallow, gulp
glutin.ar : to stick, fasten or be fastened by adhesion
golf.o : gulf; golf (game)
goril.o : gorilla
grab.ar : to engrave
graci.o : grace, gracefulness, elegance
grad.o : degree, grade
grafik.a : graphic
gram.o : gram(me)
gramatik.o : grammar
gran.o : grain (of sand etc.)
grand.a : big, large, grand
grandioz.a : grandiose
grant.ar : to grant, allow
grap.o : cluster, bunch, a number of fruits or flowers growing on a
common : stalk
gras.o : fat, grease
grat.ar : to scratch, claw
gratitud.ar : to be grateful
gratuit.a : free, gratis
gratul.ar : to congratulate
grav.a : grave, serious
gravi.o : gravel
gravid.a : pregnant
gravit.ar : to gravitate
grek.a : Greek, Grekia Greece
grel.ar : to hail (rain hailstones)
gremi.o : lap (of a sitting person)
Grenland.o : Greenland
gril.ar : to grill
grimas.ar : to grimace
grinc.ar : to gnash, grind, grate
grind.ar : to grind, rough down
grip.o : grip(pe), influenza
griz.a : grey
grond.ar : to roar, rumble
gros.a : thick and long
grosier.a : coarse, rude, boorish
grotesk.a : grotesque
grup.o : group
Guatemal.a : Guatemala
guid.ar : to guide
gum.o : gum
gurmand.o : gourmand, one fond of good living
gust.ar : to taste
gut.o : drop (of liquid)
gutur.o : throat, gullet
guvern.ar : to govern, guverneri.o government


habil.a : clever, skillful
habit.ar : to live (in), inhabit (permanently)
Haiti : Haiti
hal.o : hall
halt.ar : (intr.) to halt, stop
halucin.ar : to hallucinate
hamstr.o : hamster
han.o : hen, cock (-ul/in)
har.o : a hair (single); -ar.o hair
hard.a : hard
harmoni.ar : to be in harmony
harp.o : harp
hast.ar : to hasten, make haste
haul.ar : to haul, heave
hav.ar : to have
Havayi : Hawaii
hazard.o : hazard, luck, chance; -e by chance
hebre.a : Hebrew
heg.o : hedge(row)
heli.o* : helium
helikopter.o : helicopter
helm.o : helmet
help.ar : to help
hem.o : home
hepat.o : liver
hepatit.o : hepatitis
herb.o : grass, herb, any plant which does not have a woody stem, - ivor.a : herbivorous
herd.o : hearth, fireplace
hered.ar : to inherit
herezi.o : heresy
herison.o : hedgehog
hero.o : hero
heron.o : heron
heterosexual.a : heterosexual
hexagon.o* : hexagon
hezit.ar : hesitate
hibrid.a : hybrid
hidrogen.o : hydrogen
hien.o : hyena
hiere : yesterday
hierarki.o : hierarchy
hieroglif.o : hieroglyph
higien.o : hygiene
hike : here
himn.o : hymn
hindu.o : Hindu
hipnot.ar : hypnotize
hipokrit.a : hypocritical
hipapotam.o : hippopotamous
hipotez.o : hypothesis
his.ar : to hoist, raise, haul up
hispan.a : Spanish, Hispania Spain
histeri.o : hysteria
histori.o : history
hibern.ar : to hibernate
hobi.o : hobby
hodie : today
hok.o : hook
hom.o : human being, person, man or woman
homaj.ar : to pay homage to
homard.o : lobster
homeosexual.a : homosexual
homogen.a : homogeneous
honest.a : honest
honor.o : honour
hor.o : hour
horde.o : barley
horizont.o : horizon
horloj.o : clock
hormon.o : hormone
horor.ar : to have a horror of
horoskop.o : horoscope
hospic.o : hospice
hospital.o : hospital
host.o : host
hotel.o : hotel
hu.o : owl
huf.o : hoof
human.a : humane
humid.a : humid, wet, damp, moist
humil.a : humble
humor.o : mood, temper, disposition
humur.o : humour
hund.o : dog
Hungari.a : Hungary; -an.a Hungarian
hungr.ar : to hunger for, be hungry


ibe : there
ic.a : this
ide.o : idea
ident.a : identical
ideologi.o : ideology
idiom.o : idiom, language of a people etc.
idiot.a : idiotic
idiotism.o : idiom, idiotism
idol.o : idol
ig.ar : make, cause to (be)
ignor.ar : to ignore
ikon.o : icon
il(u) : he
iliterat.a : illiterate
ilumin.ar : to illuminate
ilustr.ar : to illustrate
iluzion.ar : illusion
imagin.ar : to imagine
imaj.o : image
imbecil.a : imbecile, weak-minded
imens.a : immense
imers.ar : to immerse
imit.ar : to imitate
imobl.o : immovables, realty, real estate
imped.ar : to impede
imper.ar : to order, direct, command
imperativ.o : imperative
imperfekt.o : imperfect (grammar)
imperi.o : empire
impertinent.a : impertinent
impetu.o : impetuousness
implicit.a : implicit
implik.ar : to imply
import.ar : to be important, matter; -ant.a important
importac.ar : to import
impost.ar : to tax
impotent.a : impotent
impoz.ar : to impose
impres.ar : to impress
impresion.o : an impressionist work
imprim.ar : to print
improviz.ar : to improvize
impuls.ar : to impel, give impulse to
imput.ar : to impute, ascribe
imun.a : immune
inat.a : innate
inaugur.ar : to inaugurate
incendi.ar : to set fire to, burn down
incid.ar : to impinge upon, fall upon or affect
incident.a : incidental
incit.ar : to incite
inciz.ar : to cut into
indemn.o : indemnity, recompense
index.o : index
Indi.a : India; -an.a Indian
indiferent.a : indifferent
indign.ar : to be indignant
indij.ar : to be in need of
indijen.a : indigenous
indik.ar : to indicate
indikativ.o : indicative (grammar)
indikator.o : indicator, gauge
individu.o : individual
indolent.a : indolent, slothful, lazy
indukt.ar : to induce, to infer by induction
indulg.ar : to be indulgent to, make allowance for
industri.o : industry
indut.ar : to coat, paint
inert.a : inert
infalibl.a : infallible, not liable to fail, deceive or disappoint
infam.a : infamous
infant.o : infant, young child
infekt.ar : to infect
inflex.ar : to inflect
influ.ar : to influence
influenz.o : influenza
inform.ar : to inform
infre : down, below
infuz.ar : to infuse
ingest.ar : to ingest
ingredient.o : ingredient
inhal.ar : to inhale
inher.ar : to be inherent in
inhib.ar : to inhibit
inici.ar : to initiate
injekt.ar : to inject
injeni.ar : to exercise one's wits
injenior.o : engineer
ink.o : ink
inklin.ar : to incline, lean, slope, lean towards
inkluz.ar : to include
inkombr.ar : to encumber, obstruct
inkub.o : nightmare
inocent.a : innocent
inquest.ar : to make an inquiry into, investigate, enquire
insekt.o : insect
insert.ar : to insert
insign.o : badge, sign, insignia
insinu.ar : to insinuate
insist.ar : to insist
inspekt.ar : to inspect
inspir.ar : to inspire
instant.o : instant, moment
instig.ar : to instigate
instint.o : instinct
instituc.ar : to institute
institut.o : institute
instrucion.i : instructions
instrukt.ar : to instruct
instrument.o : instrument
insul.o : island
insult.ar : to insult
integr.a : integral, whole, entire
intelekt.ar : to understand, comprehend, know by the intellect alone
inteligent.a : intelligent
intenc.ar : to intend, mean
intens.a : intense
inter : between
interakt.o : interlude, interval between acts
intercept.ar : to intercept
interdikt.ar : to prohibit, forbid
interes.ar : to interest
interest.o : interest (financial etc.)
interfer.ar : to interfere
interim.o : interim, time intervening
interjecion.o : interjection
interkonsent.o : mutual agreement, understanding
intern.a : internal
internacion.a : international
interogativ.a : interrogative (grammar)
interpret.ar : to interpret
interrupt.ar : to interrupt
intersek.ar : to intersect
intertemp.o : meantime, interval
interven.ar : to intervene
interviuv.o : interview
intestin.o : intestine
intim.a : intimate
intrig.ar : to intrigue, contrive by secret artifice
intrinsek.a : intrinsic
introdukt.ar : to introduce
introvert.o : introvert
intruz.ar : to intrude
inund.ar : to inundate
invad.ar : to invade
invalid.a : invalid: infirm, disabled
invent.ar : to invent
invers.a : inverse; -ig.ar invert
invit.ar : to invite
ips.a : self (myself, yourself, themselves etc.)
ir.ar : to go
irac.ar : (intr.) to be angry, cross
iradi.ar : to irradiate
irg.a : any (at all)
irigac.ar : to irrigate
irit.ar : to irritate
Irland.o : Ireland; -an.a Irish
ironi.o : irony
islam.o : Islam
Island.o : Iceland
it.a : that
Itali.a : Italy; -an.a Italian
iter.ar : to iterate, repeat; -e again, anew, once again
itinerari.o : itinerary
ivor.o : ivory
izobar.o : isobar
izol.ar : to isolate


ja : already
jac.ar : to lie
jaket.o : jacket
jaluz.a : jealous
Jamaik.a : Jamaica
januar.o : January
Japoni.a : Japan; -an.a Japanese
jar.o : jar
jargon.ar : jargon
javelin.o : javelin
jele.o : jelly
jem.ar : to groan, moan
jemel.a : twin
jen.ar : to hinder movement, constrain, hinder from doing something
jeneroz.a : generous
jenjiv.o : gum
jenr.o : genre
jentil.a : gentile, courteous, civil
jer.ar : to manage, direct
jerze.o : jersey, sweater
Jesu : Jesus
jet.ar : to throw
jin.o : gin
jinjer.o : ginger
jir.ar : to turn about, girate
jiraf.o : giraffe
jok.ar : to joke
jongl.ar : to juggle
jorn.o : day (as opposed to night)
jovdi.o : Thursday
joy.ar : to be joyful, delighted, glad
ju.ar : to enjoy
jubile.ar : to celebrate a jubilee
jud.o : Jew
judici.ar : to judge officially, legally
judik.ar : to judge
juli.o : July
jungl.o : jungle
juni.o : June
junt.ar : to join
jup.o : skirt
jur.ar : to swear, give one's oath
juri.o : jury
jurnal.o : journal, newspaper, gazette
jus : just, just now, a short time ago
just.a : right, correct, well-grounded, exact, proper
justifik.ar : to justify
juvel.o : jewel


ka(d) : question word (used to turn a statement into a question)
kab.o : cape (geographical)
kaban.o : cabin, hut
kabin.o : cabin (as on a ship)
kabl.o : cable
kad : see ka(d)
kadavr.o : cadaver, corpse, dead body
kadr.o : frame
kafe.o : coffee
kafein.o : caffeine
kait.o : kite
kaj.o : cage
kak.ar : to defecate
kaka.o : cocoa
kakofoni.o : cacophony
kaktus.o : cactus
kalamitat.o : calamity
kalci.o : calcium
kaldier.o : boiler
kalembur.o : pun, play on words
kalendari.o : calendar
kalidoskop.o : kaleidoscope
Kaliforni.a : California
kalkul.ar : to calculate, compute
kalm.a : calm, quiet, still, placid
kalmar.o : squid
kalor.o : heat
kalori.o : calory
kalumni.ar : to calumniate
kalv.a : bald, having little hair
kalz.o : stocking, hose
kam : than, as, to (in comparisons)
kamarad.o : comrade, mate
kambi.ar : to exchange
kamel.o : camel
kamen.o : chimney
kamer.o : camera
kamion.o : truck, lorry
kamiz.o : shirt, blouse
kamp.ar : to camp
kampani.ar : to campaign
Kanad.a : Canada
kanal.o : canal
kanape.o : sofa
kanari.o : canary
kanceler.o : chancellor
kancer.o : cancer
kande : when
kandel.o : candle
kandid.a : candid, frank
kandidat.o : candidate
kanel.o : channel
kanguru.o : kangaroo
kanibal.a : cannibal
kano.o : canoe
kanon.o : cannon
kanson.o : song, ballad, carol
kant.ar : to sing
kantin.o : canteen
kanvas.o : canvas
kaos.o : chaos
kap.o : head
kapabl.a : capable, able
kapac.a : capacious, able to hold (such and such a quantity)
kapel.o : chapel
kapital.o : capital (financial)
kapot.o : overcoat, storm or heavy coat
kapr.o : goat
kapric.o : caprice, whim, fancy
kapsul.o : capsule
kapt.ar : to capture, catch, snatch
kapuc.o : hood
kar.a : dear
karakter.o : character
karamel.o : caramel
karavan.o : caravan
karb.o : carbon
karbon.o : coal
karcer.o : prison, jail
kare.ar : to do without, dispense with
karel.o : slab, tile
karez.ar : to caress
karg.ar : to load (goods)
karier.o : career
karitat.o : charity
karmezin.o : crimson
karn.o : meat; -ivor.a carnivorous, meat-eating
karnaval.o : carnival
karot.o : carrot
karp.o : carp; wrist
karpent.ar : to do carpenter's work
kart.o : card
kartoch.o : cartridge
kartografi.o : cartography
karton.o : cardboard
kas.o : coffer, till, cash-box, treasury
kasis.o : blackcurrant
kasrol.o : saucepan
kastel.o : castle
kastr.ar : to castrate
kat.o : cat
katolog.o : catalogue
katar.o : a cold, catarrh
katastrof.o : catastrophe
katedral.o : cathedral
kategori.o : category
katen.o : chain
katolik.a : catholic
kauchuk.o : rubber
kaucion.o : bail, security
kaud.o : tail
kaul.o : cabbage
kauz.o : cause
kav.a : hollow, sunken
kaval.o : horse
kavalier.o : knight
kavalk.ar : to ride (as on a horse)
kavalri.o : cavalry
kavern.o : cavern
kay.o : quay, platform
kayer.o : exercise book
kaz.o : case, instance
kazual.a : contingent
ke : that (conjunction)
keler.o : cellar
kelk.a : some, a few
kemi.o : chemistry
kerl.o : fellow, chap
kest.o : chest, box, packing case
kidnap.ar : to kidnap
kilogram.o : kilogram
kilometr.o : kilometer
kilowat.o : kilowatt
kimer.o : chimera
kin : five
kiosk.o : kiosk, news stand
kirk.o : church
kirurgi.o : surgery
kis.ar : to kiss
klad.o : first or rough draft
klak.ar : to clap
klam.ar : to shout, exclaim
klar.a : clear
klarinet.o : clarinet
klas.o : class
klasifik.ar : to classify
klasik.a : classic(al)
klaun.o : clown
klauz.o : clause, stipulation (as in a contract)
klav.o : key (on a keyboard etc.)
klef.o : key
klem.ar : to press closely together
klement.a : clement, merciful, lenient
klient.o : client
klikt.ar : (intr.) to click, clank, clash, clatter
klim.ar : to climb
klimat.o : climate
klinik.o : clinic
klok.o : hour of the day, o'clock
klor.o : chlorine
klosh.o : bell
klov.o : (metal) nail
kloz.ar : to close, shut
klub.o : club
koakt.ar : to coerce
kodex.o : code
koeficient.o : coefficient
kofr.o : trunk, coffer, chest
koher.ar : to cohere
koincid.ar : to coincide
kokain.o : cocaine
kokos.o : coconut
kol.o : neck
kolacion.ar : to collate
kolateral.a : collateral
kold.a : cold
koleg.o : colleague
kolegi.o : college
kolekt.ar : to collect
kolektivist.o : collectivist
kolesterol.o : cholesterol
koli.ar : to gather, pluck
kolin.o : hill
kolizion.ar : to collide
kolm.o : highest part, top
kolomb.o : dove, pigeon
kolonel.o : colonel
koloni.o : colony
kolor.o : colour
Kolumbi.a : Colombia
kolumn.o : column (of a page)
koluzion.ar : to collude, conspire
kom : as, as being, in the capacity, role of
kom.o : comma
komand.ar : to command
kombat.ar : to fight, combat
kombin.ar : to combine
kombust.ar : to burn
komedi.o : comedy
komenc.ar : to start, commence
komend.ar : to order (goods etc.)
koment.ar : to comment
komerc.ar : to trade, traffic
komet.o : comet
komfort.o : comfort
komik.a : comic, ludicrous, funny, laughable
komis.ar : to commision
komitat.o : committee
komod.a : convenient, commodious
komod.o : commode, chest of drawers, bureau
kompakt.a : compact
kompan.o : companion
kompani.o : company
kompar.ar : to compare
komparativ.o : comparative
kompas.o : (pair of) compass(es)
kompat.ar : to pity, have compassion for
kompens.ar : to compensate, counterbalance, make up for
kompetent.a : competent
kompil.ar : to compile
komplement.o : complement
komplet.a : complete
komplex.a : complex
komplez.ar : to please, gratify, humour, be obliging
komplic.a : party, privy, accessory to
komplik.ar : to complicate
kompliment.ar : to compliment, pay compliments to
komplot.ar : to plot, plan, conspire
kompost.ar : to set up in type
kompoz.ar : to compose
kompr.ar : to buy
kompren.ar : to understand
kompres.ar : to compress
kompromis.ar : to compromise
komt.o : count, earl
komun.a : common
komunik.ar : to communicate
kon.o : cone
koncentr.ar : (tr.) to concentrate
koncept.ar : to conceive
koncern.ar : to concern, relate or belong to
koncert.ar : to give a concert
konces.ar : to concede
koncesion.ar : to grant a concession
konci.ar : to be conscious of
koncienc.o : conscience
koncili.ar : to conciliate
konciz.a : concise
kondemn.ar : to condemn
kondens.ar : (tr.) to condense
kondicion.ar : to stipulate, put conditions on
kondiment.o : condiment
kondol.ar : to condole with
kondukt.ar : to conduct
konduktor.o : guard, conductor
kondut.ar : to behave, conduct oneself
konekt.ar : to connect
konfer.ar : to confer; -o conference
konfes.ar : to confess
konfid.ar : to confide, entrust
konfidenc.ar : to tell in confidence
konfirm.ar : to confirm
konfisk.ar : to confiscate
konfit.ar : to preserve (fruits in sugar); -aj.o jam, preserve
konflikt.ar : to (be in) conflict
konform.a : conforming
konfront.ar : to confront
konfund.ar : to confuse, confound
konfuz.a : confused, jumbled together, indistinct
kongres.ar : to hold a congress
konifer.a : coniferous
konjekt.ar : to conjecture
konjel.ar : to congeal, freeze
konjug.ar : to conjugate, inflect a verb
konjuncion.o : conjunction (grammar)
konk.o : sea shell
konkluz.ar : to conclude
konkord.ar : to agree, be in harmony, concord with
konkret.a : concrete
konkurenc.ar : to compete, be in competition with
konkurs.ar : to take part in a competition, contest
konoc.ar : to know, be acquainted with (NB. not a fact)
konquest.ar : to conquer
konsakr.ar : to dedicate, consecrate
konsent.ar : to consent (to)
konsequ.ar : to follow, result, be consequent on
konserv.ar : to conserve
konsider.ar : to consider
konsil.ar : to advise, counsel
konsist.ar : to consist (ek, en)
konsol.o : console
konsolac.ar : to console, comfort a person
konsonant.o : consonant
konspir.ar : to conspire
konstant.a : constant
konstat.ar : to establish, substantiate, attest, state
konstituc.ar : to constitute
konstitucion.o : constitution (general state of an organism)
konstrikt.ar : to constrict
konstrukt.ar : to construct, build
konsult.ar : to consult
konsum.ar : to consume
kont.ar : to count
kontakt.ar : to contact
kontamin.ar : to contaminate
kontempl.ar : to contemplate
konten.ar : to contain
kontent.a : content, happy, satisfied
kontest.ar : to contest, dispute, call into question
kontinent.o : continent
kontigent.a : contigent
kontinu.a : continuous
kontor.o : office
kontraband.ar : to smuggle
kontrafakt.ar : to counterfeit
kontrakt.ar : to contract
kontrast.ar : to contrast
kontrat.ar : to make a contract
kontre : against
kontredic.ar : to contradict
kontribut.ar : to contribute
kontrol.ar : to control by checking, check
kontrovers.ar : to engage in controversy
konvekt.ar : to transfer, move by means of convection
konven.ar : to be convenient; -ant.a convenient
konvencion.ar : to make an agreement, agree on a convention
konverg.ar : to converge
konvers.ar : to converse
konvert.ar : to convert
konvink.ar : to convince
konvuls.ar : to convulse, have a convulsion
konyak.o : cognac
kooper.ar : to cooperate
koordin.ar : to coordinate
kopi.ar : to copy
koqu.ar : to cook
kor.o : choir
koram : in the presence of, before
korb.o : basket
kord.o : line, cord, rope
kordi.o : heart; -al.a hearty, cordial
kordon.o : short cord or ribbon
Kore.a : Korea; -an.a Korean
korekt.a : correct
korelat.ar : to correlate
korent.o : (electric) current
korespond.ar : to correspond
koridor.o : corridor
korint.o : currant
kork.o : cork
korn.o : horn (of animals, musical)
korod.ar : to corrode
korp.o : body
korporacion.o : corporation
korpulent.a : corpulent, stout
kort.o : court, courtyard
korupt.ar : to corrupt
kosm.o : cosmos
kosmetik.o : cosmetics
kosmologi.o : cosmology
kosmopolit.a : cosmopolitan
kostum.o : costume
kotlet.o : cutlet, chop
koton.o : cotton
kov.ar : to hatch, incubate, brood over
kovr.ar : to cover
koz.o : thing
krab.o : crab
krak.ar : (intr.) to crack
krampon.o : cramp-iron, crampon; bracket
kran.o : crane (machine)
krater.o : crater
krayon.o : crayon, pencil
kre.ar : to create
kred.ar : to believe
kredit.ar : to credit
krem.o : cream
kremac.ar : to cremate
kreol.a : creole
krepuskul.o : twilight
kres.o : (water-)cress
kresk.ar : to grow
kresp.o : pancake
krest.o : crest, top, ridge
kret.o : chalk
krev.ar : to burst
krevet.o : shrimp
kri.ar : to scream, cry out
krik.o : lifting jack
kriket.o : cricket
krimin.ar : to commit a crime
krin.o : hair (of an animal's mane or tail); -ar.o mane
kripl.a : crippled
kriptograf.ar : to write in secret code
Krist.o : Christ
kriteri.o : criterion
kritik.ar : to criticize
kriz.o : crisis
kroas.ar : to croak, caw
Kroati.a : Croatia
krokodil.o : crocodile
krom.o : chrome, chromium
kron.o : crown
kronik.a : chronic
kronik.o : chronicle
kronologi.o : chronology
kroz.ar : to cruise
kruc.o : cross
kruch.o : pitcher, jug
krud.a : crude
kruel.a : cruel
krul.ar : to collapse, tumble down
krumpl.ar : to crumple
krur.o : thigh
krust.o : crust
kuaf.ar : to hairdress
Kub.a : Cuba
kub.o : cube
kud.o : elbow
kugl.o : bullet
kuk.o : cake
kukumbr.o : cucumber
kukul.o : cuckoo
kukurbit.o : pumpkin
kulbut.ar : to somersault
kulc.o : gnat, midge
kulier.o : spoon
kulmin.ar : to culminate
kulp.ar : to commit a fault
kult.ar : to worship
kultel.o : knife
kultiv.ar : to cultivate
kultur.o : culture
kun : with
kunexist.ar : to coexist
kunfeder.ar : to confederate
kunfuz.ar : to blend, fuse together
kunhabit.ar : to cohabit
kunikl.o : rabbit
kunlabor.ar : to collaborate
kunsid.ar : to hold a sitting, session, meeting
kuntext.o : context
kuntromp.o : collusion, cheating
kunven.ar : to convene
kunvok.ar : to summon, convoke
kup.o : cup (as for prize)
kupl.ar : to couple, link together
kupon.o : coupon
kupr.o : copper
kur.ar : to run
kurac.ar : to treat a patient
kuraj.ar : to be courageous
kurier.o : courier
kurioz.a : curious
kurs.o : course
kursiv.a : cursive, running, italic (script)
kurt.a : short, brief
kurten.o : curtain
kurv.a : curved, bent, crooked
kusen.o : cushion
kush.ar : (tr.) to put to bed, k. su to go to bed
kust.ar : to cost
kustum.ar : to do something customarily, be in the habit of
kuv.o : tub
kuvert.o : envelope
kuz.o : cousin


la : the
labi.o : lip
labirint.o : labyrinth
labor.ar : to work
laboratori.o : laboratory
lac.o : lace (as of a shoe)
lacer.ar : to lacerate, tear
lacert.o : lizard
lad.o : tin
lag.o : lake
laik.a : lay
lakrim.o : tear
lakt.o : milk
lakun.o : blank space, gap
lam.o : thin plate, sheet (of metal)
lament.ar : to lament, mourn
lamp.o : lamp
lan.o : wool
lanc.o : lance, spear
land.o : country, land
lang.o : tongue
langust.o : lobster
lans.ar : to fling, hurl, throw out or forward
lantern.o : lantern
lapid.o : precious stone
lard.o : bacon
larj.a : wide, broad
las.ar : to let, allow, permit
last.a : last
latent.a : latent
later.o : side
latin.a : Latin
latitud.o : latitude
latrin.o : water-closet, latrine
latug.o : lettuce
latun.o : brass
latv.a : Latvian, Latvia Latvia
laud.ar : to praise, laud
laut.a : loud
lav.ar : to wash
lax.a : loose, slack, lax
le : the (plural: used only when there is no other sign of plurality)
lecion.o : lesson
led.a : ugly
ledr.o : leather
leg.o : law
legend.o : legend
legion.o : legion
legitim.a : legitimate
legum.o : vegetable
lejer.a : light
lek.ar : lick
lekt.ar : to read
lektor.o : lecturer
lens.o : lens
lent.a : slow
leon.o : lion
lepor.o : hare
lern.ar : learn
letargi.o : lethargy
letr.o : letter
leukemi.o : leukaemia
lev.ar : to lift
lever.o : lever
lexik.o : lexicon, dictionary
lez.ar : to injure, hurt, wrong
li : they
liber.a : free
Libi.a : Lybia
libr.o : book
lice.o : lycee; high school, college
licenc.ar : to grant a licence
lig.ar : to link, bind, fasten
lign.o : wood (substance)
lik.ar : to leak
limak.o : slug
limb.o : limb
limit.o : limit
limon.o : lemon
limonad.o : lemonade
line.o : line
lingu.o : language
linguistik.o : linguistics
linj.o : linen
liquid.a : liquid
liquor.o : liqueur, cordial
list.o : list
lit.o : bed
liter.o : letter (of the alphabet)
literatur.o : literature
litor.o : coast, coastal region, littoral
litr.o : litre
Lituani.a : Lithuania
liv.ar : to leave
livr.ar : to deliver
lo : it (abstract, refering to the contents of a previous statement)
logik.o : logic
loj.ar : to lodge, live, dwell for a limited time
loji.o : box, lodge
lok.o : place, location
lokac.ar : to hire, rent, lease
lokomoc.o : locomotion
lokomotiv.o : locomotive
lombard.o : pawnshop
lombrik.o : earthworm
lonch.o : slice (of bread), chop (of meat)
long.a : long
longtitud.o : longtitude
lor : at the time of; -e then
lot.o : lot, portion, share
lotri.ar : to draw lots, hold a lottery
loyal.a : loyal
lu : he or she
lucid.a : lucid, clear, sane
lud.ar : to play (a game etc.)
lug.ar : to let (out), rent, hire (out)
lukt.ar : to wrestle, grapple
lum.ar : to shine, emit light
lun.o : moon
lundi.o : Monday
lup.o : magnifying glass
lutr.o : otter
lux.o : luxury
Luxemburgi.a : Luxemburg
luxuri.o : lust, lewdness, lechery


ma : but
madyar.o : Magyar
maestr.o : maestro
may.o : May
magazin.o : warehouse, storehouse
magi.ar : to practise magic
magnet.o : magnet
magr.a : lean, meagre
mahogon.o : mahogony
maish.ar : to mash (potatoes etc.)
maiz.o : corn, maize
majest.o : majesty
major.a : of full age, legal age; major
majoritat.o : majority
makaroni.o : macaroni
makrel.o : mackerel
makul.o : stain, blotch
makulator.o : waste paper
mal.a : bad
malad.a : ill
maledik.ar : to curse
malgre : despite, in spite of, ke (al)though
malic.o : malice, spite, mischievousness
malign.a : malicious, pernicious
mam.o : breast
mamifer.o : mammal
manch.o : long handle
mandarin.o : mandarin orange
mandat.o : money order
mandel.o : almond
mang.o : mango
mani.o : mania
manier.o : manner, way
manifest.ar : to manifest
manik.o : sleeve
manipul.ar : to manipulate
manj.ar : to eat
mank.ar : to be missing, lacking
manot.o : handcuff
manovr.ar : maneuver
manshet.o : cuff
mantel.o : cloak
manten.ar : to maintain
manu.o : hand
manufaktor.o : factory
manuskript.o : manuscript
map.o : map
mar.o : sea
march.ar : to walk
marchand.ar : to bargain for, haggle
marcipan.o : marzipan
mardi.o : Tuesday
mare.o : tide
mariaj.ar : (tr.) to marry
marjin.o : margin
mark.o : stamp, mark, token
marmit.o : pot (for boiling)
Marok.o : Morocco
Mars.o : Mars
marsh.o : marsh
mart.o : March
martel.o : hammer
martir.o : martyr
marvel.o : marvel, wonder
mas.o : mass (of a body etc.)
masakr.ar : to massacre
mashin.o : machine
masiv.a : massive, bulky
mask.ar : to mask
maskul.a : masculine
masokism.o : masochism
mastik.ar : to chew
mastr.o : master
matematik.o : mathematics
materi.o : matter, material
matin.o : morning
matr.o : mother
matur.a : mature
maxim : most
may.o : May
mayuskul.o : capital letter
me : I, me
mecen.o : patron (of the arts etc.)
mech.o : wick
medali.o : medal
medi.o : medium
mediac.ar : to mediate
mediat.o : intermediate, not direct or immediate
medicin.o : medecine
medik.o : doctor (medical)
medit.ar : to meditate, think over
Mediterane.o : Mediterranean
mekanik.o : mechanics
mekanism.o : mechanism
melk.ar : to milk
melodi.o : melody
melon.o : melon
mem : even
membr.o : member
memor.ar : to remember, have a memory of
memorand.o : memorandum
menaj.o : housekeeping
mencion.ar : to mention
ment.o : mind
menti.ar : to lie
menton.o : chin
menu.o : menu
merit.ar : to deserve, merit
merk.ar : to mark, impress on one's memory
merkat.o : market
merkurdi.o : Wednesday
mes.o : mass (religious)
mesaj.o : message
meskin.a : narrow, mean (interests etc.)
mestier.o : trade, occupation or business
met.ar : to put on (clothing etc.)
metafizik.o : metaphysics
metafor.o : metaphor
metal.o : metal
meteor.o : meteor
meteorologi.o : meteorology
metod.o : method
metr.o : metre
Mexiki.a : Mexico; -an.a Mexican
mez.o : middle
mezur.ar : to measure
miaul.ar : to miaou, mew as a cat
miel.o : honey
mien.o : mien, looks, countenance
migr.ar : to migrate
mikr.a : small
mikrofon.o : microphone
mikroskop.o : microscope
mil : thousand
mili.o : mile
miliard.o : 1000 millions
milimetr.o : millimetre
milion.o : million
milit.ar : to militate, make war
mim.ar : to mimic, express by dumb show
min : less
min.ar : to mine, undermine
minac.ar : to threaten, menace
mineral.o : mineral
minim : least
ministeri.o : ministry
ministr.o : minister
minor.a : minor, underage
minoritat.o : minority
mint.o : mint
minus : minus
minuskul.o : small letter
minut.o : minute
miop.a : shortsighted
mirakl.o : miracle
mision.o : mission
misteri.o : mystery
mistik.o : mystic
mit.o : myth
mitologi.o : mythology
mix.ar : to mix
mizer.ar : to be in misery
mobl.o : piece of furniture
mod.o : mode, fashion, style
model.o : model, standard
moder.ar : to moderate
modern.a : modern
modest.a : modest
modifik.ar : to modify
mok.ar : laugh at, deride, mock
mol.a : soft
molekul.o : molecule
molest.ar : to molest
moment.o : moment
monak.o : monk
monark.o : monarch
monarki.o : monarchy
monat.o : month
mond.o : world
monet.o : currency, cash, coin
monolog.o : monologue
monopol.o : monopoly
monoton.a : monotone, monotonous
monstr.o : monster
mont.o : mountain
montr.ar : to show
monument.o : monument
mor.i : manners, habits, moral conduct
morb.o : disease
mord.ar : to bite
moru.o : cod
mort.ar : to die
moskit.o : mosquito
mot.o : motto
motiv.o : motive, reason
motor.o : motor
mov.ar : to move
moyen.o : means
muel.ar : to mill, grind
muev.o : (sea)gull
muj.ar : to roar, bellow
mult.a : many, much
multiplik.ar : to multiply
mulier.o : woman
mur.o : wall
murmur.ar : to murmur
mus.o : mouse
mush.o : fly
muskul.o : muscle
must.ar : must, to have to
mustard.o : mustard
mut.a : dumb, mute
mutil.ar : to mutilate
muton.o : sheep, ram, ewe (-ul/in)
mutual.a : mutual
muze.o : museum
muzik.ar : to play music


nacion.o : nation
naiv.a : naive
nam : since, for, as, because
nan.o : dwarf
narac.ar : to narrate, tell a true story
nask.ar : to be born; -o-di.o birthday
nat.ar : to swim
natr.o : sodium
natur.o : nature
naufraj.ar : to be shipwrecked
nauze.ar : to feel nauseated, nauseous, sick
nav.o : ship
navig.ar : to navigate
naz.o : nose
ne : not (negative adverb)
nebul.ar : to be foggy, misty, hazy
nebulos.o : nebula
neces.a : necessary
Nederland.o : Netherlands; -an.a Dutch
neg.ar : to negate
negativ.o : negative (math., photo., elec.)
neglij.ar : to neglect
negoci.ar : to negociate
negr.a : negro
nek ... nek : neither ... nor
neologism.o : neologism
neon.o : neon
nepot.o : grandchild (-ul/in)
nerv.o : nerve
nest.o : nest
net.a : clean, neat, tidy
neutr.a : neutral
nev.o : nephew, niece (-ul/in)
nevros.o : neurosis
ni : we, us
Nigeri.a : Nigeria
nigr.a : black
nihil.o : nothing, something nonexistent, nonentity
Nikaragu.a : Nicaragua
niv.ar : to snow
nivel.o : level
no : no
nobel.a : noble (by birth)
nobl.a : noble (morally)
noc.ar : to harm, injure, hurt
nocion.o : notion
nod.o : knot
nokt.ar : to be night(time); -o night
nom.ar : to name, call by name, say the name of; -o name
nombr.o : number
nomin.ar : to nominate
nominativ.o : nominative
non : nine
nord.o : north
norm.o : norm, standard
Norvegi.a : Norway; -an.a Norwegian
not.ar : to note
notifik.ar : to notify
nov.a : new
novel.o : short story, novelette
novembr.o : November
novic.o : novice
nu : now!, well! (interjection)
nuanc.o : nuance
nub.o : cloud
nuc.o : nut, walnut
nud.a : nude, naked, bare
nul.a : no, not any, none
numer.o : number (in sequence)
nun : now
nur : only
nutr.ar : to nourish, feed, sustain


o(d) : or; o(d) ... o(d) either ... or
oazis.o : oasis
obcen.a : obscene
obedi.ar : to obey
obez.a : obese
objecion.ar : to object, make an objection
objekt.o : object
oblig.ar : to oblige
obliter.ar : to obliterate
oblivi.ar : to forget
obsed.ar : to obsess
observ.ar : to observe
observatori.o : observatory
obskur.a : obscure
obsolet.a : obsolete
obstakl.o : obstacle
obstin.ar : to be obstinate
obstrukt.ar : to obstruct
obten.ar : to obtain
obtuz.a : obtuse
ocean.o : ocean
oci.ar : to be idle, unoccupied
ocid.ar : to kill
ocident.o : occident
ocil.ar : to oscillate
ocit.ar : to yawn
od : see o(d)
odi.ar : to hate, detest
odor.ar : to have a smell or scent
ofens.ar : to offend
ofic.o : office; -al.a official
oficir.o : officer
ofr.ar : to offer
ofte : often
ogr.o : ogre
ok : eight
okazion.o : occasion, opportunity
oktobr.o : October
okul.o : eye
okup.ar : to occupy
ol(u) : it
old.a : old
ole.o : oil
olim : formerly
ombr.o : shade, shadow
oliv.o : olive
omis.ar : to omit
omlet.o : omelette
omn.a : all, every
on(u) : one, people in general, "you"
ond.o : wave
onkl.o : uncle, aunt (-ul/in)
onyon.o : onion
opak.a : opaque
oper.o : opera
operac.ar : to operate
opinion.ar : to hold an opinion, opine
oport.ar : to be necessary, required (impersonal verb)
oportun.a : opportune, timely
opoz.ar : to oppose
opres.ar : to oppress
optimism.o : optimism, optimist.o optimist
or : well, now (in argument)
or.o : gold
oranj.o : orange
orbit.o : orbit
ordin.ar : to order, put, arrange in order
ordinar.a : ordinary
orel.o : ear
orfan.o : orphan
organ.o : organ (not musical)
organism.o : organism
orgen.o : organ (musical)
orient.o : orient
origin.o : origin
orkestr.o : orchestra
orn.ar : to adorn, embellish
ornament.o : ornament
ornitologi.o : ornithology
ortodox.a : orthodox
ortografi.o : orthography
ost.o : bone
ostent.ar : to be ostentatious, show off
ostr.o : oyster
otus.o : common, long-eared owl
ov.o : egg
oval.a : oval
oxigen.o : oxygen
ozon.o : ozone


pac.ar : to be at peace
pacient.a : patient
Pacifik.o : Pacific (ocean)
padel.o : frying pan
padlok.o : padlock
paf.ar : to shoot, fire (firearms)
pag.ar : to pay
pagin.o : page
pak.o : package, parcel
pakt.ar : to make a pact
pal.a : pale
palac.o : palace
pali.o : straw
palis.o : stake, picket (as of a fence)
palm.o : palm (tree; of hand)
palp.ar : to feel (about)
pamflet.o : pamphlet
pan.o : bread
Panam.a : Panama
panoram.o : panorama
pantalon.o : trousers
paper.o : paper
papilion.o : butterfly
par.a : even, equal
parad.ar : to parade
paradiz.o : paradise
paradox.o : paradox
parafraz.ar : to paraphrase
paragraf.o : paragraph
Paraguay : Paraguay
paralel.a : parallel
paraliz.ar : to paralyze
parapluv.o : umbrella
parasun.o : parasol
paravent.o : windscreen
parcel.o : patch of land
pardon.ar : to pardon, forgive
parent.a : related, of the same family
parentez.o : parenthesis
parfum.o : perfume
park.o : park
parlament.o : parliament
parol.ar : to speak, talk
part.o : part
partener.o : partner
parti.o : party (for amusement)
particip.o : participle
partikul.o : particle
partikular.a : particular
partis.o : party (political etc.)
partur.ar : to give birth, bear a child
pas.ar : to pass
pasabl.a : passable, tolerable, fair; -e fairly
pasaj.ar : to take passage, be a passenger
pasion.o : passion
pasiv.a : passive
pask.o : Easter
pasport.o : passport
past.o : paste, dough
pastet.o : pie, pasty
patent.o : patent
patr.o : father
patri.o : fatherland
patriot.a : patriotic
patron.o : patron
pauz.ar : to pause
pav.o : paving stone
pavor.ar : to be afraid of, in fear of
paz.ar : to step
pec.o : piece
ped.o : foot, -fingr.o toe
pedant.a : pedantic
pejorativ.a : pejorative
pek.ar : to sin
pekt.ar : to comb
pektor.o : chest, breast
pekuni.o : money
pel.o : skin, hide
pen.ar : to take pains, take the trouble to do something
pend.ar : to hang
pendul.o : pendulum
penetr.ar : to penetrate
pens.ar : to think
pension.ar : to pension; to pay a regular sum for lodgings
pent.o : (downward) slope
penvalor.ar : to be worthwhile
per : by, by means of
percept.ar : to perceive
perd.ar : to lose
perfekt.a : perfect
perimetr.o : perimeter
period.o : period
peris.ar : to perish
perjur.ar : to perjure
perl.o : pearl
perman.ar : to be permanent
perme.ar : to permeate
permis.ar : to permit
permut.ar : to permute
perpetu.a : perpetual
persekut.ar : to persecute
persequ.ar : to pursue
persever.ar : to persevere
persik.o : peach
persist.ar : to persist
person.o : person
perspektiv.o : perspective
persuad.ar : to persuade
perturb.ar : to perturb
Peru : Peru
pervers.a : perverse
pesimism.o : pessimism
pesk.ar : to fish, angle
pest.o : pestilence, plague
petal.o : petal
petr.o : stone (substance)
petrol.o : petrol
pez.ar : to weigh (be so and so heavy)
pian.o : piano
pik.ar : to prick, prod
pil.o : hair (of animals), body and facial hair (of persons)
pilot.ar : to pilot
pin.o : pine tree
pingl.o : pin
pinguin.o : penguin
pinsel.o : artist's brush
pint.o : point, sharp end
pip.o : pipe (for tobacco)
pipr.o : pepper
pir.o : pear
piramid.o : pyramid
pistol.o : pistol
pivot.o : pivot
piz.o : pea
plac.o : place, square
plad.o : plate
plafon.o : ceiling
plaj.o : beach
plan.a : plane, level, flat
planet.o : planet
plant.o : plant
plantac.ar : to plant
plas.o : place (for something or someone)
plastik.a : plastic
plastr.o : (sticking) plaster
plat.a : flat, having an even surface
platform.o : platform
platin.o : platinum
ple.ar : to play (musical instrument, role)
pled.ar : to plead
plekt.ar : to weave, plait, interlace
plen.a : full
plend.ar : to complain
plet.o : tray
plez.ar : to please
plezur.o : pleasure
plomb.o : lead
plor.ar : to cry, weep
plu : more
plubonig.ar : to improve
plug.ar : to plough
plum.o : feather
plunj.ar : to plunge, duck, dive
plur.a : several
plus(e) : further(more), in addition; plus
plusquamperfekt.o : pluperfect
pluv.ar : to rain
pneumatik.a : pneumatic
po : at the rate of
pocion.o : potion
poem.o : poem
poet.o : poet
poezi.o : poetry
pok.a : few, little
pol.o : pole
polemik.ar : to carry on a polemic
polen.o : pollen
polic.o : police
poligon.o : polygon
polis.ar : to polish
polit.a : polite
politeknik.o : polytechnic
politik.o : politics
Polonia : Poland, polon.a Polish
poltron.a : cowardly
polut.ar : to pollute
polv.o : dust
pom.o : apple
ponder.ar : to weigh (something); ponder
poniard.o : dagger
pont.o : bridge
popul.o : people
popular.a : popular
por : for, in favour of, in order to
por.o : pore
porcelan.o : porcelain
porcion.o : portion, ration, share
pord.o : door
pork.o : pig
port.ar : to carry, wear
portfoli.o : portfolio
portret.o : portrait
portu.o : port
pos : after
posdimez.o : afternoon
posed.ar : to possess
posh.o : pocket
posibl.a : possible
posmorge : the day after tomorrow
posskribaj.o : postscript
post.o : post, mail
posten.o : post, place to guard
postul.ar : to postulate, require
postur.ar : to assume an attitude, pose
pot.o : pot
potenc.o : power (mathematics)
potencial.a : potential, possible
potent.a : potent
pov.ar : can, to be able to; -o power
povr.a : poor
poz.ar : to put
pozicion.o : position
pozitiv.a : positive
pragmat.o : a matter of fact, reality
praktik.ar : to practise
prat.o : meadow
preav.o : grandparent (-ul/in)
prec.o : price
preced.ar : to precede
precipu.a : main, principal
preciz.a : precise
predic.ar : to predict, foretell
predik.ar : to preach
prefac.o : preface
prefer.ar : to prefer
prefix.o : prefix
preg.ar : to pray, beg, ask somebody to do something
prehiere : the day before yesterday
preir.ar : to precede, go before
prekoc.a : precocious, early, ripe before the proper season
preliminar.a : preliminary
premi.o : prize
pren.ar : to take
prenom.o : forename
prepar.ar : to prepare
prepozicion.o : preposition
pres.ar : to press, press upon
preske : almost
preskript.ar : to prescribe
prest.ar : to lend, loan
prestij.o : prestige
pretend.ar : to lay claim to
preter : past, from one side to the other past a certain object
preterit.o : preterit(e), past tense
pretext.ar : to allege (as a pretext), pretend, feign
preurb.o : suburb
prevalor.ar : to prevail
prevent.ar : to prevent
previd.ar : to foresee
prezent.a : present: not absent
prezerv.ar : to preserve
prezid.ar : to preside over; -ant.o president
pri : about, concerning
prim.a : primary, not derived
primar.a : primary, elementary, first or lowest in order
primitiv.a : primitive
princ.o : prince
princip.o : principle
printemp.o : spring
prior.a : prior
privac.ar : to deprive, take from
privat.a : private
privilej.o : privilege
priz.ar : to like, prize, value
prizent.ar : to present
pro : because of
prob.ar : to try, test
probabl.a : probable
problem.o : problem
proced.ar : to proceed
procent.o : percentage
procesion.ar : to make a procession
prodig.ar : to lavish, be unsparing of
produkt.ar : to produce
profes.ar : to profess
profesion.o : profession
profesor.o : professor
profet.o : prophet
profit.ar : to profit (from)
profund.a : deep, profound
program.o : program(me)
progres.ar : to progress
projekt.ar : to project
projet.ar : to plan, scheme, form a project
proklam.ar : to proclaim
prolog.o : prologue
prolong.ar : to prolong
promen.ar : to walk, stroll
promis.ar : to promise
promoc.ar : to promote (to a higher office)
pronom.o : pronoun
pront.a : ready
pronunc.ar : to pronounce
propag.ar : to propagate, spread diffuse
proporcion.o : proportion
propoz.ar : to propose
propr.a : own, proper, peculiar to
propriet.ar : to own
propuls.ar : to propel
proskrib.ar : to proscribe, outlaw
prosper.ar : to prosper
protein.o : protein
protekt.ar : to protect
protest.ar : to protest
protestant.a : protestant
protokol.o : protocol, minutes of a meeting
proverb.o : proverb
provinc.o : province
proviz.ar : to provide
provizor.a : provisional
provok.ar : to provoke
proxim : near
proz.o : prose
prudent.a : prudent
prun.o : plum, prune
prunt.ar : to borrow
prurit.ar : to itch
pruv.ar : to prove
pseudonim.o : pseudonym
psik.o : the conscious, the knowing mind
psikiatri.o : psychiatry
psikolog.o : psychologist, psikologi.o psychology
publik.a : public
pudor.ar : to feel a natural shame, modesty
pudr.o : powder (for the toilet, face etc.)
puer.o : child (-ul/in)
pugn.o : fist
pulmon.o : lung
puls.ar : to push
pultr.o : poultry
pulver.o : powder (general)
pump.ar : to pump
pund.o : pound sterling
punis.ar : to punish
punt.o : point, dot, position, period, full stop
pupe.o : doll, puppet
pupil.o : pupil (of eye)
pur.a : pure
purg.ar : to purge
purpur.a : purple
pus.o : pus
pute.o : well (hole for water)
putr.ar : to putrify, rot


qua : who, what, which (person)
quo : what, which (thing, fact)
quadrat.a : square
qual.a : what kind of; -e how, as, like; -es.o quality
qualifik.ar : to qualify
quankam : (al)though (= malgre ke)
quant.a : how many; -es.o quantity
quar : four
quaranten.o : quarantine
quarter.o : quarter, district, section of city
quaze : as it were
quer.ar : fetch
question.ar : to question, ask questions of
qui : who, what, which (plural)
quiet.a : quiet, peaceful, tranquil
quik : straight away, just about to


rabat.ar : to reduce in price
rabot.o : plane (tool)
racion.o : reason, power of understanding
radar.o : radar
radi.ar : to radiate, emit rays or beams
radioaktiv.a : radioactive
radik.o : root
radot.ar : to be in one's dotage, talk drivel
rafin.ar : to refine
raket.o : racket (as for tennis)
rakont.ar : to tell a (fictional) story
ram.o : small bough, twig
ramp.o : (upward) slope
ran.o : frog
rang.o : row, tier, range, rank
rapid.a : fast, quick, rapid
raport.ar : to report
rapt.ar : to seize by violence
rar.a : rare
ras.o : race, breed
rasp.ar : to rasp, grate
rat.o : rat
ratifik.ar : to ratify
ravis.ar : to ravish
raz.ar : to shave
reakt.ar : to react
reaktor.o : reactor
real.a : real
rebel.a : rebel, rebellious
recens.ar : to review (a book)
recent.a : recent
recept.o : recipe
recev.ar : to receive
reciprok.a : reciprocal
recit.ar : to recite
red.a : red
redakt.ar : to draw up (a document), edit (a newspaper)
redukt.ar : to reduce
refer.ar : to refer (to)
reflekt.ar : to reflect
reform.ar : to reform
refuj.ar : to take, seek refuge
refut.ar : to refute
refuz.ar : to refuze
regard.ar : to look at
regener.ar : to regenerate
region.o : region
registr.o : register
regn.ar : to reign
regres.ar : to regress
regret.ar : to regret
regul.ar : to regulate; -o rule
rej.o : king, queen (-ul/in)
rejim.o : regime
reklam.ar : to advertize (loudly)
rekolt.ar : to harvest
rekomend.ar : to recommend
rekompens.ar : to recompense, reward, remunerate
rekrut.ar : to recruit
rekt.a : straight
rektangul.o : rectangle
rektifik.ar : to rectify
rektor.o : rector
rekuper.ar : to recuperate, recover
rekurs.ar : to have recourse to
rel.o : rail, -voy.o railway
relat.ar : to relate (to)
releg.ar : to relegate
religi.o : religion
remark.ar : to remark, notice
remedi.ar : to remedy
remork.ar : to tow, tug, drag
remplas.ar : to replace
ren.o : kidney
rendevu.o : rendezvous
renesanc.o : renaissance
renkontr.ar : to meet (with), encounter
rent.o : income, rent
renunc.ar : to renounce
renvers.ar : to overthrow, upset
repar.ar : to repair
repartis.ar : to divide in due proportion, share out
repas.ar : to iron
repast.ar : to have a meal
repent.ar : to repent
repet.ar : to repeat
replik.ar : to reply
repoz.ar : to rest, repose
repres.ar : to repress
reprezent.ar : to represent
reproch.ar : to reproach
rept.ar : to crawl, creep; -er.o reptile
republik.o : republic
repugn.ar : to have or inspire a repugnance towards
repuls.ar : to repel
reput.ar : to repute, deem; -es.o reputation
resortis.ar : to be under the jurisdiction of
respekt.ar : to respect
respir.ar : to respire, breathe
respond.ar : to respond
respons.ar : to be responsible for
rest.ar : to remain, be left
restaur.ar : to restore
restor.ar : to take refreshments
restrikt.ar : to restrict
ret.o : net, mesh, network
reten.ar : to retain
retorik.o : rhetoric
retrakt.ar : to retract
retret.ar : to retreat
retro : back(wards)
rev.ar : to daydream
revel.ar : to reveal
revenu.o : revenue, income
revers.o : reverse, back side of anything
reviz.ar : to revise
revolt.ar : to revolt, rise in revolt
revolucion.ar : to revolutionize
revolver.o : revolver
revu.ar : to review
rez.a : even, level with
rezerv.ar : to reserve
rezid.ar : to reside
rezidu.o : residue
rezign.ar : to be resigned, feel resignation
rezist.ar : to resist
rezolv.ar : to resolve
rezon.ar : to reason, apply one's reason
rezult.ar : to result; -aj.o result
rezum.ar : to sum up, recapitulate
rib.o : currant
rich.a : rich
rid.ar : to laugh; -et.ar to smile
rigid.a : rigid
rigl.o : bolt
rigor.o : rigour
rikonoc.ar : to recognize, know again
rim.o : rhyme
rimbors.ar : to reimburse
rimemor.ar : to remember, recollect
rimen.o : strap, belt
ring.o : ring
rinocer.o : rhinoceros
rins.ar : to rinse
risk.ar : to risk, take a risk
rispektiv.a : respective
ritm.o : rhythm
ritu.o : rite, ritual
riv.o : shore, beach, bank (of a river)
rival.a : rival
river.o : river
rivet.o : rivet
rivid.ar : to see again; til -o see you soon
rivivig.ar : to revive
riz.o : rice
rob.o : robe, dress
robinet.o : tap
rod.ar : to gnaw at
rok.o : rock, boulder
rol.o : role
roman.o : novel
romantik.a : romantic
rond.a : round
ronk.ar : to snore
ros.o : dew
rost.ar : to roast
rot.o : wheel
rotac.ar : to rotate
roz.o : rose
ruband.o : ribbon, tape
rubrik.o : rubric
rud.a : rude, rough, uncultured, uneducated
ruin.ar : to ruin
rul.ar : to roll
Rumani.a : Romania; -an.a Romanian
rumor.o : rumour
rupt.ar : to break, rupture
rur.o : country (as opposed to town)
Rusia : Russia, rus.a Russian
rust.o : rust
rutin.o : routine, habit
ruz.ar : to use cunning, artifice


sabl.o : sand
sabr.o : sabre, broadsword
sacerdot.o : priest
saci.ar : to give a bare sufficiency, bare minimum to
sagac.a : sagacious
Sahar.a : Sahara
saj.a : wise; -o sage
sak.o : bag, sack, pouch
sakr.a : sacred
sakrifik.ar : to sacrifice, make offerings
sal.o : salt
salad.o : salad
salari.ar : to pay a salary to
sald.ar : to settle with; -aj.o balance due
sali.ar : to jut out, project
salmon.o : salmon
salon.o : saloon, drawing room
salt.ar : to jump, leap, hop
salut.ar : to greet, salute
sam.a : same
san.a : healthy
sang.o : blood
sandwich.o : sandwich
sant.a : holy, saintly
sapon.o : soap
sapor.ar : to have a certain flavour
sark.o : coffin
sarkasm.o : sarcasm
sat(e) : enough
satelit.o : satellite
satin.o : satin
satir.o : satire
satisfac.ar : to satisfy
satur.ar : to saturate, fill to completest fullness
saturdi.o : Saturday
sauc.o : sauce
sav.ar : to know (a fact, etc.)
saxofon.o : saxophone
se : if (not "whether")
secion.o : section
sedici.ar : to mutiny, riot
sediment.o : sediment, grounds, dregs
sedukt.ar : to seduce
seg.ar : to saw
segl.o : sail
segment.o : segment
segun : according to
sejorn.ar : to sojourn, remain for some time at a place
sek.ar : to cut, make a surface cut in
sekrec.ar : to secrete
sekret.a : secret
sekretari.o : secretary
sekt.o : sect
sektor.o : sector
sekund.o : second (unit of time)
sekundar.a : secondary
sel.o : saddle
selekt.ar : to choose, select
sem.ar : to sow, scatter
seman.o : week
semantik.o : semantics
sembl.ar : to seem
semin.o : seed
sempre : always (= omnatempe)
sen : without
senat.o : senate
senc.o : sense, meaning
sences.a : neverending, incessant
sensual.a : sensual
sent.ar : to feel (a sensation)
sentiment.o : sentiment
senvalor.a : worthless
sep : seven
separ.ar : to separate
septembr.o : September
sepult.ar : to entomb, bury (dead body)
sequ.ar : to follow
Serbi.a : Serbia
serch.ar : to look for, search (for)
seri.o : series
serioz.a : serious
serpent.o : serpent, snake
serur.o : lock
serv.ar : to serve
sesion.o : session, sitting
sever.a : severe, harsh
sexu.o : sex
sezon.o : season
sfer.o : sphere
shablon.o : pattern
shak.o : chess piece, -lud.o chess game
skakt.o : pit, shaft
shal.o : shawl
sham.ar : to be ashamed
shancel.ar : to stagger
shark.o : shark
sharp.o : scarf
shel.o : shell, peel, rind
shikan.ar : to quibble, prolong a contest by shifts, subterfuges
shild.o : shield
shink.o : ham
shirm.ar : to shelter, shield, screen
shok.ar : to shock
shovel.o : shovel
shu.o : shoe
shultr.o : shoulder
sid.ar : to sit
sifl.ar : to whistle
sigar.o : cigar
sigl.ar : to seal, to affix a mark of authenticity
sign.o : sign
signat.ar : to sign; -ur.o signature
signifik.ar : to mean, signify
sik.a : dry
silab.o : syllable
silenc.ar : to be silent, not make a noise
silk.o : silk
simbol.o : symbol
simetr.a : symmetrical
simfoni.o : symphony
simil.a : similar, like
simpati.ar : to sympathize (with)
simpl.a : simple
simptom.o : symptom
simul.ar : to simulate
sin.o : intimate place, internal part, bosom, heart (of an organization, etc.)
sincer.a : sincere
singl.a : each, every single
singlut.ar : to sob
singular.a : singular
sinior.o : lord, lady, highness (-ul/in)
sinistr.o : left(-hand)
sink.ar : to sink
sinonim.a : synonymous
sins.o : direction (one way)
sintax.o : syntax
sintez.ar : synthesize
sior.o : sir or madam, Mr., Mrs., Miss (-ul/in)
siren.o : siren
sis : six
sis.ar : to hiss
sism.o : earthquake
sistem.o : system
sitel.o : pail, bucket
situ.ar : to place, locate, situate
siv.o : sieve
sive : whether, either
siz.ar : to seize
skal.o : ladder
skandal.ar : to scandalize
Skandinavi.a : Scandinavia; -an.a Scandinavian
skars.a : scarce
skem.o : scheme, plan, outline
skeptik.a : sceptic(al)
ski.o : ski
skis.ar : to sketch
skism.o : schism
skizofreni.o : schizophrenia
sklav.o : slave
skop.o : aim, purpose
Skotia : Scotland, skot.a Scottish
skrap.ar : to scrape
skren.o : screen
skrib.ar : to write
skrub.o : screw
skult.ar : to sculpture
slang.o : slang
slav.o : Slav
Slovaki.a : Slovakia
sluz.o : sluice, lock
smerald.o : emerald
sobr.a : moderate in food and drink
soci.o : society (in general); -et.o society, association formed for a particular purpose
sociolog.o : sociologist, sociologi.o sociology
socis.o : sausage
sofa.o : sofa
sokurs.ar : to come to someone's aid
sol.a : alone, sole
sold.ar : to solder
soldat.o : soldier
solen.a : solemn
solid.a : solid
solidar.a : jointly responsible or liable; -es.o solidarity
solitar.a : solitary
solv.ar : to solve
somer.o : summer
somnol.ar : to be sleepy, drowsy
son.ar : to sound, emit a sound
sond.ar : to sound, take soundings to ascertain depth
sonj.ar : to dream
sonor.a : sonorous, resonant
sorc.ar : to practise sorcery
sordid.a : sordid
sorg.ar : to care for, take care of
sort.o : sort
sospir.ar : to sigh
sovaj.a : savage, wild
spac.o : space
spar.ar : to economize, save
spec.o : species, kind; -al.a special
specimen.o : specimen
spegul.o : mirror
spekt.ar : to watch, spectate
spektakl.o : spectacle, performance
spektr.o : spectrum
spekul.ar : to speculate
spens.ar : to spend
spic.o : spice
spin.o : spine, backbone
spion.ar : to spy
spiral.o : spiral
splendid.a : splendid
spoli.ar : despoil, pillage, sack, plunder
sponj.o : sponge
spontan.a : spontaneous
sport.o : sport
spoz.o : spouse, husband, wife (-ul/in)
spric.ar : to spout, gush forth
spum.o : loam, froth
sput.ar : to spit (out)
stab.o : staff (collection of personnel)
stabil.a : stable
stabl.o : stable (for animals)
stac.ar : to stand
stacion.o : station
stadi.o : stadium
stagn.ar : to stagnate
stal.o : steel
stamp.ar : to stamp, imprint on surface
stan.o : tin (metal)
stand.ar : to be in a certain state
standard.o : standard, ensign
stang.o : bar, rod (of wood or metal)
starch.ar : to starch
start.ar : to start, set going
stat.o : state (political)
statistik.o : statistic(s)
statu.o : statue
statut.o : statute
stel.o : star
stenograf.ar : to take shorthand
stereofoni.o : stereophony
stereotip.ar : to stereotype
steril.a : sterile
sterk.o : dung
sternut.ar : to sneeze
stif.a : step- (relationship)
stil.o : style
stimul.ar : to stimulate
stok.o : stock
stomak.o : stomach
ston.o : stone, pebble
stoter.ar : to stutter
strad.o : street
strangul.ar : to strangle
stranj.a : strange
stranjer.a : foreign
strat.o : layer, stratum
strategi.o : strategy
strek.o : stroke, dash
stret.a : narrow
stri.o : stripe
strik.ar : to go on strike
strikt.a : strict
strok.o : stroke
struktur.o : structure
student.o : student
studi.ar : to study
stul.o : chair
stult.a : foolish, silly
stupid.a : stupid
sturm.ar : to be stormy
su : himself, herself etc. (reflexive pronoun)
sub : under
subis.ar : to undergo
subit.a : sudden
subjekt.o : subject
subjuntiv.o : subjunctive
submers.ar : to submerge
submis.ar : to submit
subsidi.ar : to subsidize
substanc.o : substance
substantiv.o : substantive
substituc.ar : to substitute
subtil.a : subtle
suced.ar : to succeed, come after
suces.ar : to succeed, be successful
suci.ar : to worry, be concerned about
sud.o : south
Sudan : Sudan
sudor.o : sweat
Suedia : Sweden, sued.a Swedish
sufic.ar : to suffice, be enough
sufix.o : suffix
sufl.ar : to blow
sufok.ar : to suffocate
sufr.ar : to suffer
sug.ar : to suck
sugest.ar : to suggest
Suisia : Switzerland, suis.a Swiss
suk.o : juice
sukomb.ar : to succomb
sukr.o : sugar
sukus.ar : to cause violent vibrations in, shake
sul.o : soil
sulk.o : furrow
sum.o : sum, amount
sumn.ar : to summon
sun.o : sun
sundi.o : Sunday
suocid.ar : to commit suicide
suol.o : sole (of shoe)
sup.o : soup
supe.ar : to take supper
super : over, above (not in contact with)
superb.a : conceited, supercilious
superflu.a : superfluous
superior.a : superior
suplant.ar : to supplant
suple.ar : to make up for (a deficiency), take the place of someone
suplement.o : supplement
suport.ar : to support, bear the weight of
supoz.ar : to suppose
supre : on top, above
supres.ar : to suppress
sur : on, upon
surd.a : deaf
surfac.o : surface
surnom.o : surname
surpriz.ar : to surprize, take by surprize
survey.ar : to look after, watch over
suskript.ar : to subscribe, contribute a definite sum to an undertaking
suspekt.ar : to suspect
suspend.ar : to suspend
susten.ar : to sustain
sustracion.ar : to subtract
susur.ar : to whisper
sut.ar : to sew
suvenir.o : souvenir
suveren.a : sovereign


ta : that
tabak.o : tobacco
tabel.o : table, flat surface for writing; table of figures etc.
tabl.o : table
tac.ar : to say nothing about, pass over in silence
takt.o : sense of feeling, touch; tact
taktik.o : tactic
tal.a : such (a), that kind of
talent.o : talent
tali.ar : to cut out, carve, trim
talior.o : tailor
talon.o : heel
talp.o : mole
tam : as, so; tam ... kam as/so ... as
tambur.o : drum
tamen : nevertheless
tank.o : tank
tant.a : so many, that quantity of
tapis.o : carpet; -et.o rug
tard.a : late
tarif.o : tariff, customs duty
tart.o : tart
tas.o : cup
task.o : task
taur.o : bull
tautologi.o : tautology
tavern.o : tavern, public house
tax.ar : to tax, assess for tax
tay.o : waist
te.o : tea
teatr.o : theatre
ted.ar : to bore
tegul.o : (roof) tile
teknik.o : technics; -al.a technical
teknologi.o : technology
tekt.o : roof
tel.o : linen cloth or fabric, arane.o- spider's web
telefon.ar : to telephone
telegraf.ar : to telegraph
telegram.o : telegram
telekomunik.o : telecommunications
telepati.o : telepathy
teleskop.o : telescope
televizion.o : television
tem.o : theme, subject
temp.o : time
temperatur.o : temperature
tempest.ar : to storm: blow a gale
templ.o : temple
ten.ar : to hold
tenac.a : tenacious
tend.o : tent
tendenc.ar : to tend
tenebr.o : darkness, gloom; -oz.a dark
tenis.o : tennis
tens.ar : to stretch
tent.ar : to tempt
tenu.a : tenuous, thin
teologi.o : theology
teorem.o : theorem
tepid.a : tepid
ter.o : earth
terapi.o : therapy
teras.o : terrace
teren.o : terrain
teritori.o : territory
termin.o : term
termometr.o : thermometer
termostat.o : thermostat
teror.ar : to be terrified
terpom.o : potato
test.o : witness
testament.ar : to make one's will
tex.ar : to weave
text.o : text
tez.o : thesis
tigr.o : tiger
til : till, until
tim.ar : to fear
timid.a : timid
tine.o : (clothes) moth
tint.ar : to dye
tip.o : type
tir.ar : to pull, draw
tiran.o : tyrant
titil.ar : to tickle, titillate
titul.o : title
to : that (thing)
toler.ar : to tolerate
tom.o : tome, volume
tomat.o : tomato
ton.o : tone
tondr.ar : to thunder
tonik.a : tonic
tonsil.o : tonsil
tord.ar : to twist
torent.o : torrent
torment.ar : to torment, torture
torped.o : torpedo
tort.o : pie (English sense)
tortug.o : tortoise
tost.ar : to toast, raise a toast to
tot.a : whole, all of
toxik.a : toxic, poisonous
tra : through
trab.o : beam, girder
trac.o : trace
tradicion.ar : to hand down by tradition
traduk.ar : to translate
trafik.o : traffic
tragedi.o : tragedy
trahiz.ar : to betray
trait.o : feature, characteristic, trait
trakt.ar : to treat
tram.o : tram
tranch.ar : to cut, carve off
tranquil.a : tranquil
trans : across, to the other side of
transfer.ar : to transfer
transform.ar : to transform
translac.ar : to translate, shift from one place to another
transpar.ar : to shine through, glimmer
transpir.ar : to transpire
transport.ar : to transport
trapez.o : trapese, trapezium
traur.ar : to mourn, be in mourning
tre : very
tren.o : train
tresay.ar : (intr.) to give a start, be startled, (feel a) thrill
trezor.o : treasure
tri : three
tribu.o : tribe
tribunal.o : tribunal
tribut.ar : to pay tribute
trilogi.o : trilogy
trist.a : sad
triumf.ar : to triumph
trivial.a : trivial
tro : too
trole.o : trolley
tromp.ar : to deceive
tron.o : throne
trotuar.o : pavement, sidewalk
trov.ar : to find
tru.o : hole
trubl.ar : to trouble
trumpet.o : trumpet
trup.o : troop, band
trut.o : trout
tu : you (sing. familiar)
tualet.ar : to make one's toilet
tub.o : tube, pipe
tuk.o : towel, piece of cloth
tulip.o : tulip
tumult.ar : to raise a tumult, disturbance, uproar
tun.o : tune
tunel.o : tunnel
Tunizi.a : Tunisia
tur.o : tour
turb.o : crowd
Turkia : Turkey, turk.a Turkish
turm.o : tower
turn.ar : to turn
tus.ar : to cough
tush.ar : to touch


ube : where
ucel.o : bird
ul.a : some (indefinite quantity)
ulm.o : elm
ultra : beyond, further, additional
un : one
unanim.a : unanimous
ungl.o : nail, claw, talon
uniform.a : uniform
unik.a : unique
union.ar : to unite
univers.o : universe
universitat.o : university
unlater.a : unilateral
unsenc.a : monosignificant, unambiguous
Uruguay : Uruguay
urb.o : town, city
urin.o : urine
urj.ar : to urge, be urgent
urs.o : bear
Us.a : U.S.A. (United States of America)
utensil.o : utensil, tool
util.a : useful
utopi.o : utopia
uz.ar : to use


vag.ar : to wander
vagon.o : railway carriage, car
vak.ar : to be vacant
vakanc.ar : to take a holiday
vaku.a : empty
val.o : vale, valley
valid.a : valid
valor.ar : to have value, be valuable
vampir.o : vampire
van.a : vain, fruitless
vang.o : cheek
vanil.o : vanilla
vanitat.o : vanity
vapor.o : vapour, steam
var.o : ware(s), goods
vari.ar : to vary
varm.a : warm, hot
vars.ar : to pour out
vart.ar : to wait
vast.a : vast, extensive
vax.o : wax
vaz.o : vase
veh.ar : to travel, go about in any sort of vehicle
vein.o : vein, seam
vejet.ar : to vegetate
vejetar.ar : to be vegetarian
vek.ar : to wake
vel.o : veil
velur.o : velvet
ven.ar : to come
vend.ar : to sell
venen.o : poison
venerdi.o : Friday
Venezuel.a : Venezuela
venj.ar : to avenge, take revenge on
vent.ar : to blow, be windy
ventil.ar : to ventilate
ventr.o : stomach, belly
ver.a : true
verb.o : verb
verd.a : green
verdikt.o : verdict
verifik.ar : to verify
verk.o : work (of art etc.)
verm.o : worm
vernis.o : varnish
vers : towards
vers.o : verse
version.o : version
vertikal.a : vertical
vertu.o : virtue
verv.o : verve
vesper.o : evening
vespertili.o : bat
vest.o : garment, piece of clothing
vestibul.o : hallway, lobby
veter.o : weather
vetur.o : vehicle
vex.ar : to vex, irritate
vi : you (pl.)
vibr.ar : to vibrate
vice : instead of, vice.e instead
vici.o : vice, fault of character
vicin.a : neighbouring
vid.ar : to see
vidv.a : widowed
vigil.ar : to keep a vigil
vigor.o : vigour
viktim.o : victim
vilaj.o : village
vin.o : wine
vinagr.o : vinegar
vink.ar : to overcome, conquer
vintr.o : winter
viol.o : violet
violac.ar : to violate
violin.o : violin
vir.o : man (male adult human being)
virg.a : virginal
virtual.a : virtual
virus.o : virus
vish.ar : to wipe off, dry by rubbing
vit.o : vine
vitr.o : glass (substance)
viv.ar : to live
vivac.a : vivacious, lively
viz.ar : to aim at
vizaj.o : face (of a person)
vizit.ar : to visit
voc.o : voice
vok.ar : to call
vol.ar : to want
volf.o : wolf
volkan.o : volcano
volumin.o : volume
volunt.ar : to volunteer, be willing to do something
volv.ar : to roll up, wrap up
vom.ar : to vomit
vort.o : word
vot.ar : to vote
voy.o : way, path, road
voyaj.ar : to travel
vu : you (sing.)
vulgar.a : vulgar: of the common people
vund.ar : to wound


Wals : Wales, walsan.a Welsh
weld.ar : to weld
west.o : west
wiski.o : whisky


xilofon.o : xylophone


ya : indeed, truly (used to lend emphasis to a statement)
yakt.o : yacht
yar.o : year, yarcent.o century etc.
ye : indefinite preposition, used where no other preposition is appropriate
yen : here is, there is, behold!
yes : yes
yogurt.o : yoghurt
yun.a : young
yur.o : right (legal, moral etc.)
yust.a : just, fair, equitable, rightful


zebr.o : zebra
zel.ar : to be zealous; -o zeal
zero : zero, nought
zigzag.ar : to zigzag
zink.o : zinc
zodiak.o : zodiac
zon.o : zone
zoologi.o : zoology; -ist.o zoologist
zum.ar : to buzz, drone

    Source: geocities.com/athens/Forum/5037

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