



Death of Antony Cauleas, Patriarch of Constantinople.

Leo V. becomes Pope.

Birth of St. Wenceslaus.

Christopher is anti-Pope.

Sergius becomes Pope. He is one of the few bad Popes in the Church's history. He was a Roman of aristocratic birth and served as Deacon under Pope Stephen V.



Pope Sergius III was a Roman from a Noble family. He was excommunicated and exiled by Pope John M. He returned to Rome after Pope John IX's death and succeeded the anti-Pope, Christopher. He associated himselfwith the most powerful Noble in Pome, the Duke, Commander of the Army, and Master of the Wardrobe, Theophylact. Theophylact's family will control the Papacy for decades. Sergius III was a Defender of "filoque", and ruled that the Emperor Leo's fourth marriage valid, restoring peace to Constantinople. He died in the Spring of 911.

End of the T'ang Dynasty in China.

The Benedictine Abbey at Cluny was founded. The Abbey was suppressed and destroyed during the French revolution and never rebuilt. In its day it became the most influential Christian Monastery encouraging reform of Church abuses such as simony( the holding of multiple church offices) and the lax enforcement of clerical celibacy. This Abbey produced many great Saints such as Pope St. Gregory VII; St. Odo; St Hugh, the Prior; St. Berno; and Bernard of Clairveaux.

William the Pious, Duke of Aquitaine, founded the Congregation of Cluny Abbey and endowed it with his entire domain. St. Berno, the Abbot of Gigny, was appointed its first Abbot. The Cluniacs originated at Cluny, a town in Saone-et-Loire. A new and stricter form of Benedictine life was inaugurated here.

Anastasius III becomes Pope. He was a Roman by birth. He was elected during a troubled time in Rome. The city was dominated by Theophylact and his energetic wife, Theodora the Elder. The two of them controlled his Papacy.

Abd-ar-Rahman III becomes the eighth Umayyad ruler of Spain.

Henry I (The Fowler) succeeds his father as Duke of Saxony.

Lando becomes Pope. He was the son of a wealthy Lombard Count named Taino. His brief Pontificate lasted six months and eleven days. The only thing recorded in his Pontificate is in pious memory of his father, to the Cathedral of Sabina, St. Salvatore in Fornovo.

John X becomes Pope. He decorated the St. John Lateran Basilica with splendid pictures and promoted the singing school. He was very much in favor of the education of the clergy. He more than a politician and a man of action, he carried out a wide range of policies which enhanced the prestige of the Papacy.



Pope John X was a diplomat, warrior, and Ecclesiastical administrator. He stands out among the Popes in this age. He was born at Tossignano, in Romagna. He was elected Archbishop of Ravenna in 905. As Pontiff he unified the Italians for the first time ever in his efforts to dispel the Moslems. Pope John X in person led the Roman contingent. The allied army assisted by Greek naval units from the Eastern Empire, defeated the Saracens and drove them back into their stronghold. When starving Moslems tried to break through the iron ring, the were cut into pieces. Pope John X entered Rome with a well deserved triumphant reception. Pope John X got a little too independent for the all powerful Senatrix, Marozia, now the dominant figure of the Theophylact dan. Marozia had Pope John X's brother killed and he was smothered with a pillow in 938.

Pope John X crowns Berengar I Holy Roman Emperor.

Death of St. Tutilo, monk, poet, orator, architect, painter, sculptor, metal worker, and mechanic with a passion for music. He is buried in the chapel of St. Catherine in the Benedictine Monastery of Saint-Gall; which was renamed St. Tutilo's in his honor.

Death of the Senatrix, Theodrora. She was the wife of Theophylact.

Death of Conrad I, King of Germany. Henry I (called The Fowler) is choosen by the Franconian and Saxon nobles to be king.

Henry I the Fowler becomes Holy Roman Emperor.

Death of Theophylact. He was the financial director of the Holy See and Consul and Commander of the militia. In the absence of an Emperor, his family governed Rome.

St. Wenceslaus becomes King of Bohemia.

Pope John X sent his Legates to the East where they were successful in restoring unity that had been severed 912 when the Pope sanctioned Leo IV's fourth marriage.

The city of Strasbourg becomes part of the Holy Roman Empire.

Athelstan becomes King of England.

Death of Berengar I.

Henry I The Fowler finally is recognized as king by all the German states.

Death of the famous Muslim physician Perian al-Razi (aka Rhazes).

Hugh of Province becomes King of Italy.

Sihtric, king of Northumbria dies, and his brother-in-law Athelstan, king of Wessex, claims the kingdom of Northumbria.

Henry I, the Fowler, of Germany, sucures a truce with the Magyars. 927
Death of St Bruno, Abbot of Cluny.

Pope John X is deposed on what were more than likely false charges! His brother, Peter, was murdered before his eyes. His blood is on the hands of the ruthless Senatrix, Marozia.

Leo VI becomes Pope. His reign lasted seven months. He was elected to fill the void created by the wrongfull deposition of Pope John X. In fact, his acceptance of the Pontificate made him a usurper.

Stephen VII succeeds Leo VI as Pope. He was a stopgap appointment by Marozia. He too, at least at this particular point in time, also made him a usurper.

Death of the imprisoned Pope John X Many reports agree that he was murdered by being smothered with a pillow. He was a Good Pope and I shall look forward to his Canonization.

Martyrdom of St. Wenceslaus. He was known as The Good King. In September of this year, he was invited to go to Stars Boleslav to celebrate the Feast of its Patron Saints, Cosmos and Damien. On the evening of the festival's conclusion, The Good King was warned that his life was in danger. He refused to pay this warning any heed. He proposed a toast to those assembled in the hall: "In honor of St. Michael, whom we pray to guide us to peace and eternal joy." The next morning, on his way to Holy Mass, he met his brother, Bolesiaus and stopped to thank him for his warm hospitality. Boleslaus said: "Yesterday, I did my best to serve you fittingly, but this must be my service to-day," and struck him. The two brothers struggled Friends of Boleslaus then ran up and killed the Good King Wenceslaus. His last words were "Brother, may God forgive you" as he fell against the Chapal door. Boleslaus became frightened at the many miracles being wrought at his brother's tomb.

Abd-ar-Rahman III of Spain assumes the title "caliph".

Henry I, the Fowler, of Germany battles the Wends.

Death of Al-Battani, an Arab astronomer and mathmatician.

John XI becomes Pope. He was the bastard son of Pope Sergius III and at this time, the All Powerful Senatrix, Marozia. He was born in Rome and was in his early twenties when he was elected. His mother obtained his appointment as a means to enhance her own authority and power.

Birth of St. Adelaide.

Marozia, widowed for the second time, married Hugh of Province, her brother-in-law. This marriage was uncanonical.

Alberic II, Marozia's son by her first marriage, was insulted by Hugh at the wedding-feast. In December, an armed mob stormed the Castel San't Angelo. This is where the Royal couple were installed and Marozia ruled the city. Hugh escaped, but Alberic II imprisoned his mother, Marozia, and his half-brother, the Pope, then had himself proclaimed Prince of Rome, Senator of all Romans, Count and patrician. Marozia died before the year's end in prison. Pope John XI was later released but kept under house-arrest in the Lateran.

Abd-ar-Rahman III of Spain recaptures the city of Toledo.

The sixteen year old Theophylact becomes Patriarch of Constantinople.

The Magyers attempt an invasion against Thurgina but are defeated by Henry I, the Fowler, of Germany.

Henry I, the Fowler, of Germany won land in his victory over the Danes.

Olaf Godfreyson becomes king of Dublin.

Leo VII becomes Pope. He owed his election to Alberic II, self proclaimed Prince of Rome, Patrician and Senator of the all the Romans. He was probably a Benedictine Priest. As Pontiff, he was restricted by Alberic II to ecclesiastical functions.

Pope Leo VII was active in fostering Monastic revival.

Otto I is crowned King of Germany.

Charles III, The Simple becomes King of France.

Death of St. Gennadius, Bishop of Astorga.

Athelstan, King of Wessex wins a battle at Brunanburh against a league of Welsh, Scottish and Danish.

Death of Athelstan, King of Wessex and most of England.

Stephen VIII becomes Pope. He was of German descent. Like his predecessor, he owed his election to Alberic II. He was a learned man and devoted to peace. There was no shame in his private life. He intervened in the support of naming Louis IV's son, Charles the Simple as King of France.

Edmund I is crowned King of England.

Saint Dustan is appointed abbot of Glastonbury.

Olaf Godfreyson, King of Dublin, takes over Northumbria, sharing his rule with his cousin Olaf Sihtricson (Olaf the Red).

Death of Olaf Godfreyson.

Edmund I, King of England, makes war on the Vikings.

Marinus II becomes Pope. He was a Roman by birth. He was Cardinal priest of St. Circiaco at the time of his election. He too owed his ejection to Alberic II.

Malcolm I MacDonald becomes king of Scotland.

The Mandylion was unfolded for the first time and the entire image of The Holy Shroud was first revealed. At this time the Holy Shroud was in Constantinople.

Edmund I, king of England, turns the kingdom of Strathclyde, (west of Northumbria) over to his ally Malcolm I MacDonald, king of Scotland.

Agapitas becomes Pope. He is another one who owed his election to Alberic II, who made a habit out of choosing Popes. He worked with Alberic II in fostering monastic reform, and gave special status to Cluny.

Edmund I, king of England, is stabbed by a robber and dies. His kingdom goes to his brother Edred, who had ruled with him for the past year.

St. Adelaide was married to King Lothair of Italy.

Olaf Sihtricson (Olaf the Red), King of Dublin becomes king of Northumbria, again.

Death of King Lothair of Italy; the kingdom was taken over by Berengarius II of Friuli. St. Adelaide suffered much under the rule of Berengarius but within several years, she and the kingdom were liberated by King Otto the Great of Germany.

Death of St. Alphege, Bishop of Winchester.

Olaf Sihtricson (Olaf the Red), King of Dublin is again expelled from Northumbria, and returns to Dublin.

Death of St. Basil the Younger, Hermit. He was 100 years old and was buried in the Church of a nunnery in Constantinople.

Death of Alberic II. On his deathbed, he begged and pleaded the leading Romans that when Pope Agapitas died, they would elect his bastard son, Octavian as Pope. The boy was to succeed his father as Prince and all powerful ruler as well. This promise was secured before his death.

Death of Pope Agapitas. John XII becomes Pope. His name was Octavian, he was the bastard son of Prince and all powerful ruler, Alberic II. He is the second Pope to have changed his name. He is referred to in history as The Boy Pope, he was barely eighteen years old and had already received Holy Orders. I do not believe anyone would dispute me for saying that he was without a doubt, the worst Pope in the history of our Church. It has been said the John XII had a major problem with concupiscence and had scandalous conduct. Despite the immoral problems, probably due to his upbringing, he was not a total waste; he did possess administrative skills. He was later deposed.

Edig ascends to the English Throne.

Birth of St. Romuald.

Russia is converted to the Roman Catholic Faith.

Edgar becomes King of England.

The Sung dynasty begins in China.

Death of Caliph Abd-ar-Rahman III of Spain.

Birth of St. Edward the Martyr.

Otto I is anointed Holy Roman Emperor by Pope John XII.

Pope John XII is deposed.

Leo VIII is named Pope.



Benedict V becomes Pope.

John XIII becomes Pope.

Death of Berengar II, King of Italy.

Death of King Sancho of Portugal.

Death of St. Matilda, widow. She was the wife of Henry the Fowler. She is buried next to her husband at Quedlinburg, and she was locally venerated as a Saint from the moment of her death on March 14.

John I Tzimisces becomes Byzantine Emperor after assassinating Emperor Nicephorus Phocas.

Hungary is converted to the Roman Catholic Faith.

Benedict VI becomes Pope.

The Holy Roman Empire begins by Otto I. He effected a tie between Church and State.

Boniface VII is anti-Pope.

Benedict VII becomes Pope. He was a Roman aristocrat, the son of David, a kinsman of Alberic II.

St. Edward the Martyr becomes King of England. His accession was opposed by a party headed by his step-mother, Queen Elfrida. She planned his death so her son, the seven year old Ethelred would become King.

Death of St. Cadroe, Abbot of Waulsort.

The Chinese developed an encyclopedia of 1000 volumes.

King St. Edward of England is assassinated: Ethelred is crowned King of England.

Faced with manslaughter charges Eric the Red leaves Iceland to explore the land that he would later name Greenland.

Olaf Sihtricson (Olaf the Red), King of Dublin is defeated at Tara and exciled to Iona.

John XIV becomes Pope. He was the former Arch-Chancellor for Italy. His name was Peter Canepanova.

Death of Otto II. He died on December 7, in the arms of the Pope after receiving absolution.

John XV becomes Pope. He was a Roman, the son of a priest named Leo. He was a learned man and the author of a few books.

Eric the Red establishes the first European settlement in Greenland after he was exiled from Iceland.

Hugh Capet becomes King of France. This began the Capetian Dynasty. In France, son followed father without a break in the Royal succession until 1316.

Hugh Capet of France has his son Robert the Pious (later Robert II) appointed as his associate and successor.

Vladimir I converts the Russians to the Catholic Faith.

Death of Queen Regent Theophano, mother of eleven year old, Otto III. Otto III rules under the regency of a council.

Boleslav I (called the Brave, or the Mighty) succeeds his father as prince of Poland.

Synod of Chelles.

Pope John XV solemnly canonizes St. Ulrich, Bishop of Augsberg. This marked the first time in our history a ritual canonization of a Saint by a Pope took place.

The Viking, Olaf Tryggvason, on his last raid in England with Sweyn I, Forkbeard of Denmark, was converted to the Catholic Faith.

Olaf Tryggvason, St Olaf, becomes King of Norway. He was the great-grandson of Harold I. He grew up in Russia. He participated in numerous Viking raids.

Robert II becomes King of France. He married his second wife, his cousin, Bertha Burgundy.

Otto III becomes Holy Roman Emperor, moving from Germany at Pope John XV’s appeal.

St. Romuald becomes the Abbot for the monastery of St. Apollinare. He lived much of his early life in a worldly way but realized his errors and the danger of this type of living when he was asked to serve as witness to a duel. At the duel one of the men fighting was slain and this struck Romuald to the heart. To pay for his sins and to pray for the soul of the slain man, Romuald took a forty-day retreat at the monastery of St. Apollinare.

Gregory V becomes Pope. He was chosen by Emperor Otto III. He was the son of Otto’s cousin, Duke Otto of Carinthia. His name was Bruno, a twenty-four year old priest, who was very well educated.


Pope Gregory V

John XVI is anti-Pope.

Steven I becomes duke of Hungary.

King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway founds the city of Nidaros, now Trondheim.

Death of St. Rudesind, Bishop of Dumium.

Pope Gregory V excommunicated King Robert II, The Pious, of France for refusing to give up Bertha, his cousin he uncanonically married. The marriage of cousins is incestuous.

In January, Pope Gregory took steps in restoring the See at Merseburg. This See had been suppressed since 981. In February, Pope Gregory V died of malaria.

Sylvester II becomes Pope. He was Gerbert, the Archbishop of Ravenna. His appointment to the Papacy by Emperor Otto III was advised by Odilo, Abbot of Cluny.

Death of St. Adelaide.

Norse explorer, Leif Ericson, becomes a Catholic. He was the second son of Eric the Red. He was converted by St. Olave. He was later sent back to Greenland to win the souls of the Vikings for Christ. I suppose he could have very well been called, “The Evangelizing Explorer.”



Iceland is introduced to the Catholic Faith.

Pope Sylvester II crowns St. Stephen I as King of Hungary.


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