Hi I am Tim and this is me 2 years ago. I wish to thank the members of our network, Karen, Chris, Bill, Paul, Angel, Debbie, Danielle, Rick, Georgie, Kevin, Marie, Kelly, and those two notorious Spies for all the great work each of you have done and for all that you will do. There is great joy in Heaven for a repentant sinner, how much more there must be for one who has come home. You my friends are the absolute best Staff any leader could ever have. These awards are just as much yours as they are mine. God love yas!



Catholic Website Award for Apologetics







To apply for the style award click here: Designs

To apply for the Submission Pro award click hereSubmission Pro

To apply for the Quatec award click here: Quatec

To apply for the Market Tech award click here: Market Tech

To apply for StudioDave's award click here: Studio Dave's

To apply for the Nielson award click here: Nielson

To apply for Lady Socrates awards and see her beautiful page, Click here: Lady Socrates

To apply for the critical mass award click here: Critical Mass

To apply for the Excellency award, click here: bstanley@passport.ca

To apply for Marie's award click here: Cherokee Country

To apply for Ravi's Pick click here: Ravi's Pick

To apply for the cool award Click here: Cool Award

To apply for Dave's history award Click here: Dave's Award

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