Snow job Antarctica 1st World "Harbor Area"
Storyline Lara gets to find out what cold really feels like.
It's a HUGE intricate area with many buildings
Good thing there's a dingey motorboat nearby.
Most Fun Cruising around the canals in the motorboat
Exploring all the rooms in the big supertanker
Challenges Figuring out which 2 of 4 fuel valves to open
Remembering your bearings and back-tracking
Secrets Don't forget to pick-up the crowbar after you
use it to pry open one of the baracaded doors
Grab the gate-key from an open office desk

Ice Cube Tray Antarctica 2nd World "RX Tech Mines"
Storyline Time to go underground into the ice caverns
Lara rides the mine-carts all around the level
Drilling machines prove to be a big obstacle
Most Fun Wild rides on the 3 mine-cart roller coasters
Exploring the catwalks in the main station area
Challenges Trying to swim down to the submarine alive
Swimming back up the long vent shaft in time
Secrets Pull on the cart brake just before cornering
The flame-throwers help control the mutants
You will use up lots of medi-paks swimming

Ambush Antarctica 3rd World "City of Tinnos"
Storyline You knew this was coming.. This level is HUGE
and will take almost 10 hrs just to get through.
Each "elemental area" is a level in its own rite
Most Fun Exploring the incredible grandeur of the place
Picking off the huge killer wasps hovering near
Challenges Just trying to get to all four Oceanic masks
Solving the 5 button puzzle to cross the bridge
Secrets The really tough mutants fall after 3 rockets
Don't be too surpirsed that it seems endless
The second Uli key unplugs that energy pillar

Final Forte Final World "Meteorite Cavern"
Storyline After hours of searching, exploring & fighting
Lara arrives at the final battle of her adventure
This mutant "spider" is lethal and super tough
Most Fun The opening movie sequence is interesting
The cool pyrotechnics after killing the spider
Challenges Trying to keep the spider across the alcove
Sprinting to retrieve artifacts before it strikes
Secrets Peck away at the spider while it's stunned
Go after one artifact at a time..don't be greedy
A chopper awaits atop that cavern ladder

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- this Pure & Simple © page was last updated July 14th, 1999 -
