Waterfall View S.Pacific 1st World "Coastal Village"
Storyline Lara takes a break to enjoy beautiful scenery.
There are many darkly-lit areas that are scary
Oddly enough, there are 2 different exit routes
Most Fun Swimming with the fish in the opening sequence
Roaming through all the huts in the village
Challenges Using the monkey-swing across the big cavern
Making the complex jumps from the tree-hut
Secrets Kill all three crocs from the cavern ledge first
Run-jump to the ladder to avoid razors below
Go through both routes to pick-up 4 secrets

Plane Wreck S.Pacific 2nd World "Crash Site"
Storyline Good thing that mercinary had that swamp map
What a way to start.. chewing 10 save crystals
To make matters worse, the map isn't accurate
Most Fun Killing 20-30 raptors with the big gattling gun
Turning on the cockpit lites inside the plane
Challenges Trying to kill that dangerously huge T-Rex
Getting ambushed by raptors and staying alive
Secrets The Desert Eagle works best on the T-Rex
Let any soldiers nearby help kill those raptors.
Watch your back after throwing every switch.

Row Your Boat S.Pacific 3rd World "Mudubu Gorge"
Storyline Woohoo, time to have fun white-water kayaking
Lara definitely learns some serious paddling
Needless to say, swimming won't help here.
Most Fun Kayaking down all those waterfalls and rapids
Pulling the plug on the giant underwater lake
Challenges Manuevering the kayak up the "secret" tunnels
Trying not to die while 2 hungry crocs attack
Secrets Don't over-steer the kayak (go with the flow)
Hang tight right down the edge of big whirlpool
Use your med-packs and save crystals often

Pizza Hut? S.Pacific 4th World "Temple of Puna"
Storyline Okay, time to confront the nasty level boss
Poisoned darts get hurled at you mercilessly
Time to use up all those saved medi-packs
Most Fun Successfully outrunning the large boulders
Jumping over the rolling blades without harm
Challenges Standing exactly in the corners to avoid death
while the rolling blades just squeeze by you.
Secrets In the blade room, turn around, watch closely
to see when the blades retreat, then run to a
button nearby, push it quickly, and return fast

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- this Pure & Simple © page was last updated July 14th, 1999 -
