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Dan Ust Page

"Lovecraft Again" -- Dan revisits his original essay "The Philosophy of Lovecraft's Art."

"Perception and Realism" -- A book review of David Kelley's THE EVIDENCE OF THE SENSES

"Finding Good Art: A Challenge for Objectivists" -- There is something to be said for art that challenges. Dan evaluates those criteria that make art good.

"A Dialogue On Happiness" -- Who gets to be happy and who does not, and why?

Other sources for published works by Dan Ust

The Free Radical has published Dan's article, "For a Free Frontier" in which he examines the possible futures of space colonization within the context of statism versus freedom.

"What is Posthumanism?" -- Dan's article begins: "Posthumanism is an attitude on how to deal with the limitations of the human form. It is a vision of how to move beyond those limits by the radical use of technological and other means. Let's examine this attitude to get a better idea of what it's all about."

"Revelations" -- a short story.

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