6/1/98 - Life is a privilege, not a right... then again, so is spandex.

6/2/98 - If you can't laugh at other people and yourself, and other people can't laugh at you, then what good are you?

7/12/98 - Love is something that you can't study, classify, or even possibly hope to understand. It grabs you when you least expect it and is no where to be found when you are searching for it. Even when you are in the middle of being in love, watching others in love, or in a state of hatred towards love... you will never ever understand it.

7/20/98 - I think the greatest proof that humans are not the epitome of the evolutionary process is that we still have to toilet train our young.

7/21/98 - What we need is a stricter justice system and a more forgiving society.

1/11/98 - You're a fool whether you dance or not, so you might as well dance.

1/11/98 - Why can't the committment just end when we leave the bedroom?

Let's go home