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One Person's Answer to

Questions on E. G. W.



1.How did you come to believe in EGW?

I don't believe in Mrs.White in the sense that you might be thinking. Folks get so caught up in a person, that they fail to see that person's message. It's a common human frailty. The Jews did it to all the prophets; the early Christians referred everything to the Apostles or the "holy fathers", modern Christians have a pet preacher.

Most folks are too lazy to dig into what they are saying. As long as it sounds good, or fits their opinion, they just go along with it.

I was all alone 5 years ago when Jesus saved me. No one was there to prompt me to EGW. I read one of her deepest books before I set foot in an Adventist church. This was strictly me and God.

2.  What grounds do you have at this point in believing she was a bona fide prophet?

Well this is how I see it; here's her own words about that:

"Some have stumbled over the fact that I said I did not claim to be a prophet; and they have asked, Why is this? I have had no claims to make, only that I am instructed that I am the Lord's messenger; that He called me in my youth to be His messenger, to receive His word, and to give a clear and decided message in the name of the Lord Jesus. Early in my youth I was asked several times, Are you a prophet? I have ever responded, I am the Lord's messenger. I know that many have called me a prophet, but I have made no claim to this title. My Saviour declared me to be His messenger.

"'Your work,' He instructed me, 'is to bear My word'."

"Why have I not claimed to be a prophet? Because in these days many who boldly claim that they are prophets are a reproach to the cause of Christ; and because my work includes much more than the word 'prophet' signifies. God has made plain to me the various ways in which He would use me to carry forward a special work. Visions have been given me, with the promise, 'If you deliver the messages faithfully and endure to the end, you shall eat of the fruit of the tree of life, and drink of the water of the river of life'."

(See Upward Look 160.4 and Review & Herald, July 26, 1906 par. 3 onwards.)

Frankly, I'll take her word about her station over any one else's, Conference big dogs or otherwise.

3.  How do you respond to her plagiarizing when she prefaced it with, "I was told?"

This is really two questions.

First, whenever she wrote "I was told..." or "It has been shown to me...", this refers to instructions or scenes presented to her from the angel assigned to her. You've got one too. We all do.

Secondly, all the heat put on her that I have read centers around her book "The Great Controversy". The first edition came out in 1858. I own an original 1888 version. I have some very old books in my collection, the one in front of me now is from 1875. There is no copyright, Library of Congress number, no bar code, and nowhere is there an itemized publisher's acknowledgement in any of the quoting's footnotes (only the author's name and book). D.L.Moody quotes many authors with little reference to their books.

It just wasn't done back then; Christian authors freely quoted from each other, with brief gentlemanly notation. It wasn't until much later that folks enjoyed the all-American pastime called "Let's Sue" which forced Christians to copyright, which my 1888 version of her work is.  I think the plagiarism theorists need to do some homework.

4.  If you never opened one of her books again and had only the Bible, would you be able to defend your belief?

Sure. Try me. That's the whole purpose of her writings.

Well, that's about as brief as I get these days.


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