Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou, poet, was among the first African-American women to hit the bestsellers lists with her I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, held the Great Hall audience spellbound with stories of her own childhood. She ranged from story to poem to song and back again, and her theme was love and the universality of all lives. "The honorary duty of a human being is to love," Angelou said. She spoke
of her early love for William Shakespeare's works, and offered her audience excerpts from the poems of several African-Americans, including James Weldon Johnson and Paul Lawrence Dunbar. But always, she came back to love - and humanity. "I am human," Angelou said, quoting from her own work, "and nothing human can be alien to me."

I still rise
Phenomenal Women
A Conceit
Touched by an angel
More to come



Created by TracyG~1998, 1999