Birth of a Nation

by D.W. Griffith

List the major characters and identify them:

  1. How is life of the blacks depicted in the movie
    • in the cotton fields?
    • in the slave quarters?
    • as servants?
    • after the war?
  2. From which point of view (North or South) is the movie told? Give supporting evidence.
  3. Why does the South secede, according to the film?
  4. List at least four scenes that are historical facsimiles and explain the purpose of each:




  5. What does Appomattox signify, according to the film?
  6. What pressures does Lincoln face after the War?
  7. Describe the reactions to Lincoln's assassination by the two families:
  8. What is a mulatto? What role does Silas Lynch play in the period?
  9. According to the film, what happens to the South after the Carpetbaggers arrive? What organization is credited with saving the South from anarchy?
  10. What criticism(s) do you have of the film's content?
  11. This film is regarded as a landmark film, one that has been studied by subsequent directors for its technical brilliance for its time. What is it about this film that makes it such a classic?
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