Breaking Away


  1. Describe the setting (time and place):
  2. Describe the four major characters
    A. Dave Stoller:
    B. Cyril:
    C. Mike:
    D. Moocher:
  • What is a "cutter"?
  • All four have a common problem. What is it?
  • Describe the specific problems or concerns each character has:
    A. Dave:
    B. Cyril:
    C. Mike:
    D. Moocher:
  • Which character serves as the main protagonist?
  • Who or what serves as the antagonist?
  • What is the major conflict faced by the protagonist?
  • Many young people try out different roles as they mature. How does the "role" Dave plays as an Italian complicate the plot?
  • What does Dave learn durning the race with the Italians?
  • There is a very revealing scene between Dave and his dad on campus. What do we learn in this scene?
  • Steve Tesich won an Academy Award for this screenplay. What scene did you find most
  • How does the title Breaking Away fit with the theme of the movie?
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