The Charge of the Light Brigade
based on the poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The story takes place is 1854, Suristan, India, and in 1856, Baklava, in the Crimea.  The
outposts in India are Chukoti and Lohara.  The major characters are as follows:
Capt. Geoffrey Vickers
Capt. James Randall, his friend
Capt. Perry Vickers, his brother
The Surat Khan, leader of the Suristanis
Col. Campbell, officer in charge of Chukoti
Elsa Campbell, his daughter
Col. Benjamin Warrenton, commander of  Lohara
Sir. Charles Masefield, field Marshall (commander)
Volinov, a Russian officer.
  1. Why does Geoffrey stop Sir Harcourt from shooting the falcon?

2. Why is the British government no longer sending financial support to the Suristanis?

3. What sport does Geoffrey consider "savage"?

4. How does Geoffrey manage to save the Khan's life?

5. What problem to Elsa and Perry share?

6. Why is it important that Campbell and Warrenton must command Chukoti and Lohara?

7. What new job has Geoffrey been ordered to complete?

8. Why are Geoffrey and Sir Charles Masefield concerned that the Seurat Khan has come
to the ball with Volinov?

9. Why does the Khan have more "leisure time?"

10. Why is Col. Campbell furious with Perry?

11. What does Campbell order Elsa to do?

12. How does Geoffrey react to Parry's news about Elsa?

13. In what way does Geoffrey misunderstand Elsa's remarks about Perry when he says

14. How does Geoffrey outwit the horse thieves?

15. What reward does Geoffrey get after his mission is completed?

16. To what outpost is Geoffrey assigned?

17. To what outpost is Perry assigned?

18. Why wasn't Geoffrey supposed to shoot back at the Suristanis?

19. Why is Elsa in Lohara when Geoffrey arrives?

20. What news does Barkley bring about the Suristanis?

21. What orders has Col. Campbell received?

22. What does Geoffrey fear about those orders?

23. What interrupts Elsa's confession to Geoffrey?

24. What assignment is given to Geoffrey's friend, Randall?

25. What happens to him?

26.  What deal is made at the truce?

27. What do the Suristani's do during the retreat?

28. Why are Geoffrey and Elsa allowed to escape?

29. What do the troops from Lohara find when they finally reach Chukoti?

30. The 27th Lancers are sent to the Crimean War, but who are they fighting, in addition
to the Russians?

31. What does Elsa say which finally reveals the truth about her and Perry?

32. What promise does Geoffrey make to Elsa?

33. Who is the messenger who carries a dispatch to Geoffrey?

34. What dispatch is Geoffrey asked to write to Warrenton?

35. What decision does Geoffrey make in the story's obvious climax?

36. Why does Geoffrey order Perry to take a dispatch to Sir Charles Masefield at

37. What other dispatch does Perry get at Headquarters?

38. What does Masefield decide to do at the denouement of the story?

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