Gary No-Brain Chucks His Anti-Baptist Site

A Troll's Swan Song

Gary No-Brain's Site Has Moved


For you avid troll-watchers, take note: one of our least-favorite trolls, "Mr." Gary No-brain has migrated. In the meantime, the loons over at "FARMS" have adopted No-Brain's site (I mean "slight"). Why they would hold on to such a silly, rude "web slight", I do not know, as they fancy themselves as serious, invincible Troll Apologists. . .

LINK: The Introduction to Gary's Old 'Worst Of' Slight at the FARMs Site

Let's examine some of what "Mr." No-Brain has to say in his farewell address, shall we? (His comments are in blue.)

This may be the closest we ever come to receiving an admission from "Mr." No-Brain that stalking Christian ladies over the net and posting people's private e-mails on his web slight is actually wrong, but he chooses to posit it as being too work-intensive to be bothered with. You would think that such an upstanding, ethical Mormon Troll would recognize that doing such things is wrong and would stop engaging in such activities for that reason alone.

Now this I find most interesting. While it has been approximately three years since I had some e-mail exchanges with him, I do recall telling him that if he did not remove my private e-mails from his site that I would have a little talk with his ISP. He then made some sort of comment that he had his own server and was thus in no need for an ISP. Was he lying or did his trollish mind begin suffering from senile dementia already?