Thelema and the True Will

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

This is the greeting of the Thelemite, one that has been often misinterpreted by the non-Thelemite. It does not mean to do what you want or do as you like, but to follow your Will, your True Will, your Divine Will, your reason for Being, your reason for existence, your calling. That is the life goal of every Thelemite, to discover their True Will (THELEMA) and to follow it, that is all they are required to do, for "...pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from lust of result is in every way perfect." So if one follows their True Will then they can't go wrong.
Furthermore the Book of the Law tells us that "...every man and every woman is a star..." which is to say, by way of analogy, that each star has it's own course, it's own orbit to follow, it is individual and shines of itself. Sometimes stars may move in conjunction but they remain individual on their own courses.
And if each star remains on his/her own course then there are no collisions, it's only when someone diverts their own course or tries to control anothers that collisions occur.
No one has the right to tell another what their Will is, only an individual can know their own Will. No one has the right to force their will on another or to deprive another of their own free will to follow or pursue their True Will.
No one has the right to deprive another of their rights as a star and as a human being. Anyone who does so forfeits their own rights to the same freedom they themselves deprived. For example, if a thief steals he/she deprives another of their right to property and if caught will be placed in prison where they themselves will be restricted of property and what they do own will be at risk from other thieves.
However, if everyone were to follow their True Will then there would be none of this. For Divine Will does not include the impeding of others Wills.
Therefore "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" is not only for those counted as Thelemites but for all who seek their True Will, their reason for Being and to follow their Will for the good of themselves and the good of all.

The Law is for All

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RaHoor-Anno IVvi Sol 12° Sagittarius, Luna 1° Cancer
Dies Veneris
Friday, December 04, 1998 e.v. 5:36 PM

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