Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Take the dagger in the right hand. Face East.
Touch your forehead and say
ATEH (thou art)
Touch your breast and say
MALKUTH (the Kingdom)
Touch your right shoulder and say
VE-GEBURAH (and the Power)
Touch your left shoulder and say
VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory)
Clasp your hands before you and say
LE-OLAM (for ever)
Dagger between fingers, point up and say
AMEN (so be it).

Make in the Air toward the East the banishing pentagram of Earth and, making the Sign of Horus1 into the center of the pentagram, vibrate2 the deity name
YOD HE VAU HE imagining that your voice carries forward to the Eastern ends of the Universe.
Immediately upon exhaustion of the vibration withdraw into the Sign of Harpocrates3.
Holding the dagger before you, go to the South, make the pentagram and vibrate similarly the deity name
Go to the West, make the pentagram and vibrate
Go to the North, make the pentagram and vibrate
Return to the East and complete your circle by bringing the point of your dagger to the center of the first pentagram.

Stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross and say:
BEFORE ME                             
BEHIND ME                              GABRIEL
AT MY LEFT HAND                 AURIEL


And make the Qabalistic Cross as in the beginning, saying ATEH etc.

1The Sign of Horus is performed by standing erect, raising the hands to the head (as if reaching towards Kether) and, in one motion, taking a slight step forward (about six inches) and thrusting the hands forward at eye level (as if hurling something forward or Superman getting ready to fly, sorry that's sort of what it looks like).
2Some practitioners use the entire procedure described in
Liber O for Vibration of God Names. Others use purely vocal means. In any case, the practice should result in an unmistakeable physical sensation of vibration. The practitioner should develop the ability to achieve this sensation at very low volumes, and to direct it to any point inside or outside his or her body at will. Constant practice and experimentation is essential for mastery of this technique.
3The Sign of Harpocrates is performed by standing erect while stamping the right heel and bringing your hand to your lips as if directing Silence, the index finger should come to the cleft above the upper lip.

I realize that there are many variations of this ritual, this is the one I've always used. There is also a Thelemic version, Gerald DeCampo published a Latin version and there is the Star Ruby which is a little more advanced version.
Many suggest that beginners practice this ritual twice a day, once in the morning and again at night, which isn't a bad idea, practice leads to mastery and the ability to do it without physically doing it.
It is not necessary to use a dagger or to even have one it is a symbol and pneumonic device which I'll probably address ritual tools purposes elsewhere.
I have many personal notes and commentaries on this ritual which I will add later.

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