A Little About Me

Here's just a lil profile on me, the webmistress.

Name: Liz
Age: over 4 and under 104 (You'll have to guess...)
Sun Sign: Taurus
Nationality: Chinese, and proud of it!
Occupation: Full time High school student (there's a clue to my age)
Current Residence: Southeast USA

Hobbies: eating, sleeping, listening to music (any kind actually), drawing, reading, hanging out with my friends, and watching and talking bout Sts (course ;) Oh...and I LOVE singing!

Now onto Saint Seiya...

Recently updated on 3/11/99: (My tastes have changed...a little bit...)

Favorite Bronze Saint: Hyoga (his love for mama has always been quite touching...of course, there's the Camus connection ;))
Favorite Silver Saint: Misty (vanity case, as always, deadly beautiful)
Favorite Gold Saint(s): Camus (need I give a reason?) + Saga (recent addition to #1 list) = #1, followed by Aphrodite (same reason as Misty...), Shaka (I don't know...I've been in love with him since I was 9), and Milo (Err...maybe I've read/seen too much yaoi on Camus/Milo...) as #2
Favorite God Warrior: Mime!! (well, his tragic past was especially touching...well, his strawberry locks are great, too...)
Favorite Marina: Kanon (Of course, Saga's twin brother is...just like Saga...lookswise anyway...)
Favorite Spectre: Myu...and occasionally, Radamanthys

Least Favorite Bronze Saint: Okay...Shiryu and Shun (now don't hit me)
Least Favorite Silver Saint: Jamian (yuuuuuck!)
Least Favorite Gold Saint: Aldebaran (now, very easy to see...okay, you can call me shallow.)
Least Favorite God Warrior: Tor (again, easy to see :P Well...he's too old ;))
Least Favorite Marina: Kaza...(but I do thank him for morphing into Camus *drool*)
Least Favorite Spectre: Too many to count...all the ugly/useless/boring ones.

Most Detested Female Character: Saori (What a cheap version of Athena! It's almost degrading...)
Most Admired Female Character: Hilda (Beautiful, strong, intelligent, caring, dignified...all the greatest qualities of a female being, and not nauseating like Saori), and Pandora (no idea why, but I just do.)

Favorite Song: Blue Dream, Shining Star
Favorite BGM: Cygnus Warrior of Ice, Inside a Dream, Three Arias, Sad Brothers, Goddess' Death, Deucalion's Great Flood, Siren Sorrento, Illusion of the 12 Temples, Remember Sadness.

Other Anime Characters I like:

  • Fujima from Slam Dunk (He is soooooooo fine)
  • Rukawa Kaede from Slam Dunk (ahhhhh.......)
  • Fao from BT'X (..........*drools*......)
  • Hanagata from Slam Dunk (uhhh....maybe cauz of the Fujima/Hanagata connection...)
  • Lord Misha from BT'X (He is sooo cute...a bit young looking too...)
  • Nephrite from Sailormoon (Didn't think much of him at first, but the scene of Molly/him was really touching...)

    Oh well, I haven't been exposed to many animes :P

    About My Translations:

    I've been asked before, and I will probably be asked again. So I am going to answer this question. Why am I translating fanfics instead of writing my own?

    Well, I enjoy translating a great deal, for some reason. Also, my parents really like it, because it means I'm learning Chinese, and hey, that's good news to them, after all my Chinese is only 3rd grade level. This helps them view Saint Seiya in a very positive manner. (which means when I buy all the stuff, they won't get mad)

    Also, translating fanfics inspire me in a strange way too, which can help me write my own fanfictions.

    Saint Seiya Forever!

    Okay...that's all I'm telling for now, now let's hear about you!

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