Field-Harmonic Key to the Thoth Tarot

By James Scott Kimball, 05/14/66 5:53 AM, Lewiston Maine

Card-Layout Image-Map Astral Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

All of the cards in the right pillar of the tree (1, 4, 7, and 10) are symbolic of etheric energy potential. Energy is symbolized by the line, square, plane or cube in sacred geometry.

All of the cards in the left pillar of the tree (2, 5, 8, and 11) are symbolic of initiation which is the binding and redirecting of energy. Initiation is symbolized by the circle in sacred geometry; the line is bent into a circle.

All of the cards in the middle pillar of the tree (Astral 12, 3, 6, 9, 12) are symbolic of function. Function is symbolized by the triangle (formed from "spirals" or spirit). Initiation creates function which further creates new forms of energy.

Seventy-eight divided by six equals thirteen. Six symbolizes both solar analogy ("accomplished" Virgo) and dream analogy (decimal number for Sagittarius) and thirteen are the places in the alchemical tree for the seventy-eight cards to "find home." The cards are arranged face up into thirteen piles and are listed in this document from the top of the pile down to the last card on the bottom for each astrologically assigned pile. The sequence is astrological trump followed by planetary trump followed by the court cards arranged Water, Air, Fire, then Erath, and then follows the numbered cards in the same elementary sequence as the court cards. (011004)


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12. Pisces

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Twelve (12)

Astrological Sign: Pisces

Planetary Rulership: The Earth, and Neptune

Decimal Sequence Number: Nine (9)

Assigned Colors: Dark Brown (ground-state), Blue (Prince), and Grey (Dead)

Alchemical Archetype: Precipitate Function ("vehicular" in biology and astral)

Elemental Archetype: Earth as Functional Ground-State

Familial Archetype: Prince (Disk as primordial shape)

Alchemical Affinities: Aquarius (precipitate initiation) and Cancer (precipitate ether)

Elemental Affinities: Aquarius (ground-state initiation) and Cancer (ground-state ether)

Familial Affinities: Aquarius (Prince is Dead) and Cancer (Prince as "flatline")

Pisces Analogy

The Moon

Prince of Cups

Prince of Swords

Prince of Wands

Prince of Disks

Nine of Cups

Nine of Swords

Nine of Wands

Nine of Disks

11. Aquarius

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Eleven (11)

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Planetary Rulership: Jupiter or The Earth

Decimal Sequence Number: Eight (8)

Assigned Colors: Grey (Dead), Brown (ground-state), Blue (Prince), and Aqua Marine (traditional)

Mathematical Archetype: Subtraction

Alchemical Archetype: Precipitate Initiation

Elemental Archetype: Earth as Ground-State Initiation

Familial Archetype: Prince (Disk as "dead weight")

Alchemical Affinities: Pisces (precipitate function) and Aries (precipitate ether)

Elemental Affinities: Pisces (ground-state function) and Cancer (ground-state ether)

Familial Affinities: Pisces (Prince as biological vehicle) and Cancer (Prince as blank slate)

Aquarius Analogy

The Star

Eight of Cups

Eight of Swords

Eight of Wands

Eight of Disks

10. Capricorn

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Ten (10)

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Planetary Rulership: Earth (or Saturn)

Decimal Sequence Number: Seven (7)

Assigned Colors: Grape (peak-state or peak charge), Yellow (solar) and Gold (solar)

Alchemical Archetype: Precipitant Ether

Elemental Archetype: Air as Peak-State Etheric Energy Behavioral Mode

Familial Archetype: Princess (Sword as heavy metal)

Alchemical Affinities: Scorpio (precipitant initiation) and Sagittarius (precipitant function)

Elemental Affinities: Leo (peak-state initiation) and Virgo (peak-state function)

Familial Affinities: Leo (ecstatic Princess) and Virgo (gracious Princess)

Capricorn Analogy

The Devil

Seven of Cups

Seven of Swords

Seven of Wands

Seven of Disks

9. Sagittarius

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Nine (9)

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Planetary Rulership: Moon (as it moves and changes)

Decimal Sequence Number: Six (6)

Assigned Colors: Red (Death), Silver (Lunar Illumination), Black (darkness), and Checker (light/dark)

Alchemical Archetype: Precipitant Function

Elemental Archetype: Fire as Tense-State Function

Familial Archetype: King or Knight (Fire as effective firewall)

Alchemical Affinities: Scorpio (precipitant initiation) and Capricorn (precipitant ether)

Elemental Affinities: Scorpio (tense-state initiation) and Aries (tense-state ether)

Familial Affinities: Scorpio (King as fishing hook) and Aries (invulnerable King)

Sagittarius Analogy


The Priestess

Knight of Cups

Knight of Swords

Knight of Wands

Knight of Disks

Six of Cups

Six of Swords

Six of Wands

Six of Disks

8. Scorpio

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Eight (8)

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Planetary Rulership: Mars

Decimal Sequence Number: Five (5)

Assigned Colors: Ruby Red (Death), Black (Darkness), Navy Blue (night), and Silver ("weapon")

Mathematical Archetype: Division

Alchemical Archetype: Precipitant Initiation

Elemental Archetype: Fire as Tense-State Initiation

Familial Archetype: King or Knight (Wand as scourge)

Alchemical Affinities: Sagittarius (precipitant function) and Capricorn (precipitant ether)

Elemental Affinities: Aries (tense-state ether) and Sagittarius (tense-state function)

Familial Affinities: Aries (King as untouchable) and Sagittarius (King as circumstance)

Scorpio Analogy


The Tower

Five of Cups

Five of Swords

Five of Wands

Five of Disks

7. Libra

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Seven (7)

Astrological Sign: Libra

Planetary Rulership: Venus

Decimal Sequence Number: Four (4)

Assigned Colors: Green (Life), Pink (Venus), and White (illumination)

Alchemical Archetype: Catalytic Ether

Elemental Archetype: Water as Flow-State Etheric Energy Behavioral Mode

Familial Archetype: Queen (Cup as reservoir)

Alchemical Affinities: Leo (catalytic initiation) and Virgo (catalytic function)

Elemental Affinities: Taurus (flow-state initiation) and Gemini (flow-state function)

Familial Affinities: Taurus (Queen as priestess) and Gemini (Queen as mystery)

Libra Analogy


The Empress

Four of Cups

Four of Swords

Four of Wands

Four of Disks

6. Virgo

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Six (6)

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Planetary Rulership: Mercury

Decimal Sequence Number: Three (3)

Assigned Colors: Gold (solar illumination), Grape (peak-state), Yellow (solar), and Sky Blue (high)

Assigned Geometry: Hexagram (dimensional function)

Mathematical Archetype: Equality ("as above . . . so below")

Alchemical Archetype: Catalytic Function (illuminated perspective)

Elemental Archetype: Air as Peak-State Function

Familial Archetype: Princess (Sword as balanced implement)

Alchemical Affinities: Leo (catalytic initiation) and Libra (catalytic ether)

Elemental Affinities: Leo (peak-state initiation) and Capricorn (peak-state ether)

Familial Affinities: Leo (Princess as appetite) and Capricorn (Princess as candy)

Virgo Analogy

The Hermit

The Magus

Princess of Cups

Princess of Swords

Princess of Wands

Princess of Disks

Three of Cups

Three of Swords

Three of Wands

Three of Disks

5. Leo

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Five (5)

Astrological Sign: Leo

Planetary Rulership: Saturn

Decimal Sequence Number: Two (2)

Assigned Colors: Yellow (solar), Gold (solar illumination), Grape (peak-state), and sky blue (high)

Assigned Geometry: Pentangle (dimensional initiation)

Mathematical Archetype: Addition

Alchemical Archetype: Catalytic Initiation

Elemental Archetype: Air as Peak-State Initiation (Leo "is high")

Familial Archetype: Princess (Sword as talent)

Alchemical Affinities: Virgo (catalytic function) and Libra (catalytic ether)

Elemental Affinities: Virgo (peak-state function) and Capricorn (peak-state ether)

Familial Affinities: Virgo (Princess as accomplishment) and Capricorn (Princess as tower)

Leo Analogy


The Universe

Two of Cups

Two of Swords

Two of Wands

Two of Disks

4. Cancer

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Four (4)

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Planetary Rulership: Jupiter

Decimal Sequence Number: One (1)

Assigned Colors: Blue (Prince), Gray (Dead), Brown (ground-state), and Purple (Jupiter)

Assigned Geometry: Quadrangle (dimensional stability)

Alchemical Archetype: Solvent Ether

Elemental Archetype: Earth as Ground-State Etheric Energy Behavioral Mode

Familial Archetype: Prince (Disk as base)

Alchemical Affinities: Taurus (solvent initiation) and Gemini (solvent function)

Elemental Affinities: Aquarius (ground-state initiation) and Pisces (ground-state function)

Familial Affinities: Aquarius (Prince as junk) and Pisces (Prince as machine)

Cancer Analogy

The Chariot


Ace of Cups

Ace of Swords

Ace of Wands

Ace of Disks

3. Gemini

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Elementary-Natural Sequence Number: Three (3)

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Planetary Rulership: The Sun

Decimal Sequence Number: Ten (10)

Assigned colors: White (vibration), Orange (matrix), and Pink (Venus)

Assigned Geometry: Triangle (dimensional possibility)

Mathematical Archetype: Infinity

Alchemical Archetype: Solvent Function

Elemental Archetype: Water as Flow-State Function

Familial Archetype: Queen (Cup as ocean)

Alchemical Affinities: Taurus (solvent initiation) and Cancer (solvent ether)

Elemental Affinities: Taurus (flow-state initiation) and Libra (flow-state ether)

Familial Affinities: Taurus (Queen as "librarian") and Libra (Queen as beautiful figure)

Gemini Analogy

The Lovers

The Sun

Queen of Cups

Queen of Swords

Queen of Wands

Queen of Disks

Ten of Cups

Ten of Swords

Ten of Wands

Ten of Disks

2. Taurus

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Elementary Nature Sequence Number: Two (2)

Astrological Sign: Taurus

Planetary Rulership: Venus and Uranus

Decimal Sequence Number: Zero (0)

Assigned Colors: Pink (faerie), Green (Life), and White ("Let there be light!")

Assigned Geometry: Circle (initiation is deviation)

Mathematical Archetype: Multiplication

Alchemical Archetype: Solvent Initiation

Elemental Archetype: Water as Flow-State Initiation

Familial Archetype: Queen (Cup as investor)

Alchemical Affinities: Gemini (solvent function) and Cancer (solvent ether)

Elemental Affinities: Gemini (flow-state function) and Libra (flow-state ether)

Familial Affinities: Gemini (Queen as all possibilities) and Libra (Queen as maid)

Taurus Analogy

The Hierophant

The Fool

1. Aries

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Elementary Nature Sequence Number: One (1)

Astrological Sign: Aries

Planetary Rulership: Mars and Pluto

Decimal Sequence Number: Aries analogy is never real, so none can be assigned

Assigned Colors: Black (infinite darkness) and Ruby Red (Death)

Assigned Geometry: Line (a perfectly straight line symbolizes perfection and purity)

Mathematical Archetype: Infinite Limit

Alchemical Archetype: Precipitate Ether

Elemental archetype: Fire as Tense-State Ether

Familial Archetype: King or Knight (Wand as sterilizing immersion)

Alchemical Affinities: Aquarius (precipitate initiation) and Pisces (precipitate function)

Elemental Affinities: Sagittarius (tense-state function) and Scorpio (tense-state initiation)

Familial Affinities: Sagittarius (kingly wealth) and Scorpio (kingly dominion)

Aries Analogy

The Emperor

The Hanged Man

12. The Astral

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Elementary Nature Sequence Number: Twelve (12)

Astrological Sign: The Zodiac (ideas)

Planetary Ruler: Neptune

Decimal Sequence Number: None Can Be Assigned

Assigned Colors: Light Brown (other-dimensional ground-state) and Grey (Dead)

Assigned Geometry: Point (without dimension, so symbolizes other dimensions)

Alchemical Archetype: Solute Function

Elemental Archetype: Earth as merge-state function

Familial Archetype: Prince (Disk as point-destination)

Other-Dimensional Pisces Analogy

The Unicursal Hexagram

The Aeon



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This Page COPYRIGHT © 1999-2006 by James Scott Kimball