SCUBA-411 Webring
If you are already part of The SCUBA-411 Webring, and need to edit your site's attributes (URL,
your e-mail address, site description, or password), enter your site ID and password below.
Site ID:

Once a member you can also add sites to the ring, enter YOUR site ID and password below.
Site ID:

Submit site to SCUBA-411 Webring

Submit site to Scuba 411
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Below you will find the coding for the SCUBA-411 Webring.
Please copy it into the coding for your main page.
For the coding to work properly with the ring the following changes MUST be made:

1)  Change "" to the e-mail address where you want any e-mail sent and change "SITE NAME"  to the name of your site.

2)  Where "SITE ID" is, there are 4 places, please insert the SITE ID number you received in the e-mail from Webring there.  That is what allows the ring to circulate.

After you make those changes, you are free to design your own logo to use in place of the one's I have designed.  If you do choose to do so, please let me know so I can put them up as alternate choices.  You can change the color, font, background, etc. all you want.  Please don't change any links in the coding except those that deal with the location of the images if you download the images to your site or design your own.

Thank you for choosing to become a member of the SCUBA-411 Webring!  The code you need is directly below.

 This is an example of the "HTMLfragment" code you will need to insert into your page in order to join SCUBA-411.


<center> <IMG SRC="SCUBA411.gif" HEIGHT=40 WIDTH=50>
This <a href="">SCUBA411</a> Your Site Name
 <a href=""></a>.
 <a href=";id=--SITE ID--;prev5">Previous 5 Sites</a>
 <a href=";id=--SITE ID--;prev">Previous</a>
 <a href=";id=--SITE ID--;next">Next</a>
 <a href=";id=--SITE ID--;next5">Next 5 Sites</a>
 <a href=";random">Random Site</a>
 <a href=";list">List Sites</a>

**********END HTMLfragment**********


Any comments/suggestions, send e-mail to