YEP, gotta admit it, I'm was white knuckled here!! I'd only flown once. The ride was bumpy, the plane had problems and we had to land and move to another to continue the trip. I got so scared I rented a car and drove all the way back from Fort Wayne, Indiana rather than get back on the darn plane!!

So, what happened this time?


I've been a Community Leader in Geocities for quite a while and have met some really nice people over the internet. I met Desertstar and Cactusjaque in December, when I volunteered to work over the holidays training them for the GOSH Ask The Experts program. We became close friends, although we've never met in person. Just by chance, I met Staog when he first began his homepages here...later convincing him to become a CL, and then becoming his Mentor for Baja Community Leader Training.

These people have become my very close friends over time....and I guess the urge to meet, enjoy some time together, and party is greater than my fear of getting on that plane!! It had been arranged that I would have Staog as my traveling companion for the flight... GREAT PLAN HUH? But here is what happened to that idea!!

I arrived in Boston the day before the scheduled plane trip to Atlanta. The traffic in Boston going to the airport can be miserable during rush hour so I decided a relaxing night spent at my Moms, (who lives about 15 miles from Boston), would be the best plan.

I drove into the airport the next morning, ended up having to park my car on the top deck of the parking garage, donned my cowboy hat, and stood there looking at ALL THAT LUGGAGE wondering how I was going to get it from there to the terminal.

As luck would have it a very nice man came by in one of those golfcart things and said, "Hey cowgirl, need a lift?"

PHEW...solved the problem of getting the luggage all the way across that lot to the elevator!! down to the main walkway to the terminals, loaded the luggage onto one of those carts, and wheeled my way over to check in. All was going smoothly and I was darn proud of myself!

I went up to Dunkin Donuts, ate breakfast, and then decided to go check on the arrival of the flight that Staog was due in on.

The flight was a bit ahead of schedule, and I thought to myself, KEWL, this isn't going to be half as bad as I thought it would be!



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