Tommy Martin has one of the most informatitive sites I have seen in a long time! A must see for anyone that wants more info.
Dale & Mary have put a lot of love and hard work into this site. Links to a lot of military sites can be found here also.
DStormMom is an inspiration to me....This lady has class and style all her own. Don't miss her page, especially her description of her first visit to "The Wall".

Check out The Advocacy And Intelligence Index For Prisoners Of War/Missing In Action, Inc. ( AIIPOWMIAI )for up-to-date information. Be sure to subscribe to their mailing list....everyone needs to be informed as to what is being done, and what is NOT!

Descriptions coming soon....

Another remarkable site is by an 11 year old angel who never even set foot on American soil...She not only put up a page...she started a major project for an organization of Kids on the Net called KeyPals International. Here is her MIA page and don't miss her Bring Grandpa Home page. If you come away from that site without a lump in your throat, then you just weren't paying attention.

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