HUMOR Digest - 13 Dec 1996 to 14 Dec 1996

Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 07:33:03 GMT
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Fem Jokes

Ever since the Library of Congress went on line, they're received more than their fair share of complaints. Recently a woman who identified herself as a "spokesperson" for the National Organization of Women (NOW) contacted the Chief Librarian and complained that she discovered there were at least 187,000 volumes in the Library that could only be considered "sexist".

The Chief Librarian, unphased, said "But Ms, there are in excess of 534,00 books on hand that use the word "bastard", and no one has complained about them.

The feminist replied "Ahhhhh, but those bastards ain't organized like we are either.

Ever since the feminist movement started back in the 60's, those women who have been "liberated" take a dim view of any woman who still caters to us males.

Well, I just found out what they call them too -- "Uncle Mom".

Personally, I think the Army is now over-reacting to the recent sex scandal. There's a story going around that some of the Chaplains are advising the recruits to: "Just pray to God, She'll help you."

I thought this was just so much talk, but recently, I really began to wonder if it weren't true. The other day, I pulled into a service station on an Army Base, where a big strapping young man approached my vehicle and said, "Fill him up ?"

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