HUMOR Digest - 12 Feb 1997 to 13 Feb 1997

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 02:30:14 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: You Are What You Wear

When they started a "No Smoking" policy in our Office, I resorted to chewing on hard candy. My favorites were these really tart red raspberry candies.

On my way to a meeting, I stuck some in the pocket of my white shirt, and then forgot about them. I guess my body heat melted them and resulted in quite a red stain.

My wife took the shirt to the cleaners to see if they could do anything with it.

The guy takes one look at it and sez "Good shot Mrs. Moore !!!"

Speaking of white shirts (I was). Back in the 50's they used to sell shirts designed for men w/o buttons on the sleeves. You would wear any kind of jewelry to fasten the cuff together, and they were called "Cuff Links." I miss that style of shirt, haven't seen any for years.

I still have quite a collection of cuff links though. Wonder if I should get my wrists pierced and start a fad ?

We have a this really nice looking young lady in the office who wears her slacks so damn tight, I for one suspect she can't get them on in the morning unless she trims her toenails.

I've never been much on fashion, but got quite a few compliments on a new sports jacket I wore to work one day. My secretary asked me where I got it and I told her that it was a surprise from my wife.

I went home early yesterday, and there it was, on the back of a kitchen chair.

I've often heard the expression that some women look like they were "poured" into their dresses. Any of you who've seen just about any of the awards shows on TV recently might suspect the same thing I do -- that a lot of ladies forget to say "when".

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