HUMOR Digest - 2 Apr 1997 to 3 Apr 1997

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 03:20:20 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Women !

Women ! Who can figure 'em out ? Now that the kids are grown and gone, my wife sez she needs more "outside interests". I thought I'd surprise her and presented her with just the other day with a brand new fancy lawn mower.

Now, she's mad with me.

And they just don't get logic either. I mean while the kids were growing up, she complained that all she did was cook and clean and take care of the kids and run errands.

Thinking I could help out some, I asked her if she wanted me to hire someone to be my wife. Instead of being grateful as I had expected, she hit the ceiling !!!

(Thank God... she always was a terrible shot)

Tell ya what though, I don't have it nearly as rough as one of my neighbors. When he attends a wife swapping party, he has to throw in the maid, and a mistress to be named later.

Try as I might though, I just can't seem to win many points with my wife. Just the other day she was reminding me of how often she had to ask for my help with our kids. Then she pointed out that the youngest had moved out over eight years ago.

I smiled and said "OK, what would you like me to do next ?"

Again -- nothing but cold icy silence. I just don't understand that woman at all.

Actually I'm being a little bit unfair. My wife never tells me what to do;
Usually, she just points.

But she does have a great sense of humor -- laughs at everything I do.
That by the way is why we only have two kids.

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