HUMOR Digest - 27 Apr 1997 to 28 Apr 1997

Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 02:38:03 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Washington D.C. & Politics

I think people are totally wrong to say that no one in Washington DC has a sense of humor. I mean look at all the politicians they address as "The Honorable".

I like to carry my sense of humor with me, wherever I go. I was at this fund raiser in Columbia MD (aka "Yuppie City") last month and asked the group standing around the bar if they had heard the latest joke about the Clinton White House.

This one Yuppie said, "Before you begin, I think you should know that I work at the White House."

I said, "Oh, thanks. In that case, I'll speak r-e-a-l s-l-o-w.

During the blizzard of 1995 in Washington DC, there was a real crisis.
Thousands and thousands of crats couldn't find their bureaus.

I just love Presidential campaigns.
I mean when else do you hear of men in their fifties
being referred to as "young".

And the way Clinton keeps trying to come off as a "good ole country boy" at heart. I'm firmly convinced now that the country was "Oz" and not the US at all.

What isn't at all fair though is when Clinton is compared with a Used Car Salesman.
I mean after all, Used Car Salesmen have feelings too, just like you and I.

There's a very good reason why the ballet is so popular in Washington DC.
I mean none of those politicians there are used to seeing people on their toes.

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