HUMOR Digest - 30 Apr 1997 to 1 May 1997

Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 02:28:38 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Mrs. JimJr

Like a lot of women, my wife complains that I often ignore and neglect her. Just the other nite she put on this really sexy thin negligee, and I mentioned how nice she looked in it.

Then I said, "Is that new ? I don't recall your having a gray one."

She said, "I don't. It's dust."

And she's always trying to better herself too. Just the other month the Spring Catalog came in the mail for our local Community College.

She was sitting there looking thru the Adult Continuing Education section when she smiled and said, "And here's one for you, hon -- Remedial Sex."

When our first child was due, I made the standard telephone call to the doctor when my wife started labor; and as expected, he asked just how far apart the contractions were.

When I told him that they were pretty much confined to the same general area and not very far apart at all, I thought my wife was gonna bop me.

My poor wife was sick in bed with the flu this past January. And me being the dutiful lil' husband I am, offered to fix her some of her favorite herbal tea. I couldn't find the damn tea though and yelled upstairs asking where the hell it was.

She said, "I don't know how it could be any easier to see. It's in the pantry, third shelf down, in a cocoa tin marked 'matches'."

I will admit to sometimes letting the devil get the best of me when it comes to making remarks about Mrs. JimJr's driving. We were on our way to visit a friend who just moved into one of those townhouses.

As we arrived, I said, "I don't know where you're gonna park. I don't see any empty blocks anywhere."

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