HUMOR Digest - 6 Jun 1997 to 7 Jun 1997

Date: Fri, 6 Jun 1997 02:27:10 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: College Daze

Lots of things go on during "Spring Break" as the college students let off a little steam. This one student was arrested for indecent exposure in a field near the beach, and was appearing before a Judge.

"I plead not guilty your honor, I only went there to get relieved." he testified.

"Well, I'm inclined to accept your explanation." said the Judge. "I guess some allowances must be made for 'emergencies'."

"That's true to a point, your Honor." said the arresting officer. "But what about this young lady here who relieved him ?"

The stunning blonde had gone to her student advisor for some course problems, but seemed to be only half paying attention to his replies.

"Are you feeling OK ?" he asked.

"Well, to be honest, I have this compulsion to have sex with every man I meet." she admitted. "Is there a name for my condition ?"

"Why yes, there is." he said, as he picked her up and began carrying her to the couch. "It's called 'Good News'."

"I just can't find the cause for your illness," said the internist at the college clinic. "Frankly, I think it's due to drinking."

"That's OK Doc. I understand." replied the student. "I'll come back when you're sober."

The dazzling coed sat perched on her stool, at the local hangout, as the young man sat beside her. Following the usual 'small talk', he made his move. "Tell me, would you sleep with a total stranger for a million dollars ?"

"Well, yes, I guess I would." she replied.

"Would you sleep with me for ten dollars ?" he went on.

"Ten Dollars ??? What kind of girl do you think I am ?" she huffed.

"We've already established that." he shot back. "All we're doing now is haggling over the price."

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