HUMOR Digest - 4 Oct 1997 to 5 Oct 1997

Date: Sat, 4 Oct 1997 03:18:41 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Hospitals

Hopefully, they were playing a hand of poker, waiting for the anesthesia to work, but the last thing I remember before my last operation was my surgeon saying, "Alright, who can open."

Two little boys were discussing their hospital experiences. The older one asked "Are you medical or surgical ?"

The other little boy said, "I don't know. How can you tell ?"

"Well," replied the more savvy of the two, "were you sick when you were admitted, or did they make you sick after you got here ?"

One of the nicest and most sincere cards I got when I was in the hospital was one that simply said "Get well Quick". It was from Blue Cross and Blue Shield, my medical insurer.

One doctor to another in hospital corridor: "I usually take two aspirin every four or five patients."

The doctor was trying to encourage a gloomy patient. "You're not in any real danger." he said. "Why I've had the same thing myself."

"I see." moaned the dour faced man. "But did you have the same doctor ?"

Overheard from another room, where there was a seven year old boy receiving his medicine from a Nurse: "Johnny, we prefer to call this medication rather than a 'fix'."

Patient to Nurse: "No, I don't feel listless. In fact, if I felt that good, I wouldn't even be here."

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