HUMOR Digest - 2 Nov 1997 to 3 Nov 1997

Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 06:50:11 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: The President

In the old days, it was simple. Take the "Hot Line" telephone between us and the USSR for example. All the President had to do was pick it up and say, "Sorry, it seems a Dr. Strangelove has just launched 172 ICBM's your way." and everything was fine.

Now though, with the break-up of the Soviet Union, and countries in upheaval and changing names and all, we gotta have umpteen of the damn things.

Can't you just imagine how it might be ? Clintin picks up a phone and a recording sez "I'm sorry, you have just reached a disconnected nation. Please hang up and try another phone."

And then the bean-counters in the GAO step in, all worried about the costs of all these lines and try to insist the President only use them after 9:00 P.M. when the rates are cheaper.

I understand Clintin is gonna try a new tactic with fund raising in an effort to comply with the law. You know how we have all these events for charity -- walk for this or run for that, etc.

Well, they're planning on holding a 10 K run, but for campaign funds. Already a lot of the biggest contributors want to know if their butlers may run for them.

And now it also seems Clintin and co-President Hillary are concerned that they're gonna have to leave Washington DC when their term's over.

They're trying to organize the Mother of all Fund Raisers to see if they can purchase Washington DC outright, so they can stay on.

The President planned a news conference this week to try to calm the jitters of the investors over Wall Street's antics. He had planned to have a lot of charts and graphs to show everything was alright.

The session had to be canceled though. Seems Chelsea took all the crayons in the White House with her when she went away to college.

NOTE: "Clintin" not only expresses an opinion but is the way the man's
             name is pronounced here in Mare-Lynn (Maryland).

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