HUMOR Digest - 6 Nov 1997 to 7 Nov 1997

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 04:58:28 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Girl Talk

"My professional and my personal lives have become way too intertwined." the stewardess told her fellow stew. "Last night my husband nudged me awake, and began to make love. Without giving it a thought, I said, 'Welcome Aboard'."

"Oh Gloria, you've just got to tell all." said the girl to her friend, after she had spent the night with a TV evangelist.

"Well, let's just leave it go at this..." Gloria replied. "His viewing audience isn't the only thing he overstates the size of."

Two Yuppettes were enjoying a liquid lunch and an exchange of confidences. "Be honest now Maria," said the one, "is your sex life still the same after five years of marriage."

"Oh, surely." Maria replied, "Weak in and Weak out."

"Harry is just too much the pilot." the stewardess confided to a sister crew member the morning after their layover. "When he attempted a second take-off with me last night, he couldn't gain any altitude at all."

"I tell ya Marge, Dennis tells me I should be grateful for his having brought me to four climaxes the other night."

"Well, aren't you ?" her friend asked, puzzled.

"I'm not so sure. He's a video taping buff and three of the four were replays."

"You're always so mean to your husband." the senorita told the matador's wife. "I should think you'd be proud."

"Oh sure. Shows how much you know. Pedrito has been awarded bulls' ears, tails, and hooves. If just once he'd get some part he could really use !"

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