HUMOR Digest - 13 Nov 1997 to 14 Nov 1997

Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 03:54:43 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Childbirth

After the birth of his wife's fifth child, a friend of mine received a letter of congratulations from the Howard County Planned Parenthood Association, along with a card he was to return should he ever need their services in the future.

My friend sent back the card with this notation: "Where the Hell were you people when I really needed you ?"

Wife, knitting tiny garment, to husband: "Oh, I meant to tell you. It was't psychosomatic after all."

I've always believed in religious tolerance, even when someone was totally wrong and had no idea in the world what they were talking about.

I mean take the Catholics for example, even in the 90's, the Pope is still endorsing only the "rhythm method" for birth control.

As our planet becomes more crowded and our resources shrink, I have noticed a trend towards name calling. Some people are really bad-mouthing Catholics for adhering to their beliefs.

Well, I think it should stop ! Let's call these Catholics who do follow their beliefs & practice the rhythm method what they really are -- Parents !

Man on park bench to small boy: "And whose little population explosion are you ?"

When first introduced in the 60's, birth control pills were pretty much considered near 100% effective. One lady who'd been on the pill for over a year got pregnant anyway.

She gave birth to a healthy baby boy who was born grinning ear to ear instead of crying, and the doctor was amazed. He'd never seen anything like it. He called some of his colleagues in at once to have a look.

Upon closer examination they noticed the baby had his lil' hand clenched in a fist. A doctor reached down and opened it.

Inside the tiny hand was a birth control pill.

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