HUMOR Digest - 10 Dec 1997 to 11 Dec 1997

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 03:52:32 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Moore Wedded Bliss

When I married Mrs JimJr, naturally there were both friends and family at the wedding. At the reception, some buddies gathered around and expressed amazement that I had finally decided to "settle down".

One asked if I weren't afraid that she'd find out someday how wild a life I had actually led. And I assured him that I had confessed 'everything' to her.

"What honesty !" said one guy.

"What courage !" said another.

"What a memory !!!" said yet another.

The newlyweds were honeymooning at the seashore. As they walked arm-in-arm along the beach, the young groom looked poetically out to sea and the dark blue sky. "Roll on, thou deep and dark ocean, roll on."

His bride gazed at the waves for a moment, then in hushed tones gasped, "Oh Freddie, you wonderful man, it's doing it."

Three old maids lived together and each owned a cat which was kept in the house for fear it would go "tom-catting".

Much to their surprise, one of the women got married, and while still on her honeymoon sent an e-mail to the other two: "You can keep your cats in the house if y'all want, but please let mine out."

The Naval Aviator returned to his station and announced, "I just got my girl to say 'yes'." to the other pilots.

After a chorus of congratulations, the Chaplain said, "When's the wedding ?"

The pilot, with a puzzled look on his face said, "Wedding ? What wedding ???"

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