HUMOR Digest - 19 Dec 1997 to 20 Dec 1997

Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 03:44:50 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: The 90's - An Update

There's a report circulating that an entrepreneur has a plan to set-up weight-guessing stands in the College Pubs springing up all over the Country.

I guess it could be referred to as a "Weigh-a-Lay plan".

I notice that some of the TV networks are planning to bring back "Adult Westerns" to the tube. From what I understand, the Cowboys will still love their horses and all, but now, they'll be very concerned about it.

The newest game in San Francisco among the gay set these days is something called "Pansy Poker". The way it's played is Queens are wild, and straights don't count.

And of course, y'all have heard about the French convertible now on the market -- the top stays up, but the driver goes down.

The latest catch phrase I've heard for a virgin Native American girl is a "Wouldn't Indian".

College kids are also bringing back a phrase from the 60's too -- "Operation Head Start".

Back then, it was a program to help kids get a leg up on education. Well, these days it still involves getting a leg up (so to speak) but now... it refers to foreplay.

And these days everybody's gotta have a fancy title too. People who run male-escort-service agencies used to be called Managers.

Now, they wantta be known as "Staff Directors".

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