HUMOR Digest - 5 Jan 1998 to 6 Jan 1998

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 05:10:49 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Moore Quickies

Personally, I've always thought of a chaperone as a person too old to make the team, but still in there intercepting passes.

And a word to the ladies about their appearance.

Seems to me, it's far more important to have your "no's" fixed before you worry about fixing your "nose".

Just took another of those inane "Is Your Marriage A Success" tests.
As usual, a "Did you ever cheat on your wife" question was on it.
I mean, "DUH !"... who else am I gonna cheat on ?

Girls who look good in the best places generally get taken there.

Most of the time, your conscience doesn't really keep ya from doing anything wrong.

It just prevents you from enjoying the experience to the fullest extent.

When ya think about it, the only thing men can look down on and approve of at the same time is a plunging neckline.

An optimist is a man who looks forward to marriage and kids.

A pessimist is a married man with kids.

So often I find a woman's kisses leave something to be desired --

Like the rest of her, for example.

The best way to approach a woman with a past is with a present.

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